You can't fail if you don't try.

This is one of my personal little saying's that seem to motivate me.
A project that seems a bit to big, a new experience that seems scary, a goal that keeps eluding me.

Life is all about learning from failure.
I am picking myself up from a personal failure.
I let myself get overwhelmed by things outside of my control, I let myself down.

myfitnesspall was working for me 22 1/2 months ago, and I started backsliding.
It is time to try again. I need to stop making excuses to myself, and I definitely need to stop adding larger clothing to my wardrobe.

This has been a long absence for me, I'm hoping that with friends and the tools available here on MFP, I can bolster the will power I need.

M :smiley:


  • NatiaGonitellie
    NatiaGonitellie Posts: 355 Member
    :/oh well

    8 days in.... feeling good. Gained a couple of new friends, and reconnected with some old friends.
  • tiffanynew2015
    tiffanynew2015 Posts: 48 Member
    Love your title and story
  • RWClary
    RWClary Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome back and best of luck!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Fall seven times, get up eight (Japanese Proverb)

    You can do it! :) Feel free to add me if you like, I check in several times a day and can be very supportive when needed :)
  • NatiaGonitellie
    NatiaGonitellie Posts: 355 Member
    Thank You for the welcome back. :D
    20 days in and still counting.
    I have actually managed to loose some weight and am beginning to feel the difference.
    An opportunity came up this past weekend, had I not been exercising and eating better I would have missed out on.
    Below is a link to my blog here on MFP.