Help Me !!!!

Hey everyone, I have posted several chats but I still feel the need to introduce myself. My name is Amanda and i am nineteen years old. I started out in February at 217 and Today i weigh 190 lbs. I lost weight mainly because of changing my eating habits. I never thought I would weigh under 200 lbs when i started but when those first few pounds came off i was crazy excited. My entire family is over weight, like WAY over weight and my biggest fear is becoming as big as them. I stay at or below my recommended calorie intake per day and I have been eating fairly healthy. I work in a gym so i exercise 3-5 times per week. I feel that since i have been loosing weight so well i may hit a plateau soon. My main goal right now is to drop down to 170 by the middle/end of June, as well as tone up my entire body. Im going on vacation and would like to look my absolute best! I'm mostly posting this chat to seek some motivation from anybody and I as well would like to give you all motivation too. Who else has similar goals ?? :smile: XO.


  • CiaraDaniielle
    CiaraDaniielle Posts: 11 Member
    Im also 19 and in the same boat. Im a little farther than you in my journey but I can help. The major key for me with my family is talking to them and telling them why I wanted to get healthy and that we should do it together to be healthier. They were resistant at first but the more they saw I wasn't going to quit they slowly started to get on board now we do some workouts and cook healthy meals as a family. Weight loss fluctuates so you may hit a plateau but don't look at it as a set back. Feel free to add me, I would love to help motivate you.
  • viren19890
    viren19890 Posts: 778 Member
    I'll add you guys. I have other people in my friends list who are going through same thing. We all provide motivation to each other.

    @amandachartrand65 You need to turn this into a lifestyle because if your goal is to "look good" for just that vacation then once you are back -you might succumb down to similar habits. Especially if family is overweight.

    Make short term and long term goals both are important but commit to your body and healthy eating habits.
    If you are lifting and staying in a deficit- you won't hit plateau.

  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    Im also 19 and in the same boat. Im a little farther than you in my journey but I can help. The major key for me with my family is talking to them and telling them why I wanted to get healthy and that we should do it together to be healthier. They were resistant at first but the more they saw I wasn't going to quit they slowly started to get on board now we do some workouts and cook healthy meals as a family. Weight loss fluctuates so you may hit a plateau but don't look at it as a set back. Feel free to add me, I would love to help motivate you.

    Wow its sweet that youre in the same boat as me! Ive tried numerous times to get my family on board. Ive tried taking control of the grocery shopping but they do not have portion control. They're eating habits consist of processed foods, cookies, cake, pudding, pies, and chips. It is so bad that I am living at my boyfriends parents house (Which I am not fond of) because i need to be surrounded by a healthy life style. Ive gotten very good at saying no to treats and I feel living with my family is a huge set back. I can't have healthy food in the house otherwise it's gone in one day :(
  • CiaraDaniielle
    CiaraDaniielle Posts: 11 Member
    At the end of the day it's about your health and everyone doesn't understand the affect bad food has on your body. I indulge sometimes but I don't go over my calories, its all about balance. And buy a mini fridge and hide your food if that's the case. Viren is right! If you just want a beach body fine but Youll be back in the same boat once the summer is over, you need to make this a lifestyle change if you want to be successful long term.