21 Day Fix - To Do or Not To Do

Someone I know who's experiencing the same difficulties I am and trying to eat healthy and get in shape is encouraging me to try the 21 Day Fix. Any thoughts about this? Have any of you tried it with success or regret? Any other advice?


  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    21 Day Fix works.... but it made me become so neurotic about putting my foods in the containers that I was brought to hysterics over the thought of going out to eat for a grandmother's birthday. Something it has taken me a year and a 30lb gain to get over. As a survivor of the Beachbody Coach phenomena, It's a good program but if you're not 100% into it, then don't bother.
  • 6pkdreamer
    6pkdreamer Posts: 180 Member
    IF you exercising on an almost daily basis already- then maybe Ok just for heck of it.
    IF you are largely sedentary with only occasional exercise- Definitely NOT
    38 years or 13870 days to get where you are NOW- Not a good idea to "fix" in 21 days.
    21 DAY FIX is not a lifestyle you can maintain no matter how tempting it sounds!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Do the workout dvds, but ignore the containers. Find what your calorie intake should and log food on MFP. If you can, try to get the dvds on eBay.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I vote not to do.
  • Jamiempang
    Jamiempang Posts: 39 Member
    I'm not into the container system. It doesn't really teach you what you should learn to make it a lifestyle. The workouts are nice though, I just prefer counting calories and macros and actually learning about what foods I love and how I can fit them into my daily routine.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Super expensive Tupperware. Buy a food scale instead. Much more useful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    Costco sells 20 assorted color and size food storage containers for $15. And that's what 21 day fix is based on.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    jpoutney wrote: »
    Someone I know who's experiencing the same difficulties I am and trying to eat healthy and get in shape is encouraging me to try the 21 Day Fix. Any thoughts about this? Have any of you tried it with success or regret? Any other advice?

    It depends on what your difficulties are. 21 day fix is basically an expensive, badly named, rigid but not unhealthy, method of imposing portion control.

    What are those difficulties? Maybe we could try brainstorming.
  • vzteacher
    vzteacher Posts: 2 Member
    I LOVE the workouts! I use MFP to keep track of my calories, so I don't use the container system. However, I really enjoy the workouts. (Well, except for upper body day. I HATE upper body day! ;) ) I like that each workout is 30 minutes long and that there is a new target each day: Total Body Cardio, Upper Body, Lower Body, Pilates, etc. Each day is different, and I love that!

    Yes, it's got a crappy name, because we all know you can't "fix" your body in 21 days. However, if you do multiple rounds of it, and I have, you WILL see a difference. I think the important thing is that this "system" will get you in a routine, and once you're in that routine, you can move beyond the 30 minute workout. (Like TurboFire, which is SO much fun, but has longer workouts).

    Oh! For the record, I am NOT a Beachbody coach nor have I ever been one. I just love and enjoy some of their workouts.
  • drpsamin
    drpsamin Posts: 265 Member
    Do the workout but not the container system. This is what got me back into eating well and fitness again after I got so ridiculously over weight.
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    I was so overwhelmed and frustrated by the container system that I lasted two days. I enjoyed the workouts for those two days, but then my DVD started skipping and I took it as a sign that this wasn't the program for me. I'd much rather weigh my veggies on a food scale than try to cram as many as possible into whatever color container.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    They have a similar program for sale at Walmart for $10. The only thing that you don't get with it are the workout DVD's. If you really feel the need to try it I would go that route.
  • MTDDS18
    MTDDS18 Posts: 62 Member
    Another vote for do the workouts, if you'd like. But save your money and track your eating on MFP.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    even the workouts unless free aren't worth it.

    fitnessblender.com has the same thing and it's free.
  • joannveras186
    joannveras186 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok a lot of people here did not read or do research this diet works for multiple reasons! First of all they give u a specific food list that works because it's healthy food that targets specific fat burning and etc. then basically the containers are for portion control which so many of us lack measure your food then place it in another container eventually you will learn how to use portion control without them that's the point. You can practice any exercise regimen and it will work. Obviously if u need to lose a lot of weight reatart every 21 days until you reach ur goal!!! But this diet WORKS 100%
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    edited April 2016
    Ok a lot of people here did not read or do research this diet works for multiple reasons! First of all they give u a specific food list that works because it's healthy food that targets specific fat burning and etc.
    Unfortunately there are NO FOODS that target and burn fat. Actually eating less than one needs to does regardless of food choices will do.
    then basically the containers are for portion control which so many of us lack
    Which is why MFP works
    measure your food then place it in another container eventually you will learn how to use portion control without them that's the point. You can practice any exercise regimen and it will work. Obviously if u need to lose a lot of weight reatart every 21 days until you reach ur goal!!! But this diet WORKS 100%
    ANY DIET works IF one does CICO and basically portion control for many, is that. One doesn't have to spend a ton of money for assorted size Tupperware though.
    And why would one "restart" every 21 days?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • jpoutney
    jpoutney Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks guys. Yeah, sounds too militaristic for me...and I don't want my kids seeing all the tupperware and me going mad over portions. MFP has helped a lot with portion control so that by dinner, I know exactly what and how much to put on my plate. I don't log in front of my kids; just want them to see Mom eating better and exercising and feeling great. My friend is a BeachBody Coach by the way, but honestly she's just wanting to help. Wasn't pushing it on me. Our stories were just so similar and that's what worked for her.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited April 2016
    jpoutney wrote: »
    Thanks guys. Yeah, sounds too militaristic for me...and I don't want my kids seeing all the tupperware and me going mad over portions. MFP has helped a lot with portion control so that by dinner, I know exactly what and how much to put on my plate. I don't log in front of my kids; just want them to see Mom eating better and exercising and feeling great. My friend is a BeachBody Coach by the way, but honestly she's just wanting to help. Wasn't pushing it on me. Our stories were just so similar and that's what worked for her.

    If you want to try the workouts, I'm sure you can find them on eBay or online somewhere (yes, I'm talking illegal download). I don't have it, but doesn't Beachbody have an online system now? I think you get the first 30 days free, so you could check out the workouts and see if you like them. Also, look up Autumn Calabrese on Youtube. She has some short workouts, and that way you can see if you like her teaching style.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    jpoutney wrote: »
    Thanks guys. Yeah, sounds too militaristic for me...and I don't want my kids seeing all the tupperware and me going mad over portions. MFP has helped a lot with portion control so that by dinner, I know exactly what and how much to put on my plate. I don't log in front of my kids; just want them to see Mom eating better and exercising and feeling great. My friend is a BeachBody Coach by the way, but honestly she's just wanting to help. Wasn't pushing it on me. Our stories were just so similar and that's what worked for her.

    I did it before and don't regret it, but now that I'm using MFP I don't think I'll ever do the program again. If you are measuring/weighing your food already and doing well calorie counting, then I don't think you'd get much from it. What I liked about it was that I really only used the containers the first day and ended up weighing food and using the containers as measuring cups thereafter. I quickly learned it was about focusing on lean proteins, complex carbs, veggies and fruits. It trained me to eat A LOT more vegetables and I found myself quite satisfied and healthy feeling. The workouts were okay, but nothing special. I found the food focus to be the most unique thing about the program and loved how it got me eating more nutritionally packed foods.

    I didn't last the full 21 days because frankly I missed popcorn, cheese, hummus, nuts, and junk food. Having either 2 tbsp of hummus OR a serving of nuts OR some cheese - I couldn't last. And I can enjoy those things while I calorie count still. MFP kind of un-21dayfixed my brain so that I didn't feel guilty having chocolate or milk in my coffee or chips... I just now weight/measure and track and still lose.

    And there are times I'm tempted to go back to the program to clean up my eating a bit (ie: start eating more veggies or cut back on empty calories) but then I think "I can just start telling myself to have 5 servings of vegetables today and that gives me exactly what the 21 day fix gave me."