Just Starting Out


I started on this site a little less than a month ago because my best friend told me how great it was working for her.

However, I am having a hard time motivating myself to exercise. :(

In just paying better attention to what i am eating i have seen a fairly sucessful outcome (technically 7lbs since 6/5 although 4 of those pounds i gained right before i started from 6/3 to 6/5 so in reality 3lbs in 2.5 weeks)

I am afraid however this will not be a continual trend and I will plateau and not reach my halfway goal by my beach trip at the end of july.

Any advise on getting myself motivated to workout? I know I will see more result if I am getting more exercise since i have seen some sucess in my changed eating habits but at the end of a stressful work day laying on the couch just seems so much more appealing than exerting myself.




  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I totally know what you mean. You have to force yourslef to go the first few times but after that it will become part of your routine and you will want to do it. I would suggest doing the 30 day shred. You will get good results, it is only 20 minutes and you can do it at home. Start there and see how you feel. Then maybe go on a walk after if you are still up for it. You are only going to get out as much as you put in.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Maybe buy a gym membership. I am motivated because I do not like to waste money. I also put an alarm in my calender that sends me an email and a text message to remind me to exercise.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    From personal experience, you have to want it. you have to want it so bad that you will do the things you need to do to take care of yourself. You should find why you want to lose weight. Is it for someone else? To fit in a bikini? To get back at someone?
    They are all legit reasons, but I believe, and can attest cause what I am going through, that you need to want it solely for yourself. You need to desire the change you will go through. Because the truth is, it is hard work. It takes dedication. And yes you will goof up every once in a while, but its not the mistakes that make you, its how you get up and keep going.
    You may need to write it out for yourself or talk to someone about it, like a supportive friend or family member. Talk about what you want to change, who you want to be. Probably just a better you. A fitter you, a healthier, stronger, wiser, inspirational you.
    Motivation starts from within.
    Keep coming back to the forums, read the advice people have given eachother, find an MFP friend to help keep u accountable.
    lots of love, I do not know you but I am praying for you because it can be a hard goal to get to mentally. And thats wher it starts.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Read some of the Success Stories here. ;) That helps me stay on target and kick it into gear when I need it.
  • Trisha042415
    Trisha042415 Posts: 16 Member
    Finding motivation to exercise can be hard. I tried losing weight on my own but it never seemed to work. I finally joined Curves and the women there are so supportive. There are days that I so do not want to work out but I have to force myself. Once I walk in the door & see all those lovely ladies it totally changes my attitude and before I know my 30 minutes is done & over. Most Curves locations now offer Zumba classes. The one I go to has Bollywood Dance classes every Monday & it is so much fun! They offer weight management meetings and some locations have Yoga too and most of the classes are included in your membership. If you have a Curves in your area maybe you could stop by and check it out. It's always good to have a support system :)
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    Find exercise you like. Take a dance class, martial arts, swimming, sports, etc. The gym NEVER worked for me because I have zero motivation to run on a treadmill or climb fake stairs for an hour. I also use "Just Dance" on the Wii. You get a work out and it's fun. You can even go for a walk, it counts. Yes, it's small, but if you start getting yourself used to exercising daily, even if it's small at first it will become easier. Things are always difficult before they become easy.

    But finding something you like will really make it a lot easier. It could even be something you've always wanted to learn. If you have a smart phone, you could try out geocaching--it's kind of like treasure hunting. It gets you outside, moving around and walking. If you have an Android I recommend a free app called c:geo (no idea when it comes to good apps for iPhone, sorry...) You will have to go to Geocaching.com either way to get started, but it's all free. There are tons of hidden things all over the world, just make sure you don't overuse your car to get to them. Maybe you could ride a bicycle to them. It's tons of fun, and could at least get you started getting more active.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    1. Plan your exercise WAY in advance. Sometimes, if there isn’t a plan we are more likely to tell ourselves “awe, never mind” This is especially the case with me in the mornings. So I have to know exactly what I plan on doing the next day.

    2. Have tons of tiny goals, not just the big one. Don’t just look at wanting to lose Xlbs. Say, I’m going to lose, 1lb this week, and work at it.

    3. Make your goals public to yourself. For example, have a calendar that you can x of days until the end of the month (if you plan to say lose a certain amount by then). This daily reminder keeps you in check and is much more motivating than the scale. I tend to go, "oh crap I only have a week left this month" and get up and go

    4. As a newbie, working out in the morning may be best. It gives you energy for the rest of the day and has you feeling good. Your body will want to reinforce that good feeling each day.

    5. Join a mfp group. Even if you don’t do anything or lose the weight the group sets, sometimes having reminders from others, or seeing others get into for the day can pump you up.

    6. Once you are working out, be sure to keep your routine different and give yourself mini rewards for the days you do work out.
  • ...you find yourself a workout buddy...somebody that would hold you accountable on those days that you just aren't motivated to go...and visa versa...good luck...set your mind to you and I'm positive you'll be able to do it....
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    When all is said and done, you have to really want it. I find if I am challenged by someone I am sometimes more motivated, but even then, unless I REALLY want to do it, I won't. Good luck on staying motivated and if it helps I will challenge you lol Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.