Hi & Help Me Please

afranco999 Posts: 8 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm new to this app and this whole lifestyle of being more healthy. My main focus is to get healthy but also loose some belly fat. Tone my legs and raise my buttocks. I would like to gain some muscle on my lower half. I have no idea on how to do any of this so any help or recommendations will help. Thanks! Hope to hear from you guys.


  • sasg46
    sasg46 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am sherry , and 53 years old. new to this app too. I have only been dieting and exercising for 4 days now. It's harder when your older to lose weight because your metabolism slows, I am 170 and want to get back down 125. Best of luck to you. Feel free to add me.
  • abraham11982
    abraham11982 Posts: 8 Member
    Those are awesome goals! I had lost over 60 pounds at one point a few years ago and have kept off the fat, this app helped me out more then anything. Great luck on your goals, I'll add you
  • Bossmom32
    Bossmom32 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Michelle. I am some what new to this. I want to lose not for someone. But for myself. Some times I feel discouraged.. Do anyone have any advice. I'm 31 and weigh 202..
  • meganmac812
    meganmac812 Posts: 8 Member
    Bossmom32 wrote: »
    Hi. My name is Michelle. I am some what new to this. I want to lose not for someone. But for myself. Some times I feel discouraged.. Do anyone have any advice. I'm 31 and weigh 202..

    I am in the same situation, I am 32 though and I weigh about the same. The only thing I can suggest is a food scale, and portion control. Also eat every 3 hours and try taking a spoonful of coconut oil in the morning and swallowing it - it's supposed to help with weight loss. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • jpoutney
    jpoutney Posts: 30 Member
    Always looking for new friends to keep me motivated and to help motivate! I am 38, happily married with 3 kids, have a dog, am an RN (so "know" what I should do to be healthy) and recently diagnosed as hypothyroid (my challenge in the metabolic realm). Everyone feel free to add me too!
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I would suggest focusing on tracking for a bit. With a food scale. That will give you some insight on what could easily be removed AND help you make informed dcisions when you are putting food in your mouth.

    I gotta say, my Ceasar Salad, which I thought was a healthier choice comparatively, smacked me upside the head today with a whopping 570 calories.
  • dbmeyers23
    dbmeyers23 Posts: 39 Member
    I think if you haven't really lifted weights before...find a local gym that will teach you how to properly squat, deadlift and press. Once you learn these movements with a decent diet you will be shocked how your body responds! Feel free to add me if you like.