Does anyone eat the same breakfast and lunch?



  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    Lunch. Monday thru Wednesday i have chicken or tuna salads thursday thru sunday i make pita pockets every now and then i ll have left overs
    My breakfast is usually eggs chesse nuts or Oatmeal
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't eat the same things everyday. But in general i eat the same (couple) meals everyday.

    I'm not a big breakfast person. At most i'll eat two eggs. But other than that i either have fruit or a breakfast fruit bar, maybe even cereal. I for whatever reason can't eat big meals, it just hurts my stomach in the morning.

    Lunch can be anywhere from a hard boiled egg, to a sandwich, soup or even a salad. I do try to pair it with a vegetable of some kind though. (carrots with ranch)
  • coolfry
    coolfry Posts: 48 Member
    I eat the same thing for lunch 4 days a week, a pre prepped meal (this week is tacos) with a can of seltzer and a fruit. I either have a breakfast burrito or oatmeal everyday. I find it easy to eat this same thing most days because I don't have time to think about food on work days. On off days I mostly just snack through the day.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,123 Member
    Yes. I've been eating the same two breakfasts for the past year and a half (either cottage cheese or greek yogurt with PB/PB2, nuts/seeds, jelly, and an apple or a whole wheat bagel thin sandwich if I'm eating breakfast on-the-go), and I prep my weekday lunches and snacks over the weekend. It works great for me, especially when keeping things consistent helps a ton in managing my blood sugars (I know exactly how I need to approach taking insulin for a meal with very higher amounts of accuracy).
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    I eat avocado toast with poached eggs almost every morning.
  • unawind
    unawind Posts: 46 Member
    I find it hard staying on track if I don't have anything healthy premade i for some reason eat bad. It's easier to put something in the microwave like pizza then to cook a healthy meal. I was thinking if I ate the same breakfast and lunch I can maybe precook a bit of food every few day. Are there any members who eat the same breakfast and lunch for this reason they find it easier to stay on track.


    I don't eat breakfast but I do make a big batch of lunches for the week. I've been on a curry kick(using tins of curry paste with canned chickpeas, frozen spinach, canned new potatoes, some sort of fresh veg like butternut squash and canned coconut milk), so I have flavorful easy lunches all week. It tastes better the next day!
  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    I eat pretty much the same thing every day.

    Breakfast: Homemade smoothie; everything in it is the same except the kind of frozen fruit I use (pineapples, mangoes, peaches, berries, whatever), so I do get different flavors. In the winter I sometimes will have a baked oatmeal instead, alternating that with smoothies.

    Lunch: Big salad, piece of fruit, fiber cookie. The latter two vary--sometimes apples, sometimes pears, sometimes grapes, sometimes oranges; for the cookie, sometimes chocolate chip, sometimes sugar, sometimes peanut butter.

    Dinner: I tend to make a big meal on Sundays and eat leftovers throughout the week (I'm single and it's difficult to make a one-serving soup or casserole!). I have several favorite recipes, and I just change them out--I have some stews, several pasta dishes, a few casseroles, a couple of fantastic beans and rice meals. I make a big batch of one thing on Sunday and eat leftovers. Same with veggie side dishes--I'll cook a big batch of green beans, or roasted root veggies, or smoky sweet potatoes, or succotash, or what have you, and eat them throughout the week. I might vary up the fruit from day to day, as I do at lunch.

    Some people might find that really boring, and if that's you, it's okay to vary. But if you like having the same thing, then do it!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Work day breakfast is usually cereal and soy yogurt, fruit and coffee. Sometimes I get crazy-exciting and have a protein shake or a takeaway sandwich/bagel.

    Work day lunch is either a salad, a sandwich, a jacket potato or last night's leftovers. I vary the protein/filling but if this week I bought a big pack of chicken, it's chicken all week, so if Monday was chicken salad, Tuesday is a chicken sandwich, Wednesday is chicken and leftover egg fried rice from Tuesday night's tea, etc.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    CrabNebula wrote: »
    On Sundays I make and prepare all my breakfasts and lunches for the work week. So Monday through Friday I have the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. It doesn't bother me at all and it's so convenient. It also keeps me from going out and spending money at lunch. I cook different dinners every night.

    Pretty much this.

    Same here. Sometimes, I'll do breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. But I change them each week. Even small changes like different flavors of yogurt or preparing my eggs differently keeps things from getting too stagnant.