New Hypothyroid sufferer here from Northern Ireland!

Hi All,

Just joined my fitness pal today... My weight loss journey started two weeks ago, and week one I had amazing success loosing about 5 pounds, then last week I thought I'd lost another 2 - but I'm not sure as I've been fluctuating so much over the week I can't tell if I've gained one back, or what!! Not demotivated tho - just looking now to make sure I keep better track and do this RIGHT!

I'm looking forward to using MFP as it seems to be a great friendly community all ready so I'm deff looking forward to being a member on here! Also I've been assured that there's plenty of Redditor's lurking about on here, so if you're hailing from that corner of the internet (or not!) please do add me as I'd be pleased to have your ideas or even just support!

So here's my back story for those who might be interested.....

I'm 25 and have been struggling with my weight since I was 21. I was a healthy weight until my Thyroid crashed on me and within 2/3 short months I gained almost 3 stone! I've shifted and gained about a stone over the last few years but I've never been able to crack getting rid of anymore - or keeping it off.

Over the last year I've been stuck in a crappy job that totally sucked away my motivation to keep a close eye on my fluctuations, and I finally got to the biggest I'd EVER been. So much so, my SO gently told me that my disregard for health (and to some extent my shape) was becoming a little unattractive and he wanted to help me to get my life back on track.

It was a massive wake up call, and I decided enough was enough. So I've quit my crappy job - (last day is at the end of this month [June 2011]) and I've finally started working out again and changing my diet. My SO is the most kindest and soft-natured person, so realising how hard it was for him to approach me with his thoughts was just the kick in the *kitten* I needed - So I'm finally going to do this right and succeed at losing this weight and keeping it off!

Also - Any other Hypothyroid sufferers out there who can give me any additional hints/tips/expectations, please do add me!

Hope to be chatting with many more of you soon!!



  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    im a hypthroid too, i joined fewdays back welcome to the community! tip is to take med on empty stomach and dont anything for at least half an hour.
  • nancymmorris
    nancymmorris Posts: 310
    I have hypotthyroidism also. It just takes alot of patience to find the right balance for you.I would love to help support you with this.
  • darsh11
    darsh11 Posts: 98
    Don't get discouraged when the weight comes off in smaller chunks. It takes awhile when you are taking meds for the Thyroid. Also make sure you are getting all your water in. It makes a huge difference. I also have insulin resistance which a lot of hypothyroid people have. I try to balance a carb with a protein so that my glucose levels don't spike. I eat smaller meals more frequently and try to limit the amount to carbs that I eat to 30g per sitting balanced with 15 g of protein
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome on MFP :) I'm in the same boat, and I have to tell you you're on a long journey, but IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT AND WORKING :) Just be patient, be positive and meet new people on here, they're all very supportive! Good luck! xx
  • BulkyBison
    BulkyBison Posts: 18 Member
    Hmmm I've not been taking the water thing as seriously as I should - I'll be sure to start rectifying that this week and start properly getting my 8 glasses a day in - thanks for the advice!

    I'm mostly doing low carb at the moment, but I'm not religiously sticking to it... I'd like to eat smaller meals more frequently but I get paranoid that I'll start eating too much! So perhaps I need to iron that out and try it out properly!

    I'll also try to take my meds on an empty stomach too and see if that improves things! Thanks for that tip as well!

    Thanks for all of your support and taking the time out to write me a message! I really appreciate it!!
  • MissConfidence
    Just got some blood test results back and it appears that my TSH results are above normal, but F4T is normal... Have a doc appointment on Thursday to follow up (checked results online just now). I freak out easily when it comes to my health. Reading online sometimes makes me even more worried. Should I be worried? What does this mean? Sorry I'm coming across as such an anxious freak...
  • BulkyBison
    BulkyBison Posts: 18 Member
    NO no! You don't need to worry! Hypothyroidism is a pain but a simple pill a day will sort it out! I want to change my medication because I've struggled to lose weight since my diagnosis, but my general energy levels etc have been fine since I got the right medication. You don't need to freak out - once you're on the right medication, it's hardly noticeable. It's just getting that all important right medication that will make all the difference!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I haven't read all of your post, but I will come back to it later!!

    but welcome to MFP .. feel free to add me as a friend, as I am a hypothyroidism sufferer also!! haha
  • MissConfidence
    NO no! You don't need to worry! Hypothyroidism is a pain but a simple pill a day will sort it out! I want to change my medication because I've struggled to lose weight since my diagnosis, but my general energy levels etc have been fine since I got the right medication. You don't need to freak out - once you're on the right medication, it's hardly noticeable. It's just getting that all important right medication that will make all the difference!

    Hey thanks, I didn't see this reply until just now. Well, you made me feel better, for sure, so thank you for that! I also saw my doc yesterday and he didn't seem to think it was anything to really freak out about either. I guess I'm also sort of border line - to the point where its debatable whether I should be on meds but for sure if I plan on getting pregnant soon as it can harm the baby if I don't. But, a part of me is thinking I should anyway, because I have been having symptoms (feeling down, low energy, swollen ankles/feet, constipation, and trouble losing weight) and I would like to have those alleviated if possible!
  • jody0912
    jody0912 Posts: 33
    hello everyone!

    I am also a hypothyroid sufferer. It took over a year and 4 different medication strengths but my doctors finally got my levels down to normal range. I agree that one of the things that made the most difference was when I committed to religiously taking my pill right when I wake up - keep it next to the bed w/ water, then hit snooze :) - and don't eat for at least 30-45 minutes. Also, don't take any calcium supplements (tums for instance) or vitamins for at least 4 hours after you take your thyroid medicine. My doctor recommended I take my vitamin at night to avoid any interaction. When I got the right dosage and followed this advice, I felt MUCH better and stopped gaining weight.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend (all of you!). I'm at the beginning of my journey here but I'm seeing results and I'm committed!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    welcome. I too suffer from hypothyroidism. I have been dealing with it for about 15 yrs. A bad marriage, my PCOS, and depression..well those packed on the pounds. I finally got my butt in gear..and worked out..2 hrs a day for 2 yrs..but still wasnt able to get rid of the belly or be lower than 150. Finally..this April..I found a doc who did the right blood test..and put me on Armour.. I am down 18 pounds..and its beautiful.

    I sometimes think its harder for those of us who try to eat right..exercise..but the weight doesnt come off..but its a comfort to know its not just us..that its the damn thyroid which is causing the problems. far as you being a newbie to all doc told me no sweets..use stevia if necessary, stay on 1200 calories a day and do some exercising about 3-5 times a week.

    As far as food.."clean foods" which means nothing processed. You probably want to stick to a low-glycemic diet..and the pounds will melt..