Alright Guys...Help Me Out Here! What's Your Opinion?!

maryhappy456 Posts: 27 Member
So? I've always wondered this...and be honest...what body type do you find most attractive on a girl? It's always conflicting for me because I'm 5'8...135 and a more muscular type...BUT my goal is around 110. So obviously I want to be a more thin type.
I'm not getting opinions and losing weight because I want whatever body type will get male attention...but I seriously have always been curious. Do guys like skinny, muscular, or curvy?


  • soxmandan
    soxmandan Posts: 26
    Depends on the guy. I personally prefer a curvy type, some cushin for the pushin lol
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I think you should learn to love the body "type" you are born with. You can be thinner or heavier, but, the basic shape / type is genetic, you should learn to be healthy and just love yourself. There are guys that are attracted to every body-type.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Probably depends on who you ask......what's inside is more important : )
  • MB1967
    MB1967 Posts: 94 Member
    I`ve always preferred women with just the hint of "curves"..
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    I like curves, but not fat... if that makes sense. That classic hourglass figure I suppose. Skinny girls make me wanna give them a cookie or something. LOL.
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    My husband prefers curvy women (especially on the bottom half) but he also loves a really toned (but feminine) body :love:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I agree with the other replies. Everyone is different in what they like. My husband loves my small, athletic build. I say "small" because I don't consider myself short... just fun-sized. ;-)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So? I've always wondered this...and be honest...what body type do you find most attractive on a girl? It's always conflicting for me because I'm 5'8...135 and a more muscular type...BUT my goal is around 110. So obviously I want to be a more thin type.
    I'm not getting opinions and losing weight because I want whatever body type will get male attention...but I seriously have always been curious. Do guys like skinny, muscular, or curvy?

    I personally prefer athletic women with strong legs, thicker developed quads is pretty hot. Professional female dancers (ballerina's, etc) usually have pretty smokin' bods. They're usually muscular and a little curvey.

    I don't like twiggy legs.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I've always wondered myself......and for the same reason as you, just curious. I could care less whether they like my curves or not. Take 'em or leave 'em.
  • KarieRod
    KarieRod Posts: 15
    At my skinniest, 175, I was dumped because I was too big for him. That's alright, cause if I woulda lost more weight, then he wouldn't have been my type!
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    It's really different for every guy. I find a pretty face attractive more than anything, but I'd have to say that somewhere between skinny and muscular is where I'd stand. I don't like someone who is extremely small, or someone who has muscles that I do, just an all around balanced body really. But most of all, a nice personality, because it doesn't matter what someone looks like on the outside, they can be a complete **** which makes them ugly to me =-P
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I just like nice women with a cute body... I guess I am sort of a dog... whoof whoof :smile:
  • mleipe
    mleipe Posts: 54
    "I like a girl with a bit of meat on her bones. These supermodels, can you imagine? It must be like going to bed with a bicycle!" - Billy Connolly
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    my fiance prefers a soft but toned hourglass, I told him my goal weight and he was like no way haha to skinny for him. I told him I'll stop when I feel I look my healthiest. I myself Love a classic hourglass
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    So? I've always wondered this...and be honest...what body type do you find most attractive on a girl? It's always conflicting for me because I'm 5'8...135 and a more muscular type...BUT my goal is around 110. So obviously I want to be a more thin type.
    I'm not getting opinions and losing weight because I want whatever body type will get male attention...but I seriously have always been curious. Do guys like skinny, muscular, or curvy?

    At 5'8" 140 would be ideal. 110lbs would not be attractive to most guys on someone 5'8", my wife is 120 at 5'4" and a size 4-5. 110 would not be healthy, or attractive at your height (you would have no muscle or curves at that weight). Please re-consider your goals, maybe aim for a lower BF% instead of a low number on the scale.

    I prefer women with some curves but also have an athletic look to them as well.
  • flabfighter31
    flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
    My husband says me so i am guessing the curvy type he likes something he can hold onto and have no fear of breaking in half hee hee at least i know my friends are out of the running there . I asked i few of my friends (male) out of five 3 says curves as they are more likely to stay in a relationship with(i think they meant themself) and the other 2 love the whole wafer thin type but they are players and i don't think has ever had a single relationship in there lifes(lasting longer than a week i'm being kind here) so i think it depends on what stage they are at in there lifes on what they want . I know you thought only women could be complicated so wrong. hope this helps.
  • RichardWhitman
    RichardWhitman Posts: 105 Member
    BE the size YOU WANT TO BE. Period.

    And the right guy will fall in love with you for who you are inside.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    There is not "one" size or shape that appeals to me.
    It is the person and the overall picture regarding her personality and looks.

    In general I like a lady to look like a lady not a teenage boy.
    Curves are good,like hips and a nice butt.
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    so i know this isn't super scientific, but if you put your stats into this website it says that your ideal weight should be 130.

    i also feel the need to point out that you're already at a terrific weight for your height! your BMI is already at the lower end of the "healthy" BMI range, so you should really start focusing on toning up and not so much on losing more weight. 110 pounds for a woman of your height is WAY below what is considered healthy, and guys like girls who are healthy! You're tall - embrace it, you have to remember that height plays a huge factor in your weight!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    There is not "one" size or shape that appeals to me.
    It is the person and the overall picture regarding her personality and looks.

    In general I like a lady to look like a lady not a teenage boy.
    Curves are good,like hips and a nice butt.

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