Fat & unsure I'm eating right macros



  • pipmcgrath
    pipmcgrath Posts: 26 Member
    Can't see me being in the hall of fame to be honest lol. I'm sticking with the gvt and the hiit for the rest of this cycle and then'll I'll see. I've stuck to it so far and the food is just to much so back to calorie counting I'm afraid for me. Yes very disappointing when you've spent money and hard work on it. I think it is a good plan and does clearly work for a lot of people but I personally think those that get great results have maybe never really dieted or exercised before etc. I lost nearly 7 stone in 2013 calorie counting. Got sick end of 2014 had an op and regained 30lbs basically lost all interest in diet and exercise again. 3olbs on me from that profile pic, must change it lol. Really disappointed with the body coach. The book Thinner Leaner Stronger by Michael Mathews ( I think that's his name ) is worth a read. I think no matter how you sugar coat it or dress up diets its all calories in and calories out at the end of the day so I'm just going to focus on that. Sadly I have to find I have to be a little bit hungry sometimes to lose weight. All of the eat as much as you like / fill up on these food diets don't work for me. Just make me fatter lol

  • clairem1122
    clairem1122 Posts: 17 Member
    I think you're doing the right thing with continuing the exercise. And if the food element isn't working for you as its too much, like it was for me, then no point in forcing it as you will quit, so calorie counting is the best way forward I think too. And as for losing 7 stone previously...wow well done you that's fantastic!!!
  • clairem1122
    clairem1122 Posts: 17 Member
    I never had to worry too much about my weight previously, but that was until giving up smoking 2 years ago, then I gained around 2 stone. I wasn't a big eater at all, but that was obviously because the cigs were killing my taste buds, because now I love EVERYTHING lol. So now it's a matter of finding what works for me. Joe,'s plan didn't, so now I'm trying calorie counting. Fingers crossed we both get the results we want. With your history of that fab weight loss, I'm sure you'll be where you want to be in no time ☺️ Good luck for the rest of C2 and the remaining plan
  • Polekitten81
    Polekitten81 Posts: 2 Member
    Did you get to cycle 3? That's where people find the most changes. C2 was to build muscle...C3 was the cutting stage.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Protein at least 0.8 grams per body weight in kg. That "kg" is the part Americans tend to forget. The 0.8 g is the American government recommendation. 1.0 is the EU recommendation based on more recent science. I try to meet the EU recommendation.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    are you weighing all your food on a digital food scale? someone asked, but i didn't see the answer... also are you careful when you choose database entries for your foods? some are wayyyy off, so it pays to check the label and make sure the numbers match. i remember there was a guy who grabbed the first potato salad listing he saw, and it was 49 calories when the reality was 450.