91kg, 18.5kg lost so far AAANNNDD plateau!


Been using MFP for about 8 Months now! Hit a plateau recently! Can't seem to lose much more weight, or strip the fat from my waist line! My defecit is 750kcal a day, I'm about 20% body fat and It just doesn't seem to want to go lower than that! Macros are 45 carb 25 fat and 30 protein. Any one got any tips??

I walk at least 10miles every weekday and I train 5 times a week, 1hr weights and 1/2 hour cardio (elliptical or treadmill)

Also if anyone wants to give me an add for a bit of motivation!



  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I'd toss this into the General Diet and Weight Loss forum if you don't get any additional replies. How are you measuring out your food - packages, measuring cups, scale? How long have you been on the plateau? Have you added or removed any additional exercise lately?
  • Gennaro1987
    Gennaro1987 Posts: 5 Member
    All my food is measured out in grams and by portion sizes on the packet, I have a pretty decent set of scales and I'm quite anal about quantities! For example if something weighs out to 82g il put 82g I won't round it!

    Ive not lost weight for about a month! And tbh I'm not too worried about weight, it's more my body fat percentage! Which won't come down from 20%

    if anything I've upped the exercise! I do waaaay more cardio than I used to!

    Thanks for the advice I'll chuck the question on that forum now!
