weight loss journey again, and again and again

AminaMitchell Posts: 26 Member
So for the fifth time i honestly cannot remember, i'm trying to lose this weight. Honestly i have no hope. I know it's bad being pessimistic and negative but i can't help it. I don't wanna go into it because it will be a long boring woeful oh poor me post. So i'll do everyone a favour and not bother. I'm getting bigger and bigger to the point my body physically hurts 24 hrs a day. especially my stomach legs and knees gosh the knees are the worst. Why? Because i have no self control, love positivity care and motivation. I start do good for a month if i'm lucky two i put it all back on and loads more. So i'm bigger when i first started. Even though i have always been chubby and big i'm at my biggest. and This may sound stupid but it wasn't until i was in a dressing room,in front of a long mirrors one in the front back left and right i thought. F**king hell i'm big. stupid i know. but didn't realise how big i was. I Honestly don't know why i'm writing this i know i need to cut the crap eat less and move more. But i know what to do but have no self gratification to do it. I guess i would love to lie down in bed all day not go out and be alone not because of my weight but just how i am. So question is how do i start this weight loss journey if i honestly don't care and know full well my fat a**, will give up get even bigger when i started ? i cannot explain how i feel it's not laziness but emptiness. SORRY FOR THE ESSAY. :#:(:o:/


  • AminaMitchell
    AminaMitchell Posts: 26 Member
    Even right now i'm thinking about food. Urgh
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited April 2016
    Don't change everything around to lose weight because you'll probably just regain when you go back to the way you really like to eat.

    Start by just logging as accurately as you can. Don't change anything. Eat the foods you normally eat but log them so that you have a record.

    After a week or two, look back through to see where you can make small changes such as smaller portions or eating baked fish rather than fried. Only make changes that you are willing to continue forever. Only eat foods you like and don't eat foods you don't like. Try for 80% of your calories from nutrient-dense foods and 20% from treat foods. No food is off limits.

    You want to take your normal way of eating and make minor adjustments to get the calories down. That way, you won't feel as deprived.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    Log your calories in. That's it. Don't make a judgement about them. Focus on maintaining your weight and not losing weight. Maintaining is a good thing to do. The emptiness you describe could be depression. Talk to your doctor and consider going to a therapist.
  • AminaMitchell
    AminaMitchell Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for the advise i don't even think of half of what you both said. thanks for taking the time i will start doing these things . Thank you.
  • Amya2998
    Amya2998 Posts: 14 Member
    On January 1st of this year, I could have written your post! In fact, I did, in a journal. I felt hopeless and helpless. I had tried and failed so many times, losing all motivation and self control after a month or two, usually as soon as I started telling people I was trying to lose weight. So this time around, I started at 254 and set a goal to lose 50lbs pounds by my 40th birthday in July. I thought, I can do anything for 6 months, right?! I decided not to tell anyone except for my husband that I was doing this, again. Well, now it's 100 days later and I am down 41.2 pounds! I'm not sure what is different this time, but I can say take everything one day at a time, if you slip up, it's ok, just log it and move on! You will never succeed, if you never try! So just keep going and eventually you'll get there! Feel free to add me!
  • Scrappydo67
    Scrappydo67 Posts: 17 Member
    All such good advice above. I find myself slipping up on the eating part often, I am an emotional eater and also suffer from clinical depression. But I try to be as honest as I can in logging what I eat, and also remember, every day is a new day and a new chance to succeed! :)
  • janetv3
    janetv3 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm addicted to food... Some people live to eat.... wondering what my next meal should be... some people eat to live... just to get energy from food... logging in what you eat is very important they really should teach this at school...So young people realize... what is in their food and how to control their meals now before they get older, learning how to eat right is very important... I've been heavy since I was 8 years old... I remember how kids would tease me and make fun of me.... well, I wish the best to everyone... keep up the journal it helps....
  • larsminnaar
    larsminnaar Posts: 56 Member
    janetv3 wrote: »
    I'm addicted to food... Some people live to eat.... wondering what my next meal should be... some people eat to live... just to get energy from food... logging in what you eat is very important they really should teach this at school...So young people realize... what is in their food and how to control their meals now before they get older, learning how to eat right is very important... I've been heavy since I was 8 years old... I remember how kids would tease me and make fun of me.... well, I wish the best to everyone... keep up the journal it helps....

    Wouldnt worry to much about eating a lot just make sure the energy produced is used in the right way :)
  • AminaMitchell
    AminaMitchell Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice and taking the time to respond. Reallly motivating
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Suggest really sitting down then and writing down what caused the issues in past times.

    If you don't learn from history - doomed to repeat it, right.

    And really try to dig into the reason behind any actions that caused the problems.

    Perhaps you kept binging prior and eating way too much, too frequently, and just gave up.

    Why binging?
    Missed certain foods?

    Like that.
  • AminaMitchell
    AminaMitchell Posts: 26 Member
    ^^^^^ Thank you Heybales, you are right thanks for taking the time to help me out. Hope all is well for you and everyone above.