Answer these basic questions and add people with similar interests :)

cws93 Posts: 56 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Just as the title suggests!
Here's the questions:

Where are you from?:
Favourite books/movies:
Favourite music:
Favourite food:
Drink of choice:


  • cws93
    cws93 Posts: 56 Member
    I'll kick it off:

    Age: 22
    Where are you from?: New Zealand
    Favourite books/movies: I like to read about philosophy, psychology, mythology, nature, occultism, etc. I don't watch many movies really!
    Favourite music: all things black, death or doom metal.
    Pets?: None currently because we aren't allowed any in our rental but I love cats!
    Hobbies?: drawing, exploring, writing, gardening, travel, general crafting of all kinds.
    Favourite food: pizza is my weakness.
    Drink of choice: whiskey soda and lime if I'm drinking, green tea if I am not!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I like this idea.

    Age: 31
    Where are you from: New Mexico
    Favorite books/movies: Fantasy (books and movies). My favorite author for the last few years is Mercedes Lackey, although I do dearly love the Amelia Peabody series.
    Favorite music: I listen to several styles, but Jesse Cook (rumba/world) is my favorite artist.
    Pets: 3 cats and 1 very hyper puppy
    Hobbies: reading, crocheting
    Favorite food: red chile cheese enchiladas
    Drink of choice: non-alcoholic is probably iced tea or Italian soda, alcoholic is margarita
  • jesse00012
    jesse00012 Posts: 19 Member

    Age: 28
    Where are you from?: Texas
    Favourite books/movies: dystopian, teen fiction, mystery.....etc. lol
    Favourite music: country mostly and today's music but I am for almost all music, except for today's rap and r&b. Not interested there.
    Pets?: I don't have any but I help care for my moms dog.
    Hobbies?: reading, music, walking, playing with my daughter.
    Favourite food: pizza!!! Oh how I miss it!!!
    Drink of choice: water. If I could drink it all the time then cream soda!
  • alinebae
    alinebae Posts: 4 Member
    Where are you from?: Canada
    Favourite books/movies: Anne rice novels! Comedy movies
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    38 yrs old
    Dallas Texas
    Favorite book is Pillars Of The Earth by Ken Follet. Favorite movie is Braveheart(FREEEEDOM!!!)
    90's Rock/alternative
    I have a pit bull rescue
    I run daily and coach a 13yr old baseball team
    I love love love pizza
    Vodka on the rocks with a twist or an old fashioned