Back at my pregnancy weight I need help



  • Candiceremaley
    Candiceremaley Posts: 11 Member
    abeare wrote: »
    Omg you basically just described me! I'm 5'2, have a 4year old and have been having issues loosing the pregnancy weight. I was down to 160lbs but am back to 180.
    My food intake isn't perfect but not bad by any means, and I'm always on my feet moving around (I have a home daycare and go to school at night) but yet I'm gaining. I'm constantly tired,like wake up tired, have headaches and sinus infections for the past few months, oh and fertility issues.
    My dr is doing a full blood workup as she suspects thyroid or pcos.
    Have you talked to your dr about this?

    My doctor order blood work too I have to make the appointment today for Friday. I just can't figure it out for the life of me why I can't lose this weight
  • Candiceremaley
    Candiceremaley Posts: 11 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    You're eating too much.

    ^this. Get a food scale and weigh solids, measure liquids, and no indesciminate tasting while preparing meals/snacks. Log EVERYTHING. If you're studying to be a nurse then you must understand the simple physics involved, calories in, calories out.

    I use a measuring cup for my food I don't cook with salt and I only drink water
  • Mrsgervase
    Mrsgervase Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on your beautiful baby! Moving with your kinect is a great way to get started :smiley: I am right there with you trying to lose weight from my pregnancy last year! We can do this <3

  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    You're eating too much.

    ^this. Get a food scale and weigh solids, measure liquids, and no indesciminate tasting while preparing meals/snacks. Log EVERYTHING. If you're studying to be a nurse then you must understand the simple physics involved, calories in, calories out.

    I use a measuring cup for my food I don't cook with salt and I only drink water

    Measuring cups are wildly inaccurate for serving sizes. Get a food scale.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    edited April 2016
    LazSommer wrote: »
    You're eating too much.

    ^this. Get a food scale and weigh solids, measure liquids, and no indesciminate tasting while preparing meals/snacks. Log EVERYTHING. If you're studying to be a nurse then you must understand the simple physics involved, calories in, calories out.

    I use a measuring cup for my food I don't cook with salt and I only drink water

    Get a food scale. Best purchase I ever made. Solid foods, like pasta, meat, rice, cereal, etc... all are measured by serving size in grams or ounces. Measuring cups just won't give you the accuracy and ability to start learning what a 3 ounce serving of chicken or beef, as an example, looks like.
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Another +1 for a food scale.
    It is really eye opening when you measure on a scale especially in grams. It doesn't have to be expensive and you will get your money's worth by using it with the kids to make them recipies.
    Sounds like you really have your hands full with family and studying right now but it is totally possible to make it work.

    As long the doctor gives you the all clear from your bloods ( no underlying conditions) it really is as simple as the other posters have said.

    Good luck op
  • foxlme
    foxlme Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'2" too! I think it's really hard for us shorties to lose weight because we don't have as much wiggle room as taller folks. Going 100 calories over isn't a big deal when you're 5'7" and your calorie budget is 2000, but for us it's a big percentage of our calorie allotment for the day. Things add up fast. If your doc is checking your labs that will rule out things like thyroid, vit D, and iron, so that's a great start. I know it's really hard to stay motivated when you feel stuck, but that's a big part of success- keeping the goal in sight when things don't seem to be working. I have fought really hard to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and managed to lose a little bit more. You can add me if you need some extra positive support!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    edited April 2016
  • Candiceremaley
    Candiceremaley Posts: 11 Member
    foxlme wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" too! I think it's really hard for us shorties to lose weight because we don't have as much wiggle room as taller folks. Going 100 calories over isn't a big deal when you're 5'7" and your calorie budget is 2000, but for us it's a big percentage of our calorie allotment for the day. Things add up fast. If your doc is checking your labs that will rule out things like thyroid, vit D, and iron, so that's a great start. I know it's really hard to stay motivated when you feel stuck, but that's a big part of success- keeping the goal in sight when things don't seem to be working. I have fought really hard to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and managed to lose a little bit more. You can add me if you need some extra positive support!

    Thank you