2lb gain overnight???!!!

johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
edited April 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all, ok so I had a 'healthyish' night out on Friday. No drinking and a chicken breast burger with a small portion of fries. I was 3,900+ cals under this week so treated myself to the fries. Yesterday I had some crisps, chocolate and sweets - a treat night which we usually have every week but nothing to ott. I've weighed myself this morning and I was 184.6lbs yet from yesterday morning I was 182.2. How can I gain over 2lbs overnight?! Is that possible??!! I would guess I am still about 1000cals under my weekly goal. Freaking out as I've broken my toe so can't exercise much and don't want to start gaining :(


  • cmjohnson53
    cmjohnson53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hmmm, salty crisps! I would imagine it's just water weight. Not a disaster by any means, give it a couple of days of your new normal habits.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited April 2016
    If you have a threat night weekly you'll be over calories weekly
    Chocolate crisp fries sweets the calories add up fast & lots Hun

    What were you drinking with your treats ?

    I have a treat day once a month but I only allow myself 200 extra calories.

    What did you actually eat honestly if you can tell us we can work the cals out
    A small bar chocolate can be easily 250-300 calories look at Easter eggs thin chocolate = 600 calories

    A treat night a week can undo all your hardwork for a week or 2

    You lose 1lb fat for every 3500 calories you burn off which your body doesn't need you said you had 3900 but ate fries crisp chocolate sweets ?
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Weight loss is not linear.

    It's very unlikely you went 7000 calories over your maintenance level to gain two pounds in one meal.

    It's more likely water weight from having more sodium and carbs than you've been normally eating while trying to lose weight. A step up on the scale is not unusual, and can quickly drop off, too.

    Don't freak out or overcompensate, it will come off within a day or two.
  • admckee486
    admckee486 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with cmjohnson53. It's probably water weight. Sometimes when I 'cheat' and consume a lot of carbs, alcohol, or salty processed foods I'll gain a 1-3 lbs overnight. It usually goes away in a couple days.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's probably water but having weekly treat nights will wipe out any hardwork for a good weightloss
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hmmm, salty crisps! I would imagine it's just water weight. Not a disaster by any means, give it a couple of days of your new normal habits.

    I eat crisp every day & lose weight always have.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Usually I still loose after a treat night that's why j was surprised. It's funny you should mention salty crisps as I was eating Pringles and actually said it was like eating a pot of salt!! I have lied actually as I am still 1lb down from last week but thought I'd be less. I drank Diet Coke last night, ate skips, Pringles, m&ms and some skittles.

    I've just weighed myself now. I drink 1L between 7am-12pm and 1L from 12pm-1pm. So I've drank my 1L and have had a wee and now I'm 184.8lbs???

    I cannot understand this!!!

  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Weight loss is not linear.

    It's very unlikely you went 7000 calories over your maintenance level to gain two pounds in one meal.

    It's more likely water weight from having more sodium and carbs than you've been normally eating while trying to lose weight. A step up on the scale is not unusual, and can quickly drop off, too.

    Don't freak out or overcompensate, it will come off within a day or two.

    Take a deep breath. Drink plenty of water. Go back to your regular eating. It's all good.

  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Your body doesn't know time days weeks all it does is loses and gains weight when it wants by what your eating so if you over eat calories one day a week eventually it will show up
    How long have you been on this plan & how much have you lost ?
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    That is why I do not weigh in every day, once a week is fine. It balances the water weight you gain on some days.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Usually I still loose after a treat night that's why j was surprised. It's funny you should mention salty crisps as I was eating Pringles and actually said it was like eating a pot of salt!! I have lied actually as I am still 1lb down from last week but thought I'd be less. I drank Diet Coke last night, ate skips, Pringles, m&ms and some skittles.

    I've just weighed myself now. I drink 1L between 7am-12pm and 1L from 12pm-1pm. So I've drank my 1L and have had a wee and now I'm 184.8lbs???

    I cannot understand this!!!


    Calm down!
    It doesn't matter what you weigh today - think about what you will weigh in a month or six months time.
    Step on the scales, record your weight.
    Step off, drink a pint of water, step back on - oh noes! My diet isn't working I've gained a pound!

    Maybe try using one of the weight trending apps so you can see the trend rather than focus on the perfectly natural fluctuations?

  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Usually I still loose after a treat night that's why j was surprised. It's funny you should mention salty crisps as I was eating Pringles and actually said it was like eating a pot of salt!! I have lied actually as I am still 1lb down from last week but thought I'd be less. I drank Diet Coke last night, ate skips, Pringles, m&ms and some skittles.

    I've just weighed myself now. I drink 1L between 7am-12pm and 1L from 12pm-1pm. So I've drank my 1L and have had a wee and now I'm 184.8lbs???

    I cannot understand this!!!


    Yes, you are definitely freaking out and I promise you it's for no reason! :)

    After a high sodium day, even staying within your calories, your weight can shoot up. For example, I'm 114.5 pounds, but I ate a medium pizza all to myself yesterday. This morning I weighed 115.9 pounds, but I know from experience that will be back down by tomorrow. Weight can fluctuate by 3+ pounds in a day due to your food and beverage intake. If I weigh myself at night, I can be several pounds more than I was in the morning.

    To truly gain two pounds, you would have had to consume 7000 calories over your maintenance which is something that I highly doubt happened. As you continue to weigh in and lose weight, you'll notice the fluctuations, especially during ovulation and your time of the month.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    edited April 2016
    Usually I still loose after a treat night that's why j was surprised. It's funny you should mention salty crisps as I was eating Pringles and actually said it was like eating a pot of salt!! I have lied actually as I am still 1lb down from last week but thought I'd be less. I drank Diet Coke last night, ate skips, Pringles, m&ms and some skittles.

    I've just weighed myself now. I drink 1L between 7am-12pm and 1L from 12pm-1pm. So I've drank my 1L and have had a wee and now I'm 184.8lbs???

    I cannot understand this!!!


    You do realize that every time you eat, drink, and excrete your weight at that moment changes, don't you? If you weigh yourself after drinking a pint of water, you will have added about a pound. Your weight rises and falls continuously during the day due to all of those things because your body is a dynamic system.

    This is why many people who weigh daily do so in the morning after their morning bathroom habits and before breakfast. That helps reduce the variation due to food/water in the digestive system, and water weight lost overnight.

  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Funny you should mention ovulation. I released an egg on Friday. I'm a whizz (know all...) at fertility btw that's how I know :)

    Regarding calories I was already 5,600 under my weekly target plus the 3,900 so I hope you are all right :)

    If I keep drinking, hydrating and weeing it out hopefully my body will stop retaining it,

    Does that make sense? Xx
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Yes I weigh myself first thing in the morning before I eat/drink anything x
  • CLK63
    CLK63 Posts: 23 Member
    I stay away from the scale except weighing in once a month. I try to focus on good clean eating habits and let the weight look after itself. I have to do it this way because I become obsessed with the scale and it causes so much anxiety!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    It's probably water but having weekly treat nights will wipe out any hardwork for a good weightloss

    Not necessarily. It depends on what your weekly deficit was and how much you eat on your "treat night". If you maintain a deficit of 500 calories a day for 6 days you would have to eat 3000 calories to wipe that entire week out. That would be over and above your TDEE.
    I dieted for a bodybuilding competition with weekly "treat nights" and did just fine.
    Funny you should mention ovulation. I released an egg on Friday. I'm a whizz (know all...) at fertility btw that's how I know :)

    Regarding calories I was already 5,600 under my weekly target plus the 3,900 so I hope you are all right :)

    If I keep drinking, hydrating and weeing it out hopefully my body will stop retaining it,

    Does that make sense? Xx

    They are right. It could be water weight from hormone fluctuation because of your cycle. Or it could be that you ate at a higher carb intake than usual, which will refill your glycogen stores (glycogen requires water to be stored so it is often referred to as water weight as well although it is not in the sense of "bloating") or the higher sodium level is causing water retention. Or a mix of all those things.
    You were in a deficit all week. And you didn't eat 7000 calories over maintainence required to actually gain 2 lbs.

    Keep calm and move on.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    It's probably water but having weekly treat nights will wipe out any hardwork for a good weightloss

    I agree that it's water weight, but disagree with your blanket statement that a treat night will definitely wipe out a weekly deficit.

    How do you know what her treat night entails? Is it a "pull out all the stops" blow out, or maybe just an extra portion of ice cream? The OP says it was nothing "ott" (over the top) so it doesn't sound to me like she's doing too much damage with her treat night.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Thankyou bookandchocolate, I didn't think a few treats would ruin my weight loss either. Some people have big take aways and still loose weight.

    Im back to my normal eating today, I don't have any treats other than once a week. I'm hoping its going to sort itself out as with my broken toe I can't exercise that well which is going to frustrate me! Xxxx
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    Your body doesn't know time days weeks all it does is loses and gains weight when it wants by what your eating so if you over eat calories one day a week eventually it will show up
    How long have you been on this plan & how much have you lost ?

    So if the body doesn't know days and weeks, then why would one day over calories make a person gain weight if they are under calories for a week, for example? You make it sound like you think daily fluctuations are real weight gain and loss.

    What about people who do 5:2? Eat maintenance 5 days a week and about 500 calories for 2 days a week.