Help! Does your weight fluctuate as your losing weight



  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
    Pms and bloat get me. I had someone compliment me on my loss and she said I swear you get skinnier everyday, so proud of myself I hopped on the scale and I had gained A LOT. It took a little over a week before I was through the bloat stage and then my weight dropped....I did not log weight until my hormones quit being mean to me. And my pride was knocked down a peg or two. ( still pretty proud of me though)
  • vegasleo79
    vegasleo79 Posts: 63 Member
    Yes. I use the happy scale app, that helps me to care less about day to day fluctuations.
  • Shellymarie604
    Shellymarie604 Posts: 51 Member
    I will have to check that out vegasleo
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I would try only weighing once a week for the time being. I think it will help you not stress so much about the ups and downs. But there will still be weeks that you do everything right and still see a gain. Other times there are questionable/higher calorie weeks and you'll see a loss. It doesn't always make sense, and you won't lose weight every week. Like others said, as long as the overall trend is downward don't worry about it. :)
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Yes you will fluctuate all the time up and down. My suggestion is to weigh every day at the same time, log it, then track a seven day average of your weight. It really flattens out the peaks and valleys and gives you your trend over time.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I have water weight gain at ovulation, premenstrually, after very high sodium meals, and when I start a new exercise regimen. Weighing every day and charting it helps me not freak out about these normal fluctuations.

  • joujito556
    joujito556 Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2016
    perkymommy wrote: »
    Hey everyone. I jumped on the scale today and my weight has gone up even though sticking within guidelines. Anyone else weight fluctuate while losing weight here. I am hoping it is just a bit of water weight.

    "At first mine would fluctuate as much as 2-4 lbs from day to day and week to week. Drove me crazy! Now I will see a good loss and then it will stay at one weight or fluctuate 1-2 lbs from day to day. I hate it but I know I'm at least getting somewhere since I'm losing and not steadily gaining at least. :neutral: "

    And this recommendation:

    "Secondly, look for non-scale victories (NSV) - pay attention to how your clothes fit. pay attention to energy levels. pay attention to how people respond to you. pay attention to how your relationships with food change. As you loose weight gradually, it will be easy to overlook the incremental change, which becomes disheartening. But then, out of nowhere, you'll realize those tight pants are a little too loose! Or a friend will mention that you look healthy and ask what you've been doing. Those little moments... enjoy them!

  • joujito556
    joujito556 Posts: 27 Member
    Exactly!!! I even gained some weight back and hit a wall of not losing for a whole month.... But I didn't give up!!! Then, The scale started changing again and am closer to my goal now ;)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,857 Member
    Yup. Here's another set of points (Red line is the trend; endpoints of vertical bars above/below the trend represent weights). And I'm menopausal, so I don't even have the hormonal fluctuation going on. jsbg3xocxjkf.jpg
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate whether you are gaining, losing or maintaining! As long as you are a living, breathing, drinking, eating, moving & eliminating creature you are a range of weights that reflect your last meal, your recent sleep, your current hormones, the amount of sodium & fiber you've been getting, etc. I like to collect each mornings first fasted & empty weight as a way of measuring fat loss but I wouldn't expect to still weigh that after lunch. And I rarely get up expecting to see the same number on the scale.
    Most weeks for me go something like this:
    Sunday... Last week's middle weight; disappointing! Damn you beer :-(
    Monday...back down to last weeks low... Relief!
    Tuesday... New low weight... Love love love!
    Wednesday... Monday's weight. Oh, you again.
    Thursday... Back to new low. Not so exciting the second time around, huh?
    Friday... 6 oz above new low. Bugger!
    Saturday... 3 oz below yesterday... But look! my weekly average weight is down 12 oz...Go me! ~happy bathroom dance~

  • Countryboy_83
    Countryboy_83 Posts: 946 Member
    Usually my weight jumps 2-5 lbs after a extreme workout from fluid retention but it drops off with a week or 2 along with a couple additional pounds
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I weigh at the same time every day, wearing the same thing. I can eat below maintenance, everyday for a month, eating mostly whole foods and exercising at least 3 days a week, BUT my weight fluctuate within an 8 pound range. On any given day, my weight will fall anywhere within that wide, wide window. Once it even jumped 8 pounds in less than 24 hours! However, it typically works its way up over 3 or 4 days, and then come down over the course of a week. Sometimes I can pin point an activity or food, or series of foods, that cause the fluctuation, but more than 1/2 the time I can't even hazard a guess. I've lost 120 pounds with this up and down thing. People sometimes ask me how much I've lost, and I always have to think and sort of guesstimate what I think it is, within that range. I tend to assume if I'm eating right and below maintenance, and not dehydrated, whatever the last, lowest weight I got, is the right now. If I'm eating too much, I assume it is several pounds above that lowest weight.
  • lll109
    lll109 Posts: 11 Member
    Once had a similar issue and it was a bad digital scale . Try weighing a sack of flour a few times.