5ft5 girls

kittyroseb Posts: 37 Member

I'm looking for girls the same height as me - 5ft5.

To compare and support whether you have just started or on you journey or are maintaining.

Whats your current weight and what calorie intake you feel works best for you?


  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm 5ft5...! I have (ideally) a whole lot of weight to lose.. like 50lbs - I've done it before and I did it through calorie counting.. but it depends on your starting weight really to work out what calories you should be eating.. no need to drastically cut it straight away in my opinion.. only makes losing the last few lbs even harder!
  • dmtheresa
    dmtheresa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kittyroseb,
    I'm 5'5 and just started back with training again. My happy weight is 145lbs, I began At 164lbs.
    I gained weight from June 2014 until now. I completely stopped working out. Ate whatever I want. I'm sick of sitting down and feeling my tummy rolls lol I want to get back to my happy weight. I just started my workout plan.. 5 days a weeks, 45 min total. 15 min of cardio, the rest strength workout. My finance and I have made a home gym together so I have no excuses! I plan on dieting for exactly 8 weeks. My goal is to lose 15 pounds. Using this app, counting the calories is extremely simple. I started on april 3 at 164.4, tonight I just weighed myself at 162.2. So, so far so good. Eat no sweets, no pasta, don't eat passed 8pm. I figured that a 1200 calories intake for my goal should get me where I need to be. After the 8 weeks, I will kick it up to 1600 calories. Working out really does help. My muscles are beginning to remember how to work again, lol. If you just try to diet alone, it'll be tough! I am also taking supplements to kick my butt into gear. I use ISO 100 for protein shakes in the morning/meal replacements. I alternate between Evlution nutrition trans4orm powder and Evlution lean mode pills before starting my workout and to sustain my energy throughout the day. take BPI sports BCAA after every workout, it really helps!. And lastly, I use what's called Sweet Swear waist trainer during my workouts. Makes me feel awesome when I take it off and my stomach isn't looking flabtastic for a bit, lol.
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    I am 5'5 and I currently weigh 123 lbs. I eat around 1500 calories a day which works best for me. My weekly workout consists of 3 weight lifting sessions and 3 cardio sessions. They are normally 20-30 minute work outs.

    Recently, I haven't posted that much on myfitnesspal because I have a good sense of what I eat throughout the day. I take good care of my diet mainly because I have a high intolerance to corn (including corn syrup which is in like 85% of foods), a slight case of IBS, and I don't necessarily handle foods that well. The only drinks I consume are water and unsweetened tea.

    If you have anymore questions, you can add me as a friend. I hope this helps you out on your journey.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm 5'4.5"
    CW: around 122.3 lbs (down from 260 lbs in 2012)

    In Feb, I averaged 1871 total calories per day for 0.7 lb per week loss (350 calorie deficit a day). I can't say what I averaged in March, because I had at least 1 day a week where I didn't know my calorie intake (sometimes 2-3). All I know is that for March I pretty much maintained.

    I've set my goal to be 1843 total calories and am hoping just to drop a couple more vanity pounds before moving to maintenance (possibly doing a recomp at that point). I use a food scale to weigh solid food when at home. This helps me be as accurate as I can with my food log since a 350 calorie deficit or so is really easy to undo with errors in logging (plus a food scale is also less clean up then measuring cups).

    I do Stronglifts 5x5 and run 3 days a week. I walk the other 4 days a week (at least 9k steps with a goal to get to 12k if not more). I was alternating days with running and Stronglifts, but I decided to see how it goes if I do them on the same day instead of on alternate. I lift in the morning and then go back at night to run. So far it seems to be working out better. I am able to run for longer if I run the same day as I lift (2.5-3 miles on lifting days vs 1-1.5 miles when alternating).
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    I'm 5'4", 137 lbs. I lift weights 4x per week and am lightly active and enjoy sitting on my butt otherwise. I have to eat around 1400 to lose.
  • jessypug
    jessypug Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and currently weigh 126lbs. I'm aim gin for 1400 cals a day for -0.5lbs per week. I eat a high carb, relatively low fat vegan diet and have found this way of eating to be sustainable and enjoyable while also being able to loose weight (I'm down 20lbs over the last year). For excel use I'm currently backpacking so I do a lot of walking but back home I hit the gym for some cardio and weight 3/4 times a week plus walk the dog :)
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    I'm 5'5" and currently in maintenance which means daily fluctuation 121-124lb. I dropped from about 150lb around 4years ago, initially with 'Biggest Loser' (same as MFP - just calorie counting). My net calories is around 1800 and total consumed around 2300. I exercise usually 6days a wk for 6-10hrs total with a mix of running, swimming, cycling & core stability - all for triathlon training. Feel free to add me, I have an open diary with a lot of variety, aiming to eat >100g protein daily but be warned I have a sweet tooth!

    Currently I'm considering whether to try and add some weight lifting into my routine to build more strength in my upper body for swimming.
  • kittyroseb
    kittyroseb Posts: 37 Member
    These are all extremely helpful land looking forward to reading in more detail later on after work ! Add me if you like , I'll most like add you girls later if not
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm 5'4", 137 lbs. I lift weights 4x per week and am lightly active and enjoy sitting on my butt otherwise. I have to eat around 1400 to lose.

    butting into this thread but I would love some advice from you as I am the same height, 40 years old weigh 133 and would love to look like you! Just started lifting heavy 2 weeks ago, taking in 1400 cal per day. Do you think I can recomp on 1400 per day. I am estimating I am 28-30% body fat.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    I'm 5'5", down around 65 pounds since April 2015. (SW 183, CW 118-120 most days, and now trying to zero in on my maintenance calories).

    I'm currently eating 1800 calories (net), and am sedentary in my habits outside of things I intentionally record as exercise. But I'm pretty active - I row, spin, bike, lift, etc. so probably eat up to 2000-2200 most days. I think I may still need to add a few calories to reach true maintenance level - it seems to be a bit higher than the calculators predict, for my age.

    I lost most of the weight at around 1400-1500 net . . . 1200 was way too low (fatigue, more) and I didn't stay there long.
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    I'm 5'5", 59 years old, started here last November at 245 and currently at 188, on the way to 120-ish. I'm mildly active, a good day being 1.5-mi. jog and another 3.0 mi. walking, or treadmill work at the gym when it gets too hot. I started at 1700 calories last fall and gradually reduced to my current level just above 1200 most days. At 1200 cal. or so and my usual exercise level, I lose about 10 lbs. a month.
  • treezy83
    treezy83 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 5ft5 SW 180 CW 150. Been holding it down at 150 for a while now. Would love to hit at least 145. Just recently changed my cal intake from 1200 to 1470. Hopefully this will help me lose those last 5 ibs. I use to run 3 miles everyday on top of some circuit training but now that I have a bad knee I alternate between running one day and lifting the next.
  • isatannar
    isatannar Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5"5 I'm new here and have a long way to go I am 300lbs and wish to get down to 180lbs eventually.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    mamafazz wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm 5'4", 137 lbs. I lift weights 4x per week and am lightly active and enjoy sitting on my butt otherwise. I have to eat around 1400 to lose.

    butting into this thread but I would love some advice from you as I am the same height, 40 years old weigh 133 and would love to look like you! Just started lifting heavy 2 weeks ago, taking in 1400 cal per day. Do you think I can recomp on 1400 per day. I am estimating I am 28-30% body fat.

    Well..I have been as high as 180 lbs. I started MFP at 163 and lifted heavy in a deficit until I got all the way down to 128. THEN I bulked, lifting in a surplus-gaining fat and muscle, back up to 144. In my picture I'm 137, just having lost few pounds from my bulk. So there has been a bit of a journey here.

    When I was 133 that is exactly when I decided to try a recomp. I wasn't that slim, but I was probably about 22% body fat. Do you really believe you are 28-30? If so lifting in a slight deficit will be helpful, you'll be losing fat and saving muscle-not exactly a recomp. I'd just just a 250 calorie deficit so you lose fat slowly and really work on maintaining lean body mass. If you think you're closer to 22% body fat, recomp is a good choice, and that would be done at maintenance calories.
  • Amerane
    Amerane Posts: 136 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'5" and down a little over 10 pounds since starting in earnest in January 2015 (SW: 165 CW: 153). Goal weight is currently 140 although I'm flexible with anywhere between 143-135. I eat 1510 calories net and usually get plenty of running around during the day. I think my diary is open, if you want meal ideas :)
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    Arditarose, you look GREAT.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Arditarose, you look GREAT.

    Muah! Thanks :)