Looking for friends

Hey all. New to this, looking for some friends to help keep me going. I've been hitting the gym for a few months and wanted to kick my butt into gear and be accountable for what I eat. Please add me if you want!


  • beatkeeper
    beatkeeper Posts: 139 Member
    What is your goal lose weight tone build muscle you look great in your picture if you don't me saying so
  • elyphant23
    elyphant23 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks - its from last summer, winter wasn't good to me (I was very lazy and ate a bit too much). Looking to lose 5 to 10lbs of fat, gain some muscle - look better than I do in the photo. And to be healthy, I've been working out at least 3 times a week but haven't been eating super well or keeping track at all. Plus I sit at a desk all day.
  • beatkeeper
    beatkeeper Posts: 139 Member
    You got this your goal can be meet I would suggest meal prep small meals to eat every 2 hours or so something with protein like chicken tuna something you can eat at your desk by doing this it will keep you full and not wanting to eat the bad stuff much also keep your carb intake to the morning that way your body has time to burn for energy instead of your muscles I think you look great keep killing it
  • elyphant23
    elyphant23 Posts: 10 Member
    Cool, thanks! :)