PCOS and Weight Loss



  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    @starryvagabond so glad to hear that Topamax is working for you! I'm sorry to hear that Metformin made your kidneys fail. I'm happy to hear you've found something else that is helping! Best of luck to you!
    @mishyfent so happy to hear your symptoms are under control! That's excellent news! Keep up the awesome work!
    @akerra27 That's so awesome to hear!!! so glad your cancer cells are gone and you are doing well with your lifestyle change. That's really good news!!!
    @Panda_Poptarts congrats on your loss so far! 75lbs is amazing! I've found if I eat between 1300-1400 now, I start to gain. I've played around with my numbers, and my BMR is in the 1700 range, but even so, cutting down to anything more than 1400 makes me gain. I'm definitely not stopping now though! It definitely is a daily struggle, but like you said, it is totally possible!!

  • step0055
    step0055 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All,

    I'm looking for any women who have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and either have lost weight successfully, or are trying to (like me). It's an everyday struggle. I'm on month 8 of being on a 1200-1500 calorie restriction, working with a trainer, exercise 5 days a week at least, and do 10k steps every day. I'm down 27lbs but having to lose more than 100lbs and only losing 27 so far is quite discouraging. Especially with all that I'm doing.

    Anyone going through the same or similar struggle?

    I am down 75, with another 75 - 100 to go. It is a daily struggle, but it IS possible. Make sure you're eating enough. For many folks, 1200 is low, and eating less may not speed up your weight loss. Metformin is your friend if you're insulin resistant.

    Nice work on being down 27 lbs! That's like no longer carrying around 3 gallons of milk all the time - keep up the great work!

    I also have PCOS, recently diagnosed, so I'm just starting out.
  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    @Kassi_Lynn that is so true!! I feel like If I don't work out every day, or at least do something weight training related every day, I have 0 results! How was your experience with the gastric sleeve? did you have good results?

    @step0055 thanks and welcome! PCOS is a beast to deal with , but as you can see from many of the posts, you can beat the symptoms. There are lots of super determined women who aren't backing down. We will definitely get to our goals. Good luck to you!
  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    AHHHH Today is one of the days my scale almost got thrown out a window. I amped up my workouts even more this week and had a goal of 20k steps per day (i'm at about 75k so far in 5 days). I weighed myself today and I'm up 1.4lbs still. GRRR. I'm hoping it's just water weight or bloat of some sort or muscle or whatever. UGH, I'll weigh again Sunday and see what happens.
  • Kassi_Lynn
    Kassi_Lynn Posts: 149 Member
    @Kassi_Lynn that is so true!! I feel like If I don't work out every day, or at least do something weight training related every day, I have 0 results! How was your experience with the gastric sleeve? did you have good results?

    @step0055 thanks and welcome! PCOS is a beast to deal with , but as you can see from many of the posts, you can beat the symptoms. There are lots of super determined women who aren't backing down. We will definitely get to our goals. Good luck to you!

    I'm still in my first month. I've lost 30bpounds so far.
  • Sheri2016
    Sheri2016 Posts: 197 Member
    @Kassi_Lynn that is so true!! I feel like If I don't work out every day, or at least do something weight training related every day, I have 0 results! How was your experience with the gastric sleeve? did you have good results?

    I feel this exact same way!!!

    If I have any sugar I feel like its a compete set back and I don't loose any weight that week.

  • lenles81
    lenles81 Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with pcos while i was trying to conceive and was prescribed metformin. However, i was taking off of it after i had baby. Now when i went to a new primary i was told my sugars are high and that i need to lose weight and watch my sugar. I ask if i should go back on metformin she told me no just lose some weight. After going back and forth she put me on once daily 500mg and told me to lose weight. I dont think she gets it or maybe im wrong. It extremely hard when u try your hardest to put the work in and nothing. Im getting desperate and i think im going to try a weight loss drug.
  • chrisnurse77
    chrisnurse77 Posts: 5 Member
    I have pcos as well starting on a low carb diet today and continue with my HIIT workouts
    I have done low carb before and feel so much better on it
  • equeen1801
    equeen1801 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi you guys.I just found out that I may have pcos..please friend me, we need the support from each other. Also have any of you finally got pregnant just by changing your diet and losing weight/ wrkouts? Just need some advice, thanks :)
  • cate320
    cate320 Posts: 130 Member
    I have PCOS and successfully lost weight on a ketogenic diet. 30 lbs in 3 months.

    Of course, I fell off the wagon when I went overseas, and gained it all back, but it definitely worked. Now I am on round 2.
  • beckyg1286
    beckyg1286 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I have pcos and desperately want to lose the weight. I have gone up and up for years and I just want to over come this and get it under control and to control the symptoms. If there is anyone who would like to add me please do so we can motivate each other. Keen to stick to low carb and Keto. I have a holiday in June and I'm keen to see in my 30th birthday whilst on holiday happy and relaxed and not worried about how
    I look or being uncomfortable with my weight.
  • missabbyb
    missabbyb Posts: 30 Member
    I have hormone imbalances and haven't gone to a doctor about it. I'm starting this ketogenic lifestyle tomorrow. Feel free to add me too
  • TheOriginalBeauty
    TheOriginalBeauty Posts: 25 Member
    I have pcos and I'm doing the 5:2 diet, so far I'm down 8 kilos (nearly 17lbs) in 2 months. :)
  • mDilyla
    mDilyla Posts: 26 Member

    I have PCOS and was put on birth control. I have about 65 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • shypellerin09
    shypellerin09 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here. Recently found out about pcos. Trying to lose weight. Nice to know there are other people out there
  • TeaCurls
    TeaCurls Posts: 32 Member
    My doctor diagnosed me with POC and put me on metformin. I before putting me on it I was losing without a problem, now I am eating 1000 calories a day and working out and not losing at all. Have anyone had metformin hurt their weight loss???
  • uptowngirl852
    uptowngirl852 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 and have had Hashimoto's since the day I was born. I've been on metformin, levothyroxine, birth control and spironolactone for 15 years. I was a size 20/225 lbs in high school and am a size 6/160 lbs now at age 32 (I'm tall).

    I joke that maintaining my health is my real full-time job besides working in finance. My diet is high protein, low sugar, gluten free, and mostly dairy free except for Greek yogurt. My workouts consist of the occasional run, weight training and body weight exercises - I love Millionaire Hoy on YouTube. He's upbeat, hilarious and has a great low-impact series called Silent but Deadly which is perfect for apartment living or injuries.

    I think my biggest hurdle is that people don't take me seriously. Although I've lost a significant amount of weight , people don't take my diseases seriously. My doctor wants me to lose more weight so as to alleviate my symptoms, and I've shared this with people because it's often advised to share a goal with those around you so they can help and support you. The general responses are along the lines of "Oh you're fine. Eat this cookie. Drink this wine." Don't be afraid to treat it like a serious thing, because it is. You only get one body and you owe it to yourself and those you love to be your healthiest.

    Happy to chat with anyone who needs a cheerleader! I'm not a doctor but have definitely been there and done that!
  • LindzMiche
    LindzMiche Posts: 30 Member
    I have PCOS and Hashimoto's. I was diagnosed when I was 17. I am now 27.
    I lost 100 lbs in a bit over a year, about 3 years ago. I've been in maintenance mode since then... I tend to cycle around the same weight +-5 lbs. I'm 161 now.. so I'm at the lower end.
    I lost all the weight on a high protein/low carb diet, but am mostly vegan now and eat tons of carbs and a lot less protein and have no issue maintaining. I started running to help with weight loss and have done everything from 5ks to half marathons. I now do triathlons and obstacle course races to keep active.
    Once I lost the weight I was taken off metformin as my sugar levels were amazing and have been fine since. Still take levo (much lower dose) and birth control.
    I really didn't struggle with weight loss once I was completely honest with what I was eating and was 100% accountable for my own actions.. it was just a matter of having my head in the game 95% of the time while I was losing. A year may seem like a long time to people.. and when everyone asks how I do it.. I tell them the 'hard' way.. diet and exercise.. they cringe.. but it's really THE best way and I think the ONLY reason I've been able to keep it off with ease so far.
    I eat whole foods. Cut out the processed stuff. The year changed my taste buds and really made me adverse to fast food and all the ultra processed foods that make weight loss difficult.
  • LindzMiche
    LindzMiche Posts: 30 Member
    TeaCurls wrote: »
    My doctor diagnosed me with POC and put me on metformin. I before putting me on it I was losing without a problem, now I am eating 1000 calories a day and working out and not losing at all. Have anyone had metformin hurt their weight loss???

    1000 calories a day is very low.. especially if you are working out. if you aren't eating enough.. which it doesn't seem like you are.. you aren't going to lose weight.
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    StacyChrz wrote: »
    I have PCOS, Hypothyroidism and am gluten intolerant. I have found that for myself dairy is a big issue. In a commercial farming operation cows are given artificial hormones to keep them producing milk, I am apparently sensitive to these hormones. Through trial and error I learned that when I eat dairy, whether it's low fat Greek yogurt or cheese, or milk on a regular basis I have more PCOS symptoms and I experience more fluid retention. I had 'fallen off the wagon' for several months, and had been eating dairy regularly. I had also not been measuring my portions accurately and ate a few gluten containing foods. I had maintained my weight through the holidays then in the past several weeks I gained about 9 lbs. back. My periods had become irregular and my joints were aching which is a signal for me of systemic inflammation. Starting last Monday I cut all dairy products, increased my protein, started weighing and measuring everything and have been very careful about gluten. I have lost 7.4 lbs. as of today. I have a Fitbit and have it set up to adjust my calories up or down based on activity and have ended most days a little over my calorie goal and am still losing. I am quite certain that a high percentage of my weight loss is due to fluid retention/inflammation but some of it is absolutely fat loss.

    I have experimented with cutting out dairy along with gluten a few times and each time I have the same positive result. Did I mention my TOM started on Thursday and it was actually 'normal'? I don't find that I need to limit my carbs to severe level, just the gluten containing ones. It might be worth a try.

    i have the same results as you mention above from gluten, but i've never considered that dairy could be a problem too. i naturally don't care for dairy, so i don't eat a lot of it, but i wonder if it could be causing fluid retention? the joint aching i get from gluten is out of this world, so i definitely don't eat any of that!