Exercise question...

jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
edited 12:17AM in Fitness and Exercise
I have plataeud this past week or two. I have started my summer classes for school and they are kicking my butt. I am so busy I have had almost no time to exercise. Not that I exercised every day to begin with but I was more active before the past two weeks. I have cut back my calories to try to make up for the lack of activity. So my actual question is....if I am not exercising but am reducing my calories, can this hurt me? I am making sure I get all my nutrients while still cutting back my calories.
Any input would be appreciated.


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Are you going under what MFP gives you on a daily basis? I am one who eats back all/most of my exercise calories, so I would say to eat the same amount of calories MFP gives you daily when you don't exercise since it already has the deficit built in for you. If you do have a chance to exercise, you can eat more than that amount.
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Are you going under what MFP gives you on a daily basis? I am one who eats back all/most of my exercise calories, so I would say to eat the same amount of calories MFP gives you daily when you don't exercise since it already has the deficit built in for you. If you do have a chance to exercise, you can eat more than that amount.

    I am not eating all my calories. I am alotted 1760 calories but I have cut back to between 1300 and 1500 to make up for not exercising.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you can't exercise you can still lose weight you just have to cut back on the food.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    ive lost 41lbs in less than 4 months by eating all of my calories and not excercising.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    If you can't exercise you can still lose weight you just have to cut back on the food.

    you should eat all your calories, not eat lower amounts then what mfp suggests... ull still loose 2lbs a week by eating all 1760 of your calories... losing faster than that by cutting down to 1300 or so isnt safe.
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    If you can't exercise you can still lose weight you just have to cut back on the food.

    you should eat all your calories, not eat lower amounts then what mfp suggests... ull still loose 2lbs a week by eating all 1760 of your calories... losing faster than that by cutting down to 1300 or so isnt safe.

    I have cut back because I have plateaud. I dont want to lose faster, I just want to continue losing : (
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    If you can't exercise you can still lose weight you just have to cut back on the food.

    you should eat all your calories, not eat lower amounts then what mfp suggests... ull still loose 2lbs a week by eating all 1760 of your calories... losing faster than that by cutting down to 1300 or so isnt safe.

    I have cut back because I have plateaud. I dont want to lose faster, I just want to contiue losing : (
    The last time I plateaued, I raised my calories a bit. That worked. Of course, I was exercising at that time. I would definitely recommend not cutting back more than what MFP gives you.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    You should not cut back on your calories because you are not exercising. As long as you set up MFP right to begin with there is already a calorie deficit built in to lose weight. For best results you should be eating close to the daily calorie goal MFP gives you each day. When you exercise you should eat most of those calories back. It is possible that by cutting back as far as you have below the MFP goal that you are now eating too few calories. Many people don't realize that eating too few calories can be as big a problem when trying to lose weight as eating too many can. When you eat too few calories your body goes into "starvation mode" because it thinks there is a famine and starts to horde the fat in order to survive.
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    If you're very busy/active, you might not be eating enough. Lots of people start losing again by raising their calories. It might be worth a try, especially if you're eating less than the mfp recommendations (assuming all your settings are correct). Also, try drinking more water if you're not already. Good Luck :0)
  • I've heard that losing weight is only 20% exercise and 80% what you eat, so...
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for all your input everyone. I am full everyday as it is but I will try to increase some and see if that makes a difference.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I am not eating all my calories. I am alotted 1760 calories but I have cut back to between 1300 and 1500 to make up for not exercising.

    what is your activity level set at?
    Do you need to change your activity level down a notch or two?

    I'm a big fan of keeping it on sedentary and then logging every little thing above and beyond my daily activities in my exercises. It motivates me to do more when I see the calories add up.

    If your activity level is set correctly I would eat what MFP gives you and tweak according to how your body reacts. If you want to check another site:

    And also:
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    I am not eating all my calories. I am alotted 1760 calories but I have cut back to between 1300 and 1500 to make up for not exercising.

    what is your activity level set at?
    Do you need to change your activity level down a notch or two?

    I'm a big fan of keeping it on sedentary and then logging every little thing above and beyond my daily activities in my exercises. It motivates me to do more when I see the calories add up.

    If your activity level is set correctly I would eat what MFP gives you and tweak according to how your body reacts. If you want to check another site:

    And also:

    This is what I do also. I have it set on sedentary and log in anything above regular activity.
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