2lb gain overnight???!!!



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Op, I take it you've not weighed yourself often. The scale goes up 5 lbs almost ever day for me. From 6:30 am to 9:00 pm. I've definitely not eaten 17,500 cals OVER my maintenance in one day. That would be consuming about 19,800 calories in 15 hours or so if that was real weight gain.

    Fluctuations happen throughout the day, week, month, etc. you have to watch the trend. Is it moving downward fairly consistently? You are losing weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    It's probably water but having weekly treat nights will wipe out any hardwork for a good weightloss

    Weight loss isn't a linear function...if you're going to weigh yourself daily you need to educate yourself on natural body weight fluctuations or you're going to flip out all the time and drive yourself crazy. Weight management is about tracking trends over time, not the actual weigh in to weigh in number. There are all kinds of things that cause your weight to fluctuate...congratulations...your body is working normally. Stop flippin' out.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I gain weight at ovulation as well as premenstrually. Comparing your weight to when you ovulated last time is a better comparison than your weight last week.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everyone, good points and good advice :) I am going to try and notice any patterns. My hubby said he is going to take the battery out of the scales to stop me from weighing myself all the time!

  • shawna101711
    shawna101711 Posts: 6 Member
    Why are some people so infatuated with their weight? Why would a person step on the scale Dailey anyway? Have a plan, stick to it, weigh once a week if you must. But the main thing is measurements. How your clothes fit. How you feel. None of this weight loss stuff is rocket science. Either you commit to your macros and work treats in there or you don't. And then you worry about whether that treat day sabatoged all your hard work. IIFYM. It's that simple. Then you don't need a "treat day".
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Thanks everyone, good points and good advice :) I am going to try and notice any patterns. My hubby said he is going to take the battery out of the scales to stop me from weighing myself all the time!


    Great idea (taking note of patterns). And remember, patterns take time to establish- not 24 hours, not a week, sometimes not even a month. Make sure your plan is sustainable and get comfortable.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Thanks everyone, good points and good advice :) I am going to try and notice any patterns. My hubby said he is going to take the battery out of the scales to stop me from weighing myself all the time!


    You wouldn't be the first wife I've heard of that happening to. :smiley: Other's have theirs hidden completely. Some people like to weigh every day (same time, same clothes - or lack thereof) to get a really good idea of pattern, and others don't because they find they obsess over the small changes. Measuring your body is also a great alternative/addition to the scale.
  • Countryboy_83
    Countryboy_83 Posts: 946 Member
    I have killed a workout and been in a big deficit and gained .5 lb a day for a week... It can be many things more than likely it's just water retention... My water retention makes me put on weight for about a week then it starts falling off week 2. Don't stress over it
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited April 2016
    Why are some people so infatuated with their weight? Why would a person step on the scale Dailey anyway? Have a plan, stick to it, weigh once a week if you must.

    Taking issue with this statement. I weigh in every morning and I have zero infatuation with my weight. I do it because I like observing data and trends. Weighing in daily has let me know what makes my weight fluctuate most and I know what times of the month I fluctuate most as well. The data has enabled me to adjust accordingly so that there aren't too many surprises on the road to my fitness goals. I like having an arsenal of knowledge about how my own body works.

    Ignoring the scale is great and all, but some people don't even feel a difference in the feel of their clothing until they lose 10 pounds. That can take a month or more, so why waste all that time wondering if you're on the right track rather than weighing in weekly to figure that out? I do agree that people who do not understand fluctuations or will freak out about a tenth of a pound of weight increase need to put the scale away or at least weigh in weekly. As for many of us who have a healthy mindset about weight, daily weigh ins and sites like Trendweight have been excellent for our weight/fitness goals.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    My weight varies every day. I use a weekly average weight to see the trend. Get used to it.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    There is so much more to the human body then fat cells! Mostly water. Just the liver alone can fluctuate several pounds in one day doing it's job. The body weight scale is a very limited tool, as a trend over the months. Best not to tie your happiness to it.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2016
    Why are some people so infatuated with their weight? Why would a person step on the scale Dailey anyway? Have a plan, stick to it, weigh once a week if you must. But the main thing is measurements. How your clothes fit. How you feel. None of this weight loss stuff is rocket science. Either you commit to your macros and work treats in there or you don't. And then you worry about whether that treat day sabatoged all your hard work. IIFYM. It's that simple. Then you don't need a "treat day".

    Agree with synacious too!

    Not infatuated with my weight, loosing weight is a lifestyle change so it's always at the forefront of my mind. I appreciate weighing, not just how clothes fit, every designer has different clothes measurements etc so not completely acurate! I commit to my macros and have a treat day. I wasn't worried that I had sabotaged all my hard work - not once did I say or imply anything of the sort!! I asked whether it was possible to gain 2lb overnight....simple.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    I also measure myself as well, well hubby does! My chest,arm,leg,bum,hip,stomach and waist. It's nice when you see the inches drop off :)
  • fulltimelife
    fulltimelife Posts: 125 Member
    Weight fluctuates for numerous reasons. I weigh daily (works for me--if you are an emotional mess in anticipation of the number, don't bother but rarely), and it is very much possible to go up or down several pounds though the day and overnight. The point of importance is to note the trend over time. In general, if you are eating healthy, being conscientious of overall caloric intake, and exercising regularly, you should see the trend go in the direction of your preference. Two pound increase overnight is not indicative of undoing your efforts thus far.

    For everything and everyone else- We all eat differently, have successes and mistakes that affect us differently, have different indicators of our chosen health and/or weight loss progress. Define what goal you want to achieve, and determine what works for you, through trial and error. Whether it be weighing daily or only once in a great while, or not at all. Whether it is juicing, carb restricting, incorporating processed food or reducing/eliminating it, or only 'eating clean'. Whether it is taking body measurements- or not at all. Whether its walking, running, doing yoga, or strength training, etc etc etc, find what works for your time, budget, and environment. In summation, a lot of different things work. Find yours. Don't worry about anyone else.
  • CLK63
    CLK63 Posts: 23 Member
    For everything and everyone else- We all eat differently, have successes and mistakes that affect us differently, have different indicators of our chosen health and/or weight loss progress. Define what goal you want to achieve, and determine what works for you, through trial and error. Whether it be weighing daily or only once in a great while, or not at all. Whether it is juicing, carb restricting, incorporating processed food or reducing/eliminating it, or only 'eating clean'. Whether it is taking body measurements- or not at all. Whether its walking, running, doing yoga, or strength training, etc etc etc, find what works for your time, budget, and environment. In summation, a lot of different things work. Find yours. Don't worry about anyone else.

    Amen to that! ^
  • WA_mama2
    WA_mama2 Posts: 140 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    It's probably water but having weekly treat nights will wipe out any hardwork for a good weightloss

    Only if you are not at a deficit that week. I have "treats" all the time and maintain a deficit just fine. Cal in - Cal out is king.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,686 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    Hmmm, salty crisps! I would imagine it's just water weight. Not a disaster by any means, give it a couple of days of your new normal habits.

    I eat crisp every day & lose weight always have.


    But if folks eat extra salt beyond their normal amount (even if it's still a perfectly healthy amount of salt), most will tend to add some water weight.

    It's just water fluctuation, not actual fat gain. Temporary, nothing to fret about.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Thankyou all and Thankyou for some of you picking up on some of the comments that aren't that helpful!

    Personally I wouldn't choose to eat crisps and treats everyday. It's not healthy and not great for weight loss, but as what was said - find what works for yourself
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    It's probably water but having weekly treat nights will wipe out any hardwork for a good weightloss

    I have calorie blow outs every now and then, but rarely go over my maintenance calories, it hasn't affected my weight loss at all. Sure I might lose .0001lbs less that week or stay on my regular losing streak. But to completely wipe out my weekly deficit would be preeetttyy hard.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2016
    Morning you clever lot!

    Weight is back to normal and I've had a 2.5lb loss this week. Usually we have our treat night on a Friday so my weight is back to normal on my Sunday weigh in. But because I went out on Friday we changed it.

    I love loosing weight, today is going to be a good day already :) one more 1lb off for the chance to carry a healthy baby. I lost triplets (not due to my weight though) and its changed my who attitude towards my body. Just being in my normal bmi again would be lovely. I was in my normal bmi when I got pregnant but I put on 8lbs instantly (they all had their own sacs) and the weight just crept up with the pregnancy and then the emotional eating after made me put on another stone. I'm now taking control!
