Im frustrated!!

Today was my official weight in day for the week. Tuesday I did a midweek weigh in to see if I was going in the direction and I was really excited that it said 240.1 cuz I thought by today I'd FINALLY be below 240. WRONG! I gained 2 pounds apparently and I dont know how!! I've been watching my calories. :(

I didnt weigh at the same time of day because I slept in to different times but I did weigh each time right after I got up and peed but before I ate or drank anything. Could that be the weight gain?? Or could it be where I havent exercised this week?? I'm so confused as to what it could be and I'm just really mad and frustrated!! I really thought I was gonna be below 240 this time. :( Any ideas of why I could have gained the weight??


  • scoobysnack1983
    what are you eating??? Are you anywhere near the time of your MP??? i don't bother getting on the scale a week prior to mine.... i gain up to 5 pounds that week prior sometimes... but a day or two after its gone it all goes away...
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    many things can factor into this without it being official fat gain. sodium, not enough water, pms, bowel movements etc..... relax its ok, i steadily lose about 4-6 lbs a month but some weeks i actually show a gain because of the above mentioned reasons then out of nowhere i drop 4 lbs. and wont have changed a thing! keep doing what your doing and before too long the 240's will be a thing of the past!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Is it near that time of the month? It could be water weight.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Personally even if I eat well and stick to my calorie goal I don't lose when I don't exercise. Also if you were eating a lot of sodium it could cause you to retain water. Unless you ate 7000 calories above your maintenance calories you probably didn't actually gain 2 lbs.
  • rcpayton
    rcpayton Posts: 90
    Try not to be frustrated! I say that but Ive been in the same boat as you at times and I know its easy to get fixated on what the scale says. It is really important to weigh in at the same time of day because your weight can fluctuate 1-4 lbs throughout the day....water weight, food intake, etc. I would weigh in weekly or 2x a week as a guideline to make sure you are on track but also keep track of your measurements. Plus, you know you are on the right track if your clothes are fitting better no matter what the scale says. Dont fret over it....everyday is a new day! :) Be extra vigilant with watching your calories, exercising, weighing in at regular intervals and at same times and take your measurements. You WILL see the results you want! Hang in there!
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    It is hard to say without being able to see your dairy. It could be the type of foods you are eating. How is your sugar, carb, sodium intake? Are you getting enough protein on your work out days? There could be many reasons for the weight gain, but don't get discouraged! I personally would just throw the scale out and don't weight yourself for a long time. As long as you are eating healthier and staying active then you are on the right path!
  • TiffyBear415_xx
    Nope not time for my period. :cry: Probably the exercise thing and not drinking enough water. I didnt know that not drinking enough water could cause it. I guess I'm still new to all of this. Thanks guys!
  • TiffyBear415_xx
    It is hard to say without being able to see your dairy. It could be the type of foods you are eating. How is your sugar, carb, sodium intake? Are you getting enough protein on your work out days? There could be many reasons for the weight gain, but don't get discouraged! I personally would just throw the scale out and don't weight yourself for a long time. As long as you are eating healthier and staying active then you are on the right path!

    I probably eat alot of stuff that I shouldnt but I feel fine as long as I'm under my calories. I have just started eating more protein so thats a godo thing. Anyways, I only worry about the calories because a few years ago I lost 70 pounds doing the same just counting the calories. Sadly here I am with 40 of those pounds gained back. :(
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    I would keep in mind that it is not all about calories...Yes you could stay under your calorie limit, but you can always manage to stay under even if you are eating unhealthy foods. If you load up on calories, but say a lot of those calories carry a great amount of sugars and/or carbs...Then you may not be able to burn all that 'energy' and it could be instead converted to fat; thus weight is gained.

    Just some 'food' for thought. :)
    It is hard to say without being able to see your dairy. It could be the type of foods you are eating. How is your sugar, carb, sodium intake? Are you getting enough protein on your work out days? There could be many reasons for the weight gain, but don't get discouraged! I personally would just throw the scale out and don't weight yourself for a long time. As long as you are eating healthier and staying active then you are on the right path!

    I probably eat alot of stuff that I shouldnt but I feel fine as long as I'm under my calories. I have just started eating more protein so thats a godo thing. Anyways, I only worry about the calories because a few years ago I lost 70 pounds doing the same just counting the calories. Sadly here I am with 40 of those pounds gained back. :(
  • scoobysnack1983
    keep an eye on your sodium levels.... :-/
  • TiffyBear415_xx
    I would keep in mind that it is not all about calories...Yes you could stay under your calorie limit, but you can always manage to stay under even if you are eating unhealthy foods. If you load up on calories, but say a lot of those calories carry a great amount of sugars and/or carbs...Then you may not be able to burn all that 'energy' and it could be instead converted to fat; thus weight is gained.

    Just some 'food' for thought. :)
    It is hard to say without being able to see your dairy. It could be the type of foods you are eating. How is your sugar, carb, sodium intake? Are you getting enough protein on your work out days? There could be many reasons for the weight gain, but don't get discouraged! I personally would just throw the scale out and don't weight yourself for a long time. As long as you are eating healthier and staying active then you are on the right path!

    I probably eat alot of stuff that I shouldnt but I feel fine as long as I'm under my calories. I have just started eating more protein so thats a godo thing. Anyways, I only worry about the calories because a few years ago I lost 70 pounds doing the same just counting the calories. Sadly here I am with 40 of those pounds gained back. :(

    I'll try watching my food more. Thanks for the advice!