Batman V. Superman



  • joolie1234
    joolie1234 Posts: 126 Member
    edited March 2016
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Animated universe is def the best

    Glad I'm not the only one Ls
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I liked it, but I wouldn't say it was at the top for me when it comes to Marvel movies.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    DC really doesn't make "fun" movies. The Avengers lives on Jokes and Games.....DC has always been a bit darker and the critics comments of oh Superman didn't crack a smile in the film....Ummmm hello!!! And people saying their kids didn't enjoy it...It wasn't really marketed for kids.....I myself thought the movie was good. But I can see why people didn't like it.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I will give you my humble opinion of "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" without providing spoilers. It went above and beyond my expectations. My first concern was the casting of Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne: well I have to say he really stepped up to the plate and delivered; His performance as Batman was impeccable and dark as f**k, as Bruce Wayne I felt he did an admirably job but Christian Bale owned that role so well that the the critics were probably so harsh on him since he had such large shoes to fill. Both Superman and Wonder Woman played their parts well. The costumes and effects were utterly amazing. I found the casting of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor to be a poor choice. I believe they did it to appeal to younger audiences but all I could think of was him as Mark Zuckerberg in "The Social Network". I think the critics are ripping into the film harshly because DC Entertainment has taken two very pivotal milestones in DC comic history, that being that being Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" and "The Death of Superman" and using artistic license to create an amalgamation that works for the medium of film. Comic purists will secretly enjoy the movie but debate the inconsistencies to no end and film critics will bemoan the fact it didn't live up to the hype (seriously how could it). A lot darker than Avengers. ★★★★☆

    I preferred Bale to Affleck too but I think that's only because they didn't allow for bens character to develop enough. "the dark knight returns" was a great graphic novel. I saw a lot of similarities between ben and the Bruce from the novel. As for lex Jr I think Jesse was a great choice. This isn't the lex we remember, nor did they want it to be. I think he brought something interesting to the film. The issue I had with the movie was that it was so slow to start. A lot of great ideas but poor execution for most of it. Bonding over mommies isn't exactly how I saw the two best dc heroes team up.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I'm a huge DC fan as well, but every DC movie disappoints me... unless it's animated.

    i just watched justice league vs teen titans i looved it
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I really wish DC would stop using Zach Snyder as a director. I enjoyed 300 and thought Watchmen had some really great moments, the opening scene still amazes me.

    I have nothing but negative thoughts for the other works of his that I've seen.

    The trailer for Man of Steel was probably my favorite trailer of that year.
  • AboveSpartan
    AboveSpartan Posts: 19 Member
    Leonidas would beat both of those pansies!
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    If you saw the movie what did you think?

    I liked it and thought Afleck played the best Batman, very rough around the edges and dark. Really liked Wonder Woman's entry - the sound track was great there!
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    I thought that Affleck handled the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne well and silenced my concerns from when he was initially casted. However, I didn't like how he was portrayed almost as The Punisher in some aspects, which goes against Batman's personal code.

    I thought that the story was disjointed, more like a vehicle for the Justice League than the main subject of the title and the whole 'Batman vs. Superman' scenes didn't really have any depth or substance for me, and felt like the fight scene from Machete Kills where Michelle Rodriguez and Amber Heard are trolling each other with catty comments as they fight. The film could (and should, in my opinion) played more into the blurred lines between superhero/vigilante and shed more light on the burden that both Batman and Superman carry on their shoulders.

    Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. He's supposed to be a criminal mastermind, not a madman. There is one scene in particular where Lex Luthor is more like The Joker than The Joker.

    I came out of the cinema wanting to see Affleck in his own standalone Batman movie.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    DC really doesn't make "fun" movies. The Avengers lives on Jokes and Games.....DC has always been a bit darker and the critics comments of oh Superman didn't crack a smile in the film....Ummmm hello!!! And people saying their kids didn't enjoy it...It wasn't really marketed for kids.....I myself thought the movie was good. But I can see why people didn't like it.

    Are you serious? I don't think we've had enough DC movies to say whether or not DC consistently makes a certain type of movie. I mean, the last decade or so, we've pretty much had the Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy - which is kind of a separate entity, since Batman pretty much demands it be dark, Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, with The Watchmen (which was pretty much a direct adaptation of the book), and Green Lantern (which absolutely tried to be "fun") sprinkled in.

    I didn't mind the tone of this. It's what it wants to be, so I don't take away from it for that. But there were problems with it as far as story, and the amount of things they put in it. I liked it okay, personally. But I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to those things. I can't dismiss those who don't like it by saying they just don't get it.
  • Spradzilla
    Spradzilla Posts: 7 Member
    Saw it last night. Big Batman fan but not much of a Superman fan but I enjoyed it for the most part.
  • justBreathe33
    justBreathe33 Posts: 46 Member
    Kinda boring