Pretty new to this

Hey all! I've gone back and forth over the last few years: great shape, not so great shape and everything in between. Recovering from an injury, so really been trying to watch what goes in my mouth. This is my first time being strict about my diet. Just looking for anybody needing or giving motivation and friends!


  • TiffMHM
    TiffMHM Posts: 3 Member
    I'm the same way. 7 friends and I are in a contest to see who can lose the most weight by June 6th. I have a goal but it seems so hard when I love sugar and to sit on my rear. The struggle is real
  • 4righteousnesssake
    4righteousnesssake Posts: 276 Member
    TiffMHM wrote: »
    I'm the same way. 7 friends and I are in a contest to see who can lose the most weight by June 6th. I have a goal but it seems so hard when I love sugar and to sit on my rear. The struggle is real

    Haha, understand. What are you goals? Mine are to lose 20-30 lbs by... sometime this summer.
  • kyleliermann
    kyleliermann Posts: 156 Member
    Hey I am in the same boat. I was thin got big when I was bodybuilding, got hurt, now trying to lose the weight I gained.
  • 4righteousnesssake
    4righteousnesssake Posts: 276 Member
    Hey I am in the same boat. I was thin got big when I was bodybuilding, got hurt, now trying to lose the weight I gained.

    I gotcha. Well let's do this! I'll shoot you a friend request.