104 Calories a day...OMG

What does 104 calories look like?
A glass of wine, a mini snickers, a banana, half a slice of pizza.... No big deal..


I gained 25 back.. the stupid 25 lbs I worked so hard to lose.. and it took 3 years (to gain back).

I did some number crunching and it looks like on average, I'm eating 88 calories more per day, and exercising 16 less... 88+16=104... 104 .... 104!!!!!!

104 * 365(days in a year) = 37960

37960 * 3 (years spent eating 88 calories more and exercising 16 calories less) = 113880

113880 / 3500 (1 pound of flab) = 32.53

32 lbs.... and that's why my scale is sneaking up on me..

This is just an average of looking at 2 weeks then compared to now, I put on 25 not 32, so this means its even less than 104 a day, if you math it out, it only comes to 79 calories.. that's a cheese stick.... A CHEESE STICK!!

I seriously just found my AHA! moment. This is the moment when I DO get "small changes add up!" advice, its when I realize that stopping 5 minutes shy on a jog, eating a piece of chocolate every night, having one extra glass of wine sounds so insignificant... but in the long run it means so much.

Make ONE small change everyday to tip the scales (no pun ... ok, pun intended) in the right direction. No sugar in coffee, one less egg in your omelette, no after dinner drink. I hope this can help someone else, someone who thinks "one more won't hurt" "I already went to the gym this week" "I deserve this, I work hard" or any other teensy move done repetitively "won't hurt" ... It will. I'm sorry, I truly am. I LOVE that second beer and piece of chocolate, but it'll get you. I'm walking proof.


  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    Awesome post. It just made me toss half of the nasty protein bar I was eating - even though I'm not that hungry. Thanks!!!
  • manipedi03
    manipedi03 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for posting. I've been doing good all week and was thinking of rewarding my self with a cheat day. Every little bit counts! thanks for the reminder!
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    Awesome post!
  • Bronty3
    Bronty3 Posts: 104 Member
    Awesome...eye opener for sure.
  • edmarymom
    edmarymom Posts: 19 Member
    Great post...,hit him with me too'
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Were you as diligent with mfp after you lost the 25 the first time?
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Good for you! Yeah, the little things add up so quickly if you don't track them. Just making one small change can have a large effect, depending on the change.
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Were you as diligent with mfp after you lost the 25 the first time?

    I quit here and there, I would start when my weight crept a little, then quit, over and over.. until 25 lbs, but I did the same then. I go like 30-40 days straight and then quit for a week, start over.
  • Bettina82
    Bettina82 Posts: 30 Member
    I feel the same way! I have gained 10 pounds in the last year and I'm trying my hardest to get rid of it! I am bad about eating while making kids lunches, snacking when my little girl snacks, and drinking lime a ritas... Wow the calories DO add up :/:/ It has been a slow month as far as weight loss, but I am hopeful things will start changing since I am logging everything I eat!
  • MariRaina
    MariRaina Posts: 11 Member
    Holy cow. Thank you so much for this!!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Yep! This is why weighing and measuring foods is so important and tracking everything you put in your mouth. It's so easy to eat just that little bit too much each day and slowly gain it all back.
  • Tammy518
    Tammy518 Posts: 53 Member
    This has been a definite eye opener of a post and made me realize that it MUST be a complete lifestyle change and not just a temporary fix. Thanks so much.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Tammy518 wrote: »
    This has been a definite eye opener of a post and made me realize that it MUST be a complete lifestyle change and not just a temporary fix. Thanks so much.


    No matter what you do or what adjustments you make, if they're not sustainable for you in the long term, it ultimately won't help very much. You may lose weight, but if you don't change HOW you eat, it'll come back. Make sure the changes you make to your diet are ones you're willing to keep up with when you hit your target range and you'll be able to stay in your range with very little difficulty. ^_^
  • Berkgal33
    Berkgal33 Posts: 71 Member
    Great post! It's so easy to slip just a little more in without realizing. I was thinking about a dessert tonight. Having some fruit instead.
  • tides57
    tides57 Posts: 27 Member
    That post was absolute GOLD!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Great post, was exactly what I needed to read! Thank you! :)
  • smit7633
    smit7633 Posts: 182 Member
    Interesting thought
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    sarantonio wrote: »
    What does 104 calories look like?
    A glass of wine, a mini snickers, a banana, half a slice of pizza.... No big deal..


    I gained 25 back.. the stupid 25 lbs I worked so hard to lose.. and it took 3 years (to gain back).

    I did some number crunching and it looks like on average, I'm eating 88 calories more per day, and exercising 16 less... 88+16=104... 104 .... 104!!!!!!

    104 * 365(days in a year) = 37960

    37960 * 3 (years spent eating 88 calories more and exercising 16 calories less) = 113880

    113880 / 3500 (1 pound of flab) = 32.53

    32 lbs.... and that's why my scale is sneaking up on me..

    This is just an average of looking at 2 weeks then compared to now, I put on 25 not 32, so this means its even less than 104 a day, if you math it out, it only comes to 79 calories.. that's a cheese stick.... A CHEESE STICK!!

    I seriously just found my AHA! moment. This is the moment when I DO get "small changes add up!" advice, its when I realize that stopping 5 minutes shy on a jog, eating a piece of chocolate every night, having one extra glass of wine sounds so insignificant... but in the long run it means so much.

    Make ONE small change everyday to tip the scales (no pun ... ok, pun intended) in the right direction. No sugar in coffee, one less egg in your omelette, no after dinner drink. I hope this can help someone else, someone who thinks "one more won't hurt" "I already went to the gym this week" "I deserve this, I work hard" or any other teensy move done repetitively "won't hurt" ... It will. I'm sorry, I truly am. I LOVE that second beer and piece of chocolate, but it'll get you. I'm walking proof.
    This terrifies me lol
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    Also, i was gonna go over my calories for a slive of veggie pizza but totally not going to now lol
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Yes. This is why I will always have to weigh & log my food. I can so easily rationalize eating a little here & there.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    amyk0202 wrote: »
    Yes. This is why I will always have to weigh & log my food. I can so easily rationalize eating a little here & there.

    This :(

    Thanks for the reality check, OP... I needed that!
  • brrrimcold1984
    brrrimcold1984 Posts: 37 Member
  • YinkaWilliams
    YinkaWilliams Posts: 1 Member
    Reality check for me!
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Awesome post. Good reason to monitor myself even after I hit goal.