Burning fat not muscle question??



  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Ok I've been looking into kettle bell exercises and it looks like fun actually! I did do tabata for a while and I enjoyed that and it looks similar. So how many times do I need to do a kettle bell workout? Is three times a week enough?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Ok I've been looking into kettle bell exercises and it looks like fun actually! I did do tabata for a while and I enjoyed that and it looks similar. So how many times do I need to do a kettle bell workout? Is three times a week enough?

    that is lots.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Is it? How many is ok? I was thinking every other day x
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Is it? How many is ok? I was thinking every other day x

    depending on the size and the exercise. Find a program you like or want to try...don't just start lifting them...

    Try it out and if it works stay with it increasing reps and/or weight each week.

    Here is a sample one I googled really quick.


    Or try www.fitnessblender.com and see what they have.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    Some good research lately (Stuart M Phillips) suggests that high protein intake can conserve lean mass even with large deficits (40% of TDEE) and high levels of exercise. His number was 2.4 g/kg body weight--which is kind of a ridiculous number if you are eating in the 1200-1500 calories/day range. But depending on your other activity, you might be able to slow or minimizing muscle loss. I am currently working with a someone who has lost 28 pounds since Jan 3. For medical reasons, he can't do any resistance training, just cardio. He is not eating super high protein, but he is getting 100g per day. So far, out of the 28 pounds, only 2lb loss is muscle. If you can't do resistance training, then keeping protein intake high is going to be the biggest help.


    I was thinking of this study while reading the OP.

    Protein, full body resistance training if you can...

    Eat more so that you are not losing more than 1 lb a week at this point. Maybe even .5 lb/week depending on how much you have left to lose.

    Obviously, it's just one study, so it's not conclusive. But it's always important to test our assumptions, and this certainly suggests using some caution before repeating the same old slogans.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Hi yes I have seen that and been looking at vids too, seems good but I'm not going to up my calorie intake as I still need to loose weight. TBH I need to be under 185lbs for an operation do that's what I'm focusing on, I got a massive telling off from some 'jobs worth' nurse for being 191lbs.. Anyway I am going to add that and see how I go. By the way I'm 5'7 and I'd say a medium build. Big bum, thighs and breasts - very womanly if that makes a difference haha???!!!??
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member

    Obviously, it's just one study, so it's not conclusive. But it's always important to test our assumptions, and this certainly suggests using some caution before repeating the same old slogans.

    My goal on MFP is 75g, should I not stick to that? I am often a few grams over

  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Yi5hedr3 wrote: »
    Waking burns mostly fat, although not a whole lot. .7 to .8 grams protein per pound of Lean Body Mass is plenty to protect existing muscle. To burn more fat, keeping carbs low (under 100 grams/day) will help a bunch. Any time insulin spikes, fat burning grinds to a halt. Read "The Rosedale Diet" to better understand this. "Why we get Fat" - Gary Taubes is another great read! :)

    Just say no to Gary Tuabes.


    And Joseph Mercola recommends the Rosedale Diet.


  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,857 Member
    eat more protein and add a couple strength training days into your workouts. if your not looking to gain muscle, it doesnt have to be heavy lifting, but like jillian micheals 30 day shread is good, or i love p90x. also eat 1200 at least.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    This too. I was trying to remember where to find this table. OP if you are losing more than what is recommended here, there is a good chance you are losing muscle AND fat. You seem resistant to eating more / slowing your weight loss. That's your personal choice, just keep in mind you might lose muscle as well.

    asimenson1 wrote: »
    eat more protein and add a couple strength training days into your workouts. if your not looking to gain muscle, it doesnt have to be heavy lifting, but like jillian micheals 30 day shread is good, or i love p90x. also eat 1200 at least.

    It's incredibly difficult for a woman eating in a deficit to gain muscle, even lifting heavy, so this idea that a woman should stay away from lifting heavy out of fear of it is silly. Google image search for plenty of women out there who lift heavy, like Jamie Eason comes to mind. Sure when she is cutting and prepping for a competition she can look very muscular (though still not big) but there are plenty of photos of her relaxed and you can bet that's how she looks 9 times out of 10. And she lifts heavy and has her own routines on Bodybuilding.com.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    asimenson1 wrote: »
    eat more protein and add a couple strength training days into your workouts. if your not looking to gain muscle, it doesnt have to be heavy lifting, but like jillian micheals 30 day shread is good, or i love p90x. also eat 1200 at least.

    @asimenson1 heavy lifting does not build muscle unless you are trying with a calorie surplus...and then it has to be a progressive load lifting program.

    resistance training is good.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2016
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Ok a few questions to answer!!

    Firstly my food diary is correct, I weigh 183lbs and want to loose another 43lbs.

    I personally don't understand how much someone can eat? To me I am full and that's that? I'm not purposely eating a very low calorie diet btw

    We do have some 6kg kettle bells but have no idea what exercises would help me and how often/how long I need to do them for? Call me sexist but I thought weights etc were 'man things' - that's probably down to my experiences in a gym!!!

    Thankyou everyone xx

    That's where I was when I got here (or there abouts)

    I ate 1600 calories a day and lost 1lb a week for months...(that included eating back all my exercise calories)

    MFP is setup for you to enter your stats and weekly weight loss goal to get the number of calories to eat to lose the weight you want. MFP is also setup so you eat back exercise calories...so if you burn 151 you get to eat more food.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    I did look at your diary and what I see is not a lot of calorie dense choices. You could easily eat more calories by eating a piece of pizza or a chocolate bar or a beer. If those don't thrill you put avocado on stuff, use butter and olive oil to cook in.

    It's about eating all the food you can and still losing the weight you want...not eating so little you are losing muscle along with the fat.

    Exercise is not required for weight loss. If you want to exercise for fitness and help retain some muscle look up I am my own gym or www.fitnessblender.com for some works outs.

    AS for lifting weights I do...4x a week...big weights. They are not man things they are fitness equipment to be used to help retain muscle, build strength and keep us fit.

    Call me silly if you want but surely pizza, beer etc aren't good for you? I love those foods by the way but will avoid them for my weight loss? Hubby does that as well?

    The other thing is, I don't want to slow my weight loss (someone who said that) I need to loose weight for an operation and that is my main goal.

    I like MFP but am I supposed to be eating exactly all the calories it suggests? Even if I've exercised? I am supposed to eat more?

    I loose weight quickly anyway that is true. When I lost weight the first time round I didn't gain anything when I was maintaining. When I got pregnant I gained 7lb in two weeks, however it was triplets. I've not shifted that 7lb yet but I'm working on it again!!

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Ok a few questions to answer!!

    Firstly my food diary is correct, I weigh 183lbs and want to loose another 43lbs.

    I personally don't understand how much someone can eat? To me I am full and that's that? I'm not purposely eating a very low calorie diet btw

    We do have some 6kg kettle bells but have no idea what exercises would help me and how often/how long I need to do them for? Call me sexist but I thought weights etc were 'man things' - that's probably down to my experiences in a gym!!!

    Thankyou everyone xx

    That's where I was when I got here (or there abouts)

    I ate 1600 calories a day and lost 1lb a week for months...(that included eating back all my exercise calories)

    MFP is setup for you to enter your stats and weekly weight loss goal to get the number of calories to eat to lose the weight you want. MFP is also setup so you eat back exercise calories...so if you burn 151 you get to eat more food.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    I did look at your diary and what I see is not a lot of calorie dense choices. You could easily eat more calories by eating a piece of pizza or a chocolate bar or a beer. If those don't thrill you put avocado on stuff, use butter and olive oil to cook in.

    It's about eating all the food you can and still losing the weight you want...not eating so little you are losing muscle along with the fat.

    Exercise is not required for weight loss. If you want to exercise for fitness and help retain some muscle look up I am my own gym or www.fitnessblender.com for some works outs.

    AS for lifting weights I do...4x a week...big weights. They are not man things they are fitness equipment to be used to help retain muscle, build strength and keep us fit.

    Call me silly if you want but surely pizza, beer etc aren't good for you? I love those foods by the way but will avoid them for my weight loss? Hubby does that as well?

    The other thing is, I don't want to slow my weight loss (someone who said that) I need to loose weight for an operation and that is my main goal.

    I like MFP but am I supposed to be eating exactly all the calories it suggests? Even if I've exercised? I am supposed to eat more?

    I loose weight quickly anyway that is true. When I lost weight the first time round I didn't gain anything when I was maintaining. When I got pregnant I gained 7lb in two weeks, however it was triplets. I've not shifted that 7lb yet but I'm working on it again!!

    Are you never going to eat pizza and drink beer again?

    If the answer is yes than by all means don't eat them while losing.

    If the answer is no than you need to figure out how to incorporate foods you love into weight loss...this is not a short term thing.

    losing weight is only the first step then you need to maintain and the easiest way to maintain is to lose weight in a sustainable way, and by that I mean eating the foods you plan on eating when you done losing weight just in smaller portions.

    With MFP you eat the calories it gives you plus at least 50% of the exercise calories yes.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    The other thing is, I don't want to slow my weight loss (someone who said that) I need to loose weight for an operation and that is my main goal.

    Then accept you will probably lose some muscle along with fat. Up protein and resistance training are probably the best things you can do to preserve as much muscle as possible.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    I have a baby on my hip every day and obviously I do lift all day long so that keeps my arms moving.

    Steph, I understand what you mean. We do have a pig out night with a homemade burger and treats etc and we do enjoy that. We eat pizza now but it is homemade, we rarely buy take always. Maybe once a year if that - we've always been like that though. Maybe this is where I should focus, not making everything from scratch and accept a few more calories?!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have a baby on my hip every day and obviously I do lift all day long so that keeps my arms moving.

    Steph, I understand what you mean. We do have a pig out night with a homemade burger and treats etc and we do enjoy that. We eat pizza now but it is homemade, we rarely buy take always. Maybe once a year if that - we've always been like that though. Maybe this is where I should focus, not making everything from scratch and accept a few more calories?!

    don't get me wrong I don't eat out a lot either I cook from scratch a lot...homemade pizza is the bomb...

    YOu do need more calories tho as you are losing muscle and that's what you said you didn't want.

    Try to net at least 1200 calories. By that I mean if you eat 1200 and exercise off 200...have a beer to make it up...or some cheese and crackers...heck a chocolate bar if it is what you crave or want. Or if you burn 400...try eating some ice cream or some thing that will make it up so you are getting in at least 1200.

  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2016
    Thankyou, I will try! Just one more question what if I was to base it on weekly intake? I do have a pig out night which can sometimes be as much as 1600-2000cals before exercise. I am going out tonight and going to have a chicken breast burger with salad and 2 onion rings. Shall I stick with the salad or indulge in fries to make up on weekly calories or is that just too unhealthy!!? I will probably burn about 100 cals today from walking xx
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thankyou, I will try! Just one more question what if I was to base it on weekly intake? I do have a pig out night which can sometimes be as much as 1600-2000cals before exercise. I am going out tonight and going to have a chicken breast burger with salad and 2 onion rings. Shall I stick with the salad or indulge in fries to make up on weekly calories or is that just too unhealthy!!? I will probably burn about 100 cals today from walking xx

    I personally eat about 1500-1800 a day with exercise calories.

    See for me a "good night of eating" is about 2500-3000 :p

    You could just start adding in 100 a day and see how you feel...not all at once or you see the retention of fluids as the muscle starts to fill with missing glycogen...

    Your goal should be to eat as much food as you can and still lose about 1-2lb a week.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    I burnt 135 calories today, I knew it wouldn't be much though so I haven't 'earned' much in extra food for today but over the week I've probably got extra calories so do I have the fries tonight or do I have to base it all on one days food? If that makes sense? Xx
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I burnt 135 calories today, I knew it wouldn't be much though so I haven't 'earned' much in extra food for today but over the week I've probably got extra calories so do I have the fries tonight or do I have to base it all on one days food? If that makes sense? Xx

    absolutely...weight loss doesn't happen because of 1 day...I always look at my week on Friday to see how much wiggle room I have left.

    Have fun.