Just some advice please

Hi guys just need a bit of advice please if you can I have been on here since start of Feb and done great even though last week I felt pretty down about my loss stupid me anyway I have always been on 1200 calories since I started only gone over a few times if that but when I change my weight loss from 2 a week to 0.5 a week it still giving me the same calories why is this is it because I am nearly at my goal my height is 5 1 age 36 and weigh 8 7 only 2 off my goal can anyone help


  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Because MFP will never allow you to go below 1200 calories for dietary needs of your body. Because you don't have that much to lose, 2pds or .5pds a week both hit that limit.
  • sammday5
    sammday5 Posts: 36 Member
    I wanted to go up and increase my calories though that why I wanted to change the weight loss goal so should I just up it myself feel like I have been on 1200 to long
  • texasf1ght
    texasf1ght Posts: 70 Member
    It may be because of how your activity level is set?
  • cate320
    cate320 Posts: 130 Member
    You're really small, so your BMR (calories needed to maintain your body) is going to be low. It's possible you can't go higher and still lose weight.

    If you want to eat more, you are going to have to up your exercise to compensate.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    sammday5 wrote: »
    Hi guys just need a bit of advice please if you can I have been on here since start of Feb and done great even though last week I felt pretty down about my loss stupid me anyway I have always been on 1200 calories since I started only gone over a few times if that but when I change my weight loss from 2 a week to 0.5 a week it still giving me the same calories why is this is it because I am nearly at my goal my height is 5 1 age 36 and weigh 8 7 only 2 off my goal can anyone help

    I hope that's 8 stone 7 and not 87 pounds.

    The answer to your question is what @Afura said. MFP believes that, with your current stats, your non-exercise maintenance calories are 1450 or less, so it will give you the same bottom-floor recommendation of 1200, whether you say your goal is a half pound a week or two pounds a week.
  • sammday5
    sammday5 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks guys that is helpful how do I work out my bmr please is it on a website
  • cate320
    cate320 Posts: 130 Member
    sammday5 wrote: »
    Thanks guys that is helpful how do I work out my bmr please is it on a website

    Yeah, there are a few. Just google "BMR calculator". To get more accurate results which will account for your activity level, you can also use a TDEE (Total daily energy expenditure) calculator as well.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    sammday5 wrote: »
    Thanks guys that is helpful how do I work out my bmr please is it on a website

    I thought MFP showed it to you during the initial calorie calculation process.
    Anyway, there are lots of websites for doing this, including
  • sammday5
    sammday5 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Lynn most of my data was from 2014 when I first tried and wouldn't let me reset thank you for the link