21 Day Fix - To Do or Not To Do



  • ashleyjongepier
    ashleyjongepier Posts: 130 Member
    Honestly, I would just use MFP and fitnessblender on youtube.
  • ehrenlynae7
    ehrenlynae7 Posts: 63 Member
    If you want a 30 day free trial you can sign up for Beachbody on Demand. It has a lot of the complete older programs on there (Insanity, P90X, ect) and you can preview the newer programs before you buy (preview: one full workout from each of the newer programs is on demand). If you keep on demand it's 2.99/wk (bills quarterly) - and if you choose to order a new program it's also in your online library. That is where I get my workouts.

    21 day fix is poorly named. It's just like any other program except being 60 days or 90 days it's 21 days. People that say "restart" gives the MLM haters fuel. After 21 days you do another round or move on to something else. There is someone who modifies the difficult moves so if you aren't used to working out its can be an easier shorter program to ease into a fitness plan.

    I have done the portion containers but prefer to log my food. CICO has been successful for me and I'm not switching up my system that's getting me result.

    *not a coach - just like the BB workout programs. I've done a lot of free programs before and after a while you are getting what you pay for.
  • esdownie
    esdownie Posts: 5 Member
    I do a lot of Beachbody workouts, but do not use the Shakeology program or food containers. I like 21 Day Fix, Turbo Fire, Hard Corps, T25 and P90X/3, but my favorite is Les Mills Combat! To watch what I eat, I read nutrition labels and use MFP to track my food/habits. I work out at least 30 minutes a day, Monday through Friday and rest on the weekends... unless I'm feeling spunky! :smile:

    My co-worker and workout buddy is a Beachbody coach and she doesn't pressure me to do anything. If she did, we wouldn't be friends! LOL! If you feel that you DO want a Beachbody coach, one who doesn't pressure and only supports, let me know and I will give you her name (you CAN choose which coach you want when you create an account with Beachbody). I do it without a coach, so it isn't necessary to have one.

    You have to do what YOU want to do. Only do what you feel good doing and don't overdo it. Stick to YOUR goals, and not someone else's! I guess what I'm trying to say is, do what works best for YOU and remember... you won't know if it is for you until you try it! Good luck!
  • laurelh8
    laurelh8 Posts: 38 Member
    I can't imagine having to wash all those little containers every day. That would drive me crazy.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Ok a lot of people here did not read or do research this diet works for multiple reasons! First of all they give u a specific food list that works because it's healthy food that targets specific fat burning and etc. then basically the containers are for portion control which so many of us lack measure your food then place it in another container eventually you will learn how to use portion control without them that's the point. You can practice any exercise regimen and it will work. Obviously if u need to lose a lot of weight reatart every 21 days until you reach ur goal!!! But this diet WORKS 100%

    Strong first post. Let me guess, you are a "coach"?

    There are no foods that target fat burning. That is just nonsense. For portion control, one could just use a kitchen scale. No need for someone to spend tons of money on overpriced Tupperware.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I have a bit of a Tupperware fetish, so I have to admit that all those neat little containers appeal to me. I think the program is better than most in terms of focusing on portion control rather than a magic pill, but it still doesn't truly teach you how to weigh and measure foods for the long term. I assume you won't be taking your containers with you to a family gathering or out for dinner, so they have a very limited use.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Of course it will work. Every programme which asks you to eat on a calorie deficit (21 fix does that using the containers) and asks you to workout as well will work if you follow it (kinda obvious, isn't it?)
    Just don't know why you'd want to pay money for this. You can eat less calories and exercise for free.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited April 2016
    If you want to try it - look it up on Pinterest. All the measurements, food lists, and calorie guides are there. Buy your own (dollar store) containers and mark the measurement with a Sharpie.

    For me, I can't see using this. I don't eat just "ingredients," I eat recipes and premade food too. 21DF does have recipes, but have to use 1/2 of this container, 1/4 of that. Then you're stuck with keeping a worksheet with all your partial container amounts. It's basically a rip-off of the old Weight Watcher Exchanges.....just much less versatile.

    MFP (and a food scale) is great for ALL things.
  • sunshyneson
    sunshyneson Posts: 11 Member
    Love the workouts... got me started on my journey and I'm thankful that I did them! I never did the containers though as it seemed like a lot of work. I just log in MFP and watch my macros. Figure out what macros you need and do it that way IMO. Good luck! :)
    P.S. Weigh your food if possible because measuring containers are NOT accurate!!! They are way off and a lot of people not seeing results even though logging calories suffer from inaccurate measurements (me as well!).
  • HealthierRayne
    HealthierRayne Posts: 268 Member
    edited April 2016
    if you really are curious about it, do a quick google search, you can find the entire nutritional program for free online with a little bit of effort on your part. I do agree with others about the workouts - there are so many free options online, youtube has a lot to chose from and a lot of plans you can follow. Why spend money when you can get the same or very similar for $0.

    The containers, I think are silly but the concept is not much different than what a lot of people follow with MFP - only eat a certain amount each day and try and pick healthier foods. People always say to weigh and measure your food for accuracy on MFP, that the idea behind 21 day fix, portions portions portions. I don't need a green container to fill my veggies with, the measuring cups/spoons/scale I already have in my kitchen works just fine.

    Personally I am following the food plan because I find it helps me concentrate more on healthier foods and just use my own measuring cups/containers etc - the calories are in line with what MFP recommends and I log the food here.
  • MommaChubs79
    MommaChubs79 Posts: 10 Member
    I have done almost every "diet" or system out there, and I have found that counting calories has worked best for me. I think each individual person is different, so what works for one may not work for others. I did the 21 day fix and didn't lose weight, but felt a whole lot better. I had more energy and didn't get hungry. So it depends on your ultimate goal I think.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Ok a lot of people here did not read or do research this diet works for multiple reasons! First of all they give u a specific food list that works because it's healthy food that targets specific fat burning and etc. then basically the containers are for portion control which so many of us lack measure your food then place it in another container eventually you will learn how to use portion control without them that's the point. You can practice any exercise regimen and it will work. Obviously if u need to lose a lot of weight reatart every 21 days until you reach ur goal!!! But this diet WORKS 100%

    By any chance are you a beach body coach??
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    get a food scale, its cheaper.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Ok a lot of people here did not read or do research this diet works for multiple reasons! First of all they give u a specific food list that works because it's healthy food that targets specific fat burning and etc. then basically the containers are for portion control which so many of us lack measure your food then place it in another container eventually you will learn how to use portion control without them that's the point. You can practice any exercise regimen and it will work. Obviously if u need to lose a lot of weight reatart every 21 days until you reach ur goal!!! But this diet WORKS 100%

    So much no on all the bolded. Foods are not for fat burning. No one can live their life forever with a food list. Does a slice of pizza fit into the containers?

    People have to restart the diet because it doesn't teach them anything about life after the 21 days.
  • jpoutney
    jpoutney Posts: 30 Member
    Looks like it should maybe be called the 21-day Kick Start instead. Think I'm gonna pass. Appreciate all the tips guys - thanks!!!