What do you do if you go over your calories?



  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    Nothing, except look into why it happened so I can avoid it next time.

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Record & move on. If it's something I want to remind myself not to eat or drink again I might split it up across the next few days to remind myself on each day's log. My week ends on Saturday, so as long as it's accounted for in the week I ate or drank it I don't care.
  • runshellersrun123
    runshellersrun123 Posts: 21 Member
    I look at the week as a whole, rather than each individual day. So in that case, I would try to stay under by 250 on two subsequent days.
    Ideally, I would exercise it off, by my life circumstances don't really make that easy right now.
  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    Nothing at all. I aim for 1.5 lbs. per week, I actually lose closer to .75-1 lb. per week. Meh, I'm ok with that. I'm over almost everyday.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I might go for an extra long walk with the dogs that night or something, but mostly, I'd probably just move on, try to be more mindful the rest of the week. 500 calories is 1/7 of a pound. It's not going to make or break you.
  • Miel00
    Miel00 Posts: 2 Member
    Record it and try to work it off.