Am I too old for him?

windime Posts: 27 Member
So I started dating this guy, very interested in him but just found out his age. He is 29, I am 37. Is he too young for me? Anyone here with a similar age gap in their relationship?


  • justBreathe33
    justBreathe33 Posts: 46 Member
    You certainly don't look 37, and like the above poster says, who cares what anyone else thinks.......
  • jaxonsmommy2015
    jaxonsmommy2015 Posts: 13 Member
    If you feel bad about it than probably. If you're ok with it and so is he then probably not
  • Staceym2112
    Staceym2112 Posts: 892 Member
    I once dated a guy that was 38 when I was 27, didn't work out but it was fun while it lasted. Honestly I think everyone has a age preference like for me I only date my age 29-38, although I'd probably up that to about 40 now that my mom is going to turn 50. I refuse to date someone close in age to my parents, it's weird. As long as you stick with 18 and older and don't date your children's friends. You're good!
  • windime
    windime Posts: 27 Member
    Lol, no way will I go as far as dating my kids friends. I do look really young for my age Wich I'm definitely not going to complain about! I guess I'm just a little worried. I have never dated anyone younger before
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    I think an age gap can be a problem if people are in completely different stages of life, such as one person still wanting kids, and the other one is done having children. I had a relationship with a significant age gap, and the biggest issue is that since my ex had much more life experience, he felt that it gave him permission to basically treat me like a child and not let me figure things out on my own and make my own choices. But I don't think an age gap is a problem by itself :)
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    windime wrote: »
    So I started dating this guy, very interested in him but just found out his age. He is 29, I am 37. Is he too young for me? Anyone here with a similar age gap in their relationship?

    Your both adults.
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    windime wrote: »
    So I started dating this guy, very interested in him but just found out his age. He is 29, I am 37. Is he too young for me? Anyone here with a similar age gap in their relationship?

    I say definitely not. Age is a number maturity is what matters. By 29 he should be a mature adult if not move on.

  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I had 8 years age difference in my first marriage, he was older, the marriage didn't work out but there was never any real weirdness
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    My rule of thumb is this, If he's young enough to be my son, then he's too young. If he's old enough to be my father, then he's too old. Anything else is fair game. That being said, I think 8 years is not a big age difference at all.
  • luissc3388
    luissc3388 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been told I don't look my age which, most times, translates into age disparities with the people I date; around my age they say I look like a kid, and younger women would consider myself "too old" to date.

    Sometimes, the age gap might find people on different pages but those life goals should play their part a lot more than age.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Just ask yourself this: If you were 16, would you date an 8 year old?
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I don't understand why age would be an issue? The only thing I could think of age mattering in is one person wanting kids but the other being too old or young and not ready. Otherwise, I see no problem. I am 30 and my fiance is 24. We have no problems other than I'm ready for kids and he isn't yet. My parents are 10 years apart. My aunt was 20 years older than her ex husband.

    If you like someone, you like them. That is really all you should care about.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would guess that if you are coming to a forum to ask strangers if they think you are too old for this relationship then the answer is probably yes. If it wasn't an issue, I doubt you'd ask.
  • EatingWellToo
    EatingWellToo Posts: 21 Member
    As a sexy women closer to 60 than 50, I say GO FOR IT - younger men rock. Besides there is no indication of any correlation between age and maturity in the Y chromosome crowd, I can attest to that after my decades on this planet.
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    You're both grown adults, the age doesn't matter in this situation.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    edited April 2016
    Just ask yourself this: If you were 16, would you date an 8 year old?

    So if you were 46, you wouldn't date a 38 year old? It's a different thing when you're children then when you're grown adults. I think you know this.

    and P.S. 8 year olds shoudn't be dating. :p
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Are you and he okay with it? That's all that matters.
  • OldManOne
    OldManOne Posts: 67 Member
    You should be dating guys that are 51! :D
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    my ex and my boyfriend are both 7 years older.