Not really new - But haven't introduced myself yet!

Hi all! I haven't gotten around to introducing myself to the community yet because I just didn't know what to say.

When I first joined MFP a couple of months back, I was ready to lose weight, but I had no attack plan. I bounced around on the forums trying to get inspired for a couple of weeks until finally I ran across something that has given me a focus and drive like I have never had.

I have PCOS (poly0cystic ovarian syndrome), and because of that, I struggle to lose weight. Someone mentioned to me that they also had PCOS and the best thing they had found to combat their weight were diets that were low in carbohydrates. Now before all of the low-carb naysayers start typing a response before you've finished reading, just take a moment to understand where I am coming from.

Last year I was in a Biggest Loser style weight loss contest where we met with personal trainers twice a day for an hour (2 hours total). We did intense workouts. We had a dietitian meet with each of us and give us a balanced menu for us to follow. Everyone did absolutely great over the 3 month contest except for 2 people. Myself and the other girl who had PCOS.

Because of the PCOS, my body react the carbs and sugar in a way that starts putting blobs of fat on my body. That is why many PCOS patients are put on metformin. It isnt' because they are diabetic, but it's because the insulin+fat+carbs = disaster. The metformin helped a little with my weight loss, but over a 3 month period I was really only able to lose about 15 pounds. Yes, that is at least weight loss, but in comparison to everyone else who was doing the 3+ workouts and eating the same exact thing as me and I NEVER CHEATED...I felt robbed.

So I started doing some research on low-carb diets and PCOS. I knew I didn't want to be an Atkins (what kind of diet let's you eat pork rinds dipped in cheese dip???). I wanted something that helped with the long-term goal. I knew that often times someone who goes on a low-carb diet tends to put their weight back on when they reintroduce carbs. Which is why with the Atkins diet, you have to stay on it forever.

I ran across a French diet called The Dukan Diet. I did my research online. I looked into medical opinions, both good and bad. I went to the diet's website. And finally, I went and purchased the book. After I got the book, I spent 3 more weeks studying every page of the book and all the resources I could find online. I knew this diet was the one for me. I sat down with my husband after I had all the facts together and talked to him about it. There is no way I would be able to do the diet if he was going to be eating pizza and burgers still. I just wanted him to eat "healthier", but he surprised me and even himself. He wanted to DO the diet with me!

So here we are with 6 days down on the first phase of the diet and I'm down over 10 pounds. I'm not tired. I'm not hungry. Nothing funky is going on with my body. I just feel great. My husband is doing just as great and we have even started a blog together about our weight loss journey!

Now for the reason that I wanted to lose weight. I am 27 years old. I've been married for 5 1/2 years to my husband who will be 40 this year. We have no children yet. It isn't for a lack of trying either. My highest weight was 342 pounds (I'm 5' 7"). That coupled with the PCOS = slim chance of pregnancy and an even slimmer chance of a healthy pregnancy. Let's face it people, I need to get pregnant soon. My husband isn't getting any younger.

So here's to all of the ladies out there with over 100 pounds to lose and building a family on their minds!

**I do want to say that I am not a doctor, and any information I posted about how PCOS could be said wrong :) I don't convey technicalities very well!


  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I think we all need to do what works for us. I am one taht never tracks sugar. Not because I eat a lot of it on purpose or in bad fods, but because my love of milk and fruits sends me over the top every day!! I am working into a life style change, not jsut a weight loss goal. I want to change my eating and exercising for the better and also something I can live with forever!
    I am thrilled for you that you seem to have found soemthing that works for you! And HUGE KUDOS to hubby for jumping on board with you! That is a huge encouragement for you right there!!!!!!!!!! You will see many members on MFP whose spouses/significant others are not suuportive of them. It is so sad to see.
    I wish you nothing but the best in your journeys!!!!!!! Please add me as a friend if you are looking for more MFP supporters! I'm ehre pretty much everday tracking my little heart out!!!!!!! :smile:
  • tkdgirl23
    tkdgirl23 Posts: 36
    Hi Everyone...

    I guess I should introduce myself.. but what to say..

    I am 53 years old , a mom.. a wife a martial artist...

    I have two dogs and two cats... one of my dogs is a chocolate lab... he is 6 months old and about 65 lbs and has tremendous energy... on top of trying to get in shape.. I get involved with a dog that eat everything including the walls.. rocks.. socks and chases the cats. I scold him and he looked at me with those puppy eyes and I was puddy in his paw. drat's. . why did I do this to myself..I question this decision everyday! but , he is mine. I love him.

    I recently found out that I have to have total knee replacements on both knees. Incredibly shocking , considering how active I am. I practice, taekwondo,ninjitu and jujitsu 5 days a week. I shop , cook, clean and play with my dog.. there's no reason for me to be at 222 lbs! at 5'3. But, I am. My knees hurt for a long time, but I ignored it.. til one night , the pain in my knees kept me away and my hubby forced me to go to a sports orthopedic .. he takes a few xrays.. comes back and breaks the news to me.

    My whole world came crashing down.. honestly I couldnt even drive home. I love life and love martial arts with such passion.
    But, one thing I have learned through martial arts.. you cant let that stop you.. there's an obstacle.. break through.. go around.. jump over.. go under.. but you pass it.. and move forward. So forward I go.. I begin with losing weight.... I am going to go down to 145. That would be my ideal weight. .. some folks here have already offered such good support.. for that .. I thank you with my heart.

    I look forward to sharing the knowledge of everyday dieting challenges or eating healthy challenges with you*

    "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
    **Bruce Lee**
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Good for you!!! That is an awesome weight loss, and it sounds like you really found what works for you!!! Keep up the good work, and I am sure there will be a baby before you know it!! I know having to lose 100+ lbs is a very overwheleming task, but i think if we all help each other out we will succeed!!! Good luck!!! you are on the right track