Independence Day from the Old You



  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    checking in for yesterday.

    the treadmill makes my leg hurt like crazy and i'm not sure why so i took another day off from workin out.

    Nutrition: did pretty good fell asleep before i could finish my diary but i am pretty sure i didn't do any hardcore damage. biggie last night tho..My roomie bought a meat lovers pizza last night and when he asked me if i wanted some i almost slugged him. but i said NO!!!! had hominy soup instead LOL

    Exercise: i'll admit i was afraid of the pain in my leg so yeah. another rest day but today its back on the treadmill. :)

    LOL forgot my habit.: drank 96oz of water before i had a cup of milk. :)
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Today was pretty weak. I was an idiot and ate a muffin yesterday (long story, but me and gluten do not get along). Had a lot of stomach pain today and didn't get in a proper workout. I did wander through the mall and buy shorts and a bathing suit. I almost got trapped inside a workout tank I tried on...damn thing wouldn't go back over my head!! I'm low on calories because I couldn't eat my planned lunch and ended up sipping on chicken stock and slurping rice noodles. By dinner I was feeling better so I downed a steak, but left behind the salad and most of the baked potato.

    I'm debating whether or not to make my food diary public. Advantages? Disadvantages?
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Today is double kettlebell light day. Did 6 sets of double swings, snatches, and sessaw presses 5 reps each move, each set. Not a bad one with just 90 seconds rest between each set. Keep up the good work everyone and keep posting.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yo guys - I'm back! Still on this tour, but got a new cell phone battery, so back online at least. Typing from my droid is tough, this will be short.

    Was kind of forced into taking a few rest days in a row due to conditions and time constraints on this tour, but I should be able to get in a solid workout tomorrow. I've been walking as much as possible and plan to jam in some HIIT intervals asap this week. Maybe tomorrow based on time. Only one meal today, working a 36 hour fast into Monday. I'm happy to get my fast back to Sunday's again - it works so much better with my lifestyle.

    More tomorrow! Miss you guys!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Hey guys and girls we did Mason's Choice Cardio from the now extinct One-on-One series. Keep up the good work and enjoy the weekend.

  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Forgot to check in yesterday. Started calorie zig-zagging, a lot of yesterday's calories were from wine! No official exercise yesterday, but I did spend about an hour and a half painting our picket fence. Decided to open my food diary to mfp friends. Super tired today, but powered through my 6W6P dvd.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Hey Jay! Is the One on One ending???? Ugh! I love them!

    I'm on the road in Cincinnati tonight and hit a nice gym earlier. We did StrongLifts 5x5. It was a lot slower than normal since there were 2 of us, so we had to reload the bar every single set. Still fun stuff. After we jump roped for 20 min barefoot interval style, then I walked max incline for 40 min to finish up.

    I had a can of diet pepsi tonight at the gig dammit.... first slip up in a while. It wasn't even good.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Thats what it said in the last one, real bummer right. My coach told me Tony said they are totally concentrating on P90X2 so they are ending the o-o-o.

    I did double kettlebell heavy day and it was brutal 5 sets of double cleans, mil presses, front squats, push presses, and front squats again. 125 reps and i am toast!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Ok busy weekend and not much time to post.... But here is a quick recap of my weekend since i wasnt able to log on much!!! Saturday was a rest day, we hung out on the beach for a couple of hours then went to a friends wedding that was on the beach!!! I have no idea what all i ate so i just did a quick log of 1200 calories... Im sure i over estimated but would rather over estimate than under estimate!!! We got home around 11:30pm and i got in my Asylum Relief and slept like a baby!!!! Sunday was another busy day i got up early and started cleaning up my moms house and decorating for the shower we were throwing at 2pm that day for my Niece-In-Law!!! We had a beach themed shower and it was sooooo much fun!!!! Again i have no idea what i ate at the shower so i did a quick log of 1000 calories this time and again that was an over estimate!!!! After the shower we spent some time with the family then went to see my Aunt who is in the hospital!!! By the time we got home it was 9pm.... we unpacked and then I did Asylum Vert Plyo at 10pm (fyi not fun)!!! In the middle of this workout i got sick (im pretty sure from all the wonderful food i had the past two days) and had to stop for about 10mins.... finally i felt a little better and finished my workout!!! After that i got sick again =( Im feeling better today but I need to realize just cause that nasty food is there i dont have to eat it!!! My stomach just doesnt tolerate that kind of stuff well anymore!!! Anyways that was my weekend in a nut shell!!! How was your weekend???
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Thats what it said in the last one, real bummer right. My coach told me Tony said they are totally concentrating on P90X2 so they are ending the o-o-o.

    I did double kettlebell heavy day and it was brutal 5 sets of double cleans, mil presses, front squats, push presses, and front squats again. 125 reps and i am toast!

    Wow really... i wonder if once they are done with P90X2 if they will start making them again or something like them!!! And Holy Cow Jay on that workout that is Killer!!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Hey Jay! Is the One on One ending???? Ugh! I love them!

    I'm on the road in Cincinnati tonight and hit a nice gym earlier. We did StrongLifts 5x5. It was a lot slower than normal since there were 2 of us, so we had to reload the bar every single set. Still fun stuff. After we jump roped for 20 min barefoot interval style, then I walked max incline for 40 min to finish up.

    I had a can of diet pepsi tonight at the gig dammit.... first slip up in a while. It wasn't even good.

    Great workout Steve!!! And I havent had a soda of any kind the last year and a half but i do take a sip of my husbands from time to time and i always realize im not missing anything!!! Its to sweet to me now!!! But this weekend i did have a couple of glasses of lemonade at a wedding and punch at a shower which is just as bad!!! :-( Think all that sugar is what made me sick last night and still has my stomach feeling uneasy!!! Pure Sugar is the devil!!!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Doesnt sound like they are bringing it back, but that could always change I guess. I am bummed too I like those workouts!

    Gigi way to be a trooper sucks you chirped though. Shaun T shows no mercy though.

    Yea heavy day is just a murderous workout for me.

    On the road for 4 days and speaking of O-o-O I think Im gonna do road warrior tomorrow, I brought some bands with me and I have another lame 20 hour layover in Huntsville.

    Steve how is your new round going?
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Pure sugar is the devil. I agree completely Gina.

    Jay - that's a monster workout!

    I'm getting there slowly. It takes a while to build back up to heavy weights in this system, but I've enjoyed the serious form practice and greasing the groove of the lifts. I'll post up my numbers from the last couple weeks to show progression:

    27 StrongLifts 5x5
    Week 4 Week 3
    6/28/2011 6/26/2011 6/22/2011 6/20/2011
    1 Set 1 5x145 5x140 5x135 5x125
    2 Set 2 5x145 5x140 5x135 5x125
    3 Set 3 5x145 5x140 5x135 5x125
    4 Set 4 5x145 5x140 5x135 5x125
    5 Set 5 5x145 5x140 5x135 5x125
    Bench Press / Shoulder Press
    Shoulder Bench Shoulder Bench
    6 Set 1 5x70 5x115 5x65 5x110
    7 Set 2 5x70 5x115 5x65 5x110
    8 Set 3 5x70 5x115 5x65 5x110
    9 Set 4 5x70 5x115 5x65 5x110
    10 Set 5 5x70 5x115 5x65 5x110
    Barbell Row / Deadlift
    Deads Row Deads Row
    11 Set 1 5x135 5x115 5x125 5x110
    12 Set 2 5x115 5x110
    13 Set 3 5x115 5x110
    14 Set 4 5x115 5x110
    15 Set 5 5x115 5x110
    Front Raise Dips
    1 Set 1 8x25 10
    2 Set 2 8x25 10
    3 Set 3 8x25 10
    Forearm Curl EZ Curls
    4 Set 1 15x20 5x70
    5 Set 2 15x20 7x70
    6 Set 3 15x20 7x70
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    As far as goals go - no diet pop in days, since that one long long travel day Sunday. Been drinking a lot of water, my calories are way down today again, just not been motivated to eat. I'll pick it back up after my I.F. leading to tomorrow.

    I did I.F. from Sunday at 6pm - Monday 4pm
    then another from Monday 2am(ish) - Tuesday 8pm
    I'll eat after the show tomorrow around 3pm, then do my cardio hour in the hotel when I get there sometime around 9pm. I'm beat and have to get up in a few hours - cya guys tomorrow (assuming they have internet at this hotel.)
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Hey all did Road Warrior from O-o-O in the hotel gym with my bands. I brought them this week cause I did the same trip and the gym's were lame in the hotels I'm in this week.
    Gail looks like you had a busy day.
    Steve good luck on the road I know how you feel.

  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Yikes...3 days of forgetting to check in. Good news is, I'm right on track with nutrition, diet and exercise. Done with my second week of push-ups, nearly done with my second week of 6W6P.

    We leave on Sunday for a road trip. I'm going to take my workouts with me and hope I can keep them going, I would hate to let it go for almost 2 weeks.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member

    We finished our tour today, I'm so happy! With only a few days before the 4th, I broke my streak of no diet pop and had a diet mountain dew in the car. I was driving for 6 hours and so sleepy, I couldn't rally. Should have had a coffee, but wanted cold -eh. Tomorrow's the 1st and I'm sleeping my *kitten* in and hitting the beach!

    I worked out today:

    Treadmill (walking 3mph/max incline) 15 min
    Bike (progressive resistance) 15 min
    Elliptical (progressive resistance) 15 min

    all in the hotel gym at 8am because my buddy Joe was meeting me at 9am for a real gym search. The hotel gym only had those crappy cardio machines, so I used them and mixed it up, but we both wanted to lift this morning.

    We went to a hollywood gym and asked about a day pass. It was $15 and we were both too cheap, so we drove around and found a Fitness 19 - when we explained we were just in for the day and in a band, the manager just let us straight in. So cool - no charge at all! Really awesome.

    Joe's doing StrongLifts 5x5 too, but just started last week, so he's on lower weights than me. The deal is, you add 5lbs to every lift, every workout.

    I started my A workout with 95lbs per lift and am up to Squat: 150, Bench: 120, Row: 120 (squat progresses faster due to doing it every single workout.)

    I gotta tell you guys - the 150 squats and bench are getting freaking heavy already! I can't believe it, but with short rests (about 1 min each) I was getting shaky on the last set of each.

    Tomorrow's plan is run on the beach and lounge around and read all day while getting some vitamin D! Other than some diet pop today, everything's been crazy smooth this last week. Usually 2 meals a day around 2200-2400 per day, feeling great.

    Weighing in tomorrow, I'm at 168ish in that pic, 176 earlier this week. I would like to drop to 160 to get my bodyfat down deep to the 6% range and hold it there while I mass slowly for the rest of summer.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Steve 160 are you serious you will be a string bean, lol!
    Ive put on about 5 lbs. Not sure how much is muscle but I can see my belly is bigger now unfortuanately. Not the end of the world I know but still this is how youre supposed to do this and since I dont have a trainer watching my every move and I've never tried to this I have to see what works and what doesnt. I feel good. I gassed after the workouts, did medium today. 100 reps 5 sets of double, high pulls, snatches, mil presses, and front squats. Only 90 seconds of rest now in between sets. Man i miss those extra 30 seconds. But thats one way to increase strenght apparently, decrease rest in between sets. Well see how the next few weeks workout. After this next week I have 2 weeks of vacation from work so I should actually get to do 3 kettlebell workouts thw way Im supposed to. 3 will be at the beach in Cape May, NJ. I brought my ketllebell last year this year will bring 2.

    Have a great weekend everyone! Happy 4th! Sorry Gail if that's a sorespot for those of you in England still.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Yesterday we did Turbo Fire 30 and Abs 10 at fit club. then we did a little Shake n Share!

    Today Kettlebell light day done and tons of stuff to do before the relaxing part of the 4th.
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