Weight watchers vs mfp

laur4795 Posts: 9 Member
What do you feel is better ? Weight watchers or mfp ? I would really like opinions from people that have tried both :) thank you in advance !


  • shmora6
    shmora6 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello!! I am on MFP and doing WW Online. I like WW, but I think this app works better than WW. I really like the points system on WW, but if you wanted to do WW, I recommend WW meetings! I hope this helps! Feel free to add me!
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    MFP. I quit WW last month. I could not get it to work for me...after the recent change. I did a side by side comparison WW vs MFP and MFP is definitely better for me. i.e,. a box of jello is 280 calories on MFP but 19 pts on WW! I was depriving myself of things I enjoy to stay within the pts and then I would binge. WW's recent change has put it in the category of a diet...for me. Prior to this change, WW was a way of life. If I only ate lean meats, fruits and veggies, WW would be great but I also would not need it. Another perk of MFP...FREE!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    I love WW. I have done the program several times and each time I have lost weight. I have lost 20 pounds so far ( my ticker says 12 lbs lost because I waited for the weight I put into MFP to match up with WW). I use MFP to log food and exercise and to see what others are doing. I do not go to meetings I just get weighed. I needed the accountability!! I was not losing doing it by myself with just MFP. I don't deprive myself of anything. Just like any life style change you learn to eat things in moderation. I look forward to my Saturday weigh ins because for the first time in a long time I am really focused.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    I am on WW and lost 7lbs in a month. I am very happy. :) I've been on MFP on and off for a cple of years, and I struggled with accountability. The weekly weigh in at WW works for me. I haven't felt deprived of anything at all with WW. I stay on MFP because I am part of a challenge group and love that. I do think the MFP app is much better than WW, but you make it work.
  • RWClary
    RWClary Posts: 192 Member
    edited April 2016
    laur4795 wrote: »
    What do you feel is better ? Weight watchers or mfp ? I would really like opinions from people that have tried both :) thank you in advance !
    Early in my journey, I enjoyed the WW meals but eventually gravitated toward MFP and a mostly whole foods diet.
  • cfritch26
    cfritch26 Posts: 28 Member
    I have tried both and I definitely think (for me at least) MFP works better. I didn't like having the points on WW, they were unspecific and things that were low calorie were high points, which was confusing and limiting. I suppose it's the same general idea as far as flexible dieting/eating goes, but I really like having my specific calories and macros. I get to evaluate myself and my needs better throughout my journey...and it does help that MFP is free! lol

    Bottom line, I tried WW twice, and I stopped both times. The tracker seemed outdated and didn't have a lot of the foods on it that I needed, and it just didn't work the way MFP did. And I really believe that MFP offers more in the way of community and support!
  • aekeddy
    aekeddy Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely MFP. Several years ago I lost 25 lbs on WW. I signed up again this January, just as the new WW started. I found it to be way too restrictive- any sugary foods went way up in points, so trying to work a treat into my day became really difficult. I started feeling deprived and 'on a diet' which naturally lead to repeatedly falling off the wagon. Enter MFP, where I can work treats into my daily calories, instead of feeling like eating a cookie will put me over points for the day. I'm converted!
  • kellyship17
    kellyship17 Posts: 112 Member
    I've done both, but prefer MFP. I feel that there is more flexibility, and I can tailor my macros to eat the kinds of foods I want to eat and that will keep me full.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    I've done both, but am now 100% with MFP. My meetings got so huge that just standing in line to weigh in took half an hour and the leader was letting a few people monopolize the conversation. I feel like I get much more support here and the phone app is just outstanding. Love that you can scan barcodes and import recipes.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I have done both, plus counting/logging on my own with a small notebook, TOPS meetings (years ago), and OA when I was bulimic. They all work. It's all up to you and what you want/need. I didn't like the part of the WW meetings that told us to buy their zero point or one point crappy packaged foods. I did like the meetings otherwise and do miss that face to face but I don't miss the $. So much is based on the leader. I liked the old WW 'core' program, it promoted whole foods vs. packaged, and emphasized fiber and vegetables. I've been off and on MFP and really like the online logging of food and exercise.
  • TerriK14
    TerriK14 Posts: 75 Member
    I have done both. I was successful with WW, I lost 90 lbs in 11 months, but then my financial situation changed and I could no longer afford WW. I did not know about MFP until a friend told me. I came here and I like it much better. The support is awesome and it fits my lifestyle.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hate WW not to restrictive in carbs plus expensive used to love ww

    Mfp is free loads free good advice & daily support
    Plus it works on any budget
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited April 2016
    I've done both ...

    I feel, for me, that keeping a food diary is much more paramount than weekly meetings, so I am sticking with MFP.