Daily Intake Calories

Hello everyone! I have always skipped breakfast and more often than not lunch. In recent years I am far less active physically and work a desk job which has resulted in weight gain. I am now attempting to not only be more physically active but also improve my diet. I've started eating healthier, but the challenge that I've noticed is that it's actually hard for me sometimes to reach 1200 calories. I do not snack, do not like sweets etc. Any tips on how to get healthy calories? I get very full quickly when I eat veggies and fruits which are often low calorie wise. Eating healthy is easy to do for me as I do like lots of veggies etc, I just get full very quickly for some reason. Anyone else experience this?


  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    I'm confused how you have gained weight yet you have a hard time reaching 1200 calories. That doesn't make sense.
  • destinyanneford
    destinyanneford Posts: 12 Member
    I didn't track my calories when I gained weight. I am tracking now. I have switched to eating alot of raw veggies fruit etc. Those new foods I've introduced into my diet are low in calories. Make sense now? I have lost 21 pounds so far, so no I am not gaining at this point.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited April 2016
    "Healthy" is more than just fruits & vegetables. Are you meeting protein and fat goals? Dietary fat is calorie dense (small portion sizes). Roast your veggies in olive oil. Spread some nut butter on apple slices, sprinkle nuts (or cheese) on a salad. Do you like avocado?

    Or eat some "regular" food. Losing weight (and keeping it off) requires lifestyle changes. I eat healthier most of the time, but I still eat the occasional fast food meal. I need to work on portion control for ALL foods. Not just the select list I use while losing weight.
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    "Healthy" is more than just fruits & vegetables. Are you meeting protein and fat goals? Dietary fat is calorie dense (small portion sizes). Roast your veggies in olive oil. Spread some nut butter on apple slices, sprinkle nuts (or cheese) on a salad. Do you like avocado?

    Or eat some "regular" food. Losing weight (and keeping it off) requires lifestyle changes. I eat healthier most of the time, but I eat the occasional fast food meal.

    This. Adding in raw veggies is great but I wouldn't dramatically change your diet because it usually isn't sustainable. I didn't change what I eat much to fit MFP. I changed the quantity because I want this to be a lifelong change not a diet.
  • destinyanneford
    destinyanneford Posts: 12 Member
    Love avocados and eat them several times a week most of the time. I do need to increase my protein intake. I do eat regular food (like spaghetti) I just get really full quickly eating anything really. Was curious if others had that issue as well. I didn't notice it until I started tracking what I ate and how much. I guess I'm not coming across clearly.. sometimes it's a challenge to reach 1200 especially when I'm busy unless I do eat convenient less healthy foods. I want this to be a lifelong change not a diet btw, I genuinely love raw veggies etc, always have. Also if anyone can explain for example: if I eat 1200 calories but go to the gym and burn 500 calories MFP says then I have to eat 1700 calories total. Should I be trying to consume that or stay at 1200?
  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    Split it across 5 meals if you can. Much easier to eat veggies and fruits through out the day instead of trying to get 1200 of healthier foods in one serving.
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    If its challenging, I would make prepared meals and take them to work or snacks that are proportioned so you get the calories your body needs. I preportion all my meals before hand and put what I'm going to eat snack wise in a little basket and pick from the basket throughout the day.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited April 2016
    Love avocados and eat them several times a week most of the time. I do need to increase my protein intake. I do eat regular food (like spaghetti) I just get really full quickly eating anything really. Was curious if others had that issue as well. I didn't notice it until I started tracking what I ate and how much. I guess I'm not coming across clearly.. sometimes it's a challenge to reach 1200 especially when I'm busy unless I do eat convenient less healthy foods. I want this to be a lifelong change not a diet btw, I genuinely love raw veggies etc, always have. Also if anyone can explain for example: if I eat 1200 calories but go to the gym and burn 500 calories MFP says then I have to eat 1700 calories total. Should I be trying to consume that or stay at 1200?

    Start with 1200 + 250 (50% of your exercise). It's tough to get reliable calorie burn information.

    I would eat back calories because 1200 is a default minimum. Unless you are extremely petite, you chose an aggressive weekly weight loss goal. Very large deficits make it hard for your body to support existing lean muscle mass. Moderate deficits, enough protein, and strength training help to spare lean muscle loss.

    There is nothing wrong with convenience foods sometimes, all things in moderation.
  • destinyanneford
    destinyanneford Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the tips! 1200 was the recommended calories to lose weight by MFP, I'll try doing as you suggested! (50% of exercise) back if I can (maybe add a protein shake in my diet)! I'm 5'4", 179lbs at this point so I do need to lose at least 40 more pounds. xtina315: good advice! I have been bringing cucumber, avocados, apples, cheese etc to snack on throughout the day, takes a little planning.. Do you feel bloated after eating raw veggies and fruit? I believe that is contributing to the full feeling I get so quickly!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thanks for the tips! 1200 was the recommended calories to lose weight by MFP, I'll try doing as you suggested! (50% of exercise) back if I can (maybe add a protein shake in my diet)! I'm 5'4", 179lbs at this point so I do need to lose at least 40 more pounds. xtina315: good advice! I have been bringing cucumber, avocados, apples, cheese etc to snack on throughout the day, takes a little planning.. Do you feel bloated after eating raw veggies and fruit? I believe that is contributing to the full feeling I get so quickly!

    Did you choose 2 pounds a week as your goal? When you choose the most aggressive goal, you get the most aggressive calorie cut. That's how many people wind up with 1,200 calories a day.
  • destinyanneford
    destinyanneford Posts: 12 Member
    Most likely, I started MFP a year ago so I'm guessing I picked the most aggressive because I had so much to lose!
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    Feel free to look at my diary. I'm 5'3", currently at 141 and trying to get to 129.
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    You're eating high volumes of food that have low calories. If you find you get full easily try eating low volumes of foods that have high calories. Do you like nuts? A handful of nuts can increase your calorie intake easily.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Sounds like you are doing fine with all honesty.

    1200 calories for a relatively sedentary person, eating back about 50% of exercise calories... totally doable.

    Switching from previously eating high calorie items that rarely leave you full to low calorie, high nutrition items that do fill you up will surely make it difficult to eat as much as before. But others have mentioned, gotta be sure you get the nutrition you need. This can be easily done by adding some fats to your diet (olive oil for roasting, a little cup of salad dressing you can dip your fork in during a salad, etc) and ensuring you get enough protein... you should be fine.
  • KorvapuustiPossu
    KorvapuustiPossu Posts: 434 Member
    edited April 2016
    I have had similar thing happening to me. I've always eaten small amounts of food but snacking was my only problem (well... I gained very slowly over period of many years and I calculated that I in average overate by 10-15 kcal a day- I just didn't really care enough to lose weight before - I was never really big)... So when I started tracking and weighed my snacks and started eating more 'real' food instead of snacking I found it sometimes difficult to eat 1200. I felt like I was eating more then before. I still get at least 200 in things like coke and chocolate... But it wasn't really a change for me, I just don't snack almost at all anymore...if I do I weigh my 25-30 g and that's that. All in all, it works, and I feel great :) However I'm short and on the top of my healthy BMI so 1200 is easier for me then for a bigger person obviously.
  • destinyanneford
    destinyanneford Posts: 12 Member
    All great comments, I appreciate it!! I should get some nuts, I really like pistachios so that could be a good addition to my diet! I think part of the issue is I was in the routine of skipping breakfast and usually lunch as well for so many years and only eating once a day. I'm not used to food throughout the day, and it seems like I get bloated alot now that I eat alot more raw veggies and fruits making me feel even fuller, if that makes sense. MFP is great though for really showing me what I'm eating and making it apparent that changes needed to be made in my diet. Checking out your diary jandsstevens... you're close in height to me and around my goal weight :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    Vegetables are notorious for creating gas. If you start getting more fats and proteins, this will let up a bit.

    When I eat a meal that is mostly gassy vegetables, I often take a digestive enzyme like Beano. It helps me with that uncomfortable bloated feeling.
  • destinyanneford
    destinyanneford Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks cmriverside! I might have to get some Beano because I do get uncomfortably bloated now that I eat more veggies! Also someone has suggested before that I take a probiotic to help with the bloating issue!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    It may resolve on its own, too. If this change in eating habits is new, it takes a while.
  • ihatefakenames
    ihatefakenames Posts: 1 Member
    It is actually common for people to gain weight when not eating breakfast/lunch and not meeting 1200 cal goal. The metabolism slows and body starts storing fats. It is also common for the individual to eat more in one sitting if not eating regular meals. They can still be consuming food, but not enough. adding healthy fats (avocado, peanut nut butters, healthy oils, ect) are great ways to help your body process the vitamins in the veggies/fruits and improve overall body functions while increasing caloric intake. I am not a nutritionisd, but I was treated for an eating disorder, very similar to your described eating habits, and I was able to lose weight and gain energy by eating healthy veggies, fruits, fats, and proteins, while limiting refined sugars and processed carbs. I *HAD* to eat 6 times per day to jump-start my metabolism again. Ex small breakfast, fruit and a fat, small lunch, protein and veggie, small dinner, pre bed "snack" apple/orange/carrots. I would recommend seeing a nutritionist for a personalized meal plan to aid in your quest.