Rant about the Ranting of Ranters...!?



  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Being married to a brilliant man who can't spell worth a darn, and then homeschooling a gifted but "on the autistic spectrum" kid, has turned my whole idea of what words like "educated" and "intelligent" mean upside down. I used to be a grammar and spelling snob. Not so much anymore. I've found that it has little or nothing to do with one's actual intelligence. As long as someone is getting their thoughts across and other people can understand what they are trying to say, I just don't think any of it matters enough to rant about it. (But I must confess that I still grit my teeth whenever someone writes "could of", "would of", or "should of". lol)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    What??? Muscle weighs more than fat? How does that work? Isn't a pound of muscle the same weight as a pound of fat? I'm about to loose my mind.....

  • Dcgfeller
    Dcgfeller Posts: 83
    I try to remind myself that not everyone had the same access to education and parental support for learning that I had.

    Anyone that has access to MFP has access to all the educational tools you could probably ever need if you know where to look.

    I can accept that not everyone had the support that many of us have been fortunate enough to have. But every day I think that becomes less of a defense. People need to show some self initiative. You do not need the support and guidance you once did to find information and become educated.

    If you are inquisitive, the world is....sunglasses...at your fingertips...YEAAHHHHH.
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    And here all this time I have been bending over backwards to look up words on dictionary.com and in Wikipedia, so's not to appeer ignorunt and un edjumakated. God it is Sooo Haaard forcing myself to spell inkarektlee.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    bahahahahahahahaha. Guilty! of Judgement :embarassed: