Help Please!

Hello Everyone
So here is the deal, Im not entirely new to working out.. I have worked out previously but never stuck with it.. I have wrestled with becominh a vegan just to drop a few lbs but I think my biggest issue is going to be what it has always been....FOOD...I love food like real food..We talking baked mac n cheese..ribs..pork chops..Well you get the point.. So i guess Im looking for healthy ways to make that stuff without packing on the lbs ANNNDDD if anyone has any work out tips that would b great too.. Look forward to the feedback


  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I love all that stuff. I eat all that stuff. I just eat less of it so it still fits into my calories - If I took it out of my life completely, I would end up binging because I want it a lot.
    Find lower calorie things that you can enjoy eating, and find alternatives to higher calorie items that you do enjoy eating. Start accepting that if you don't want to be the person you are, then you have to suck it up and make changes that include not always having everything you want.
    As far as exercising, just walk. Or lift weights, or whatever you enjoy - just move more.
    Enter your information into MFP, and be realistic about the amount of weight you should be losing a week, and your normal activity level, and stick to the calories MFP gives you, not the ones you 'think' you should have.
    Do a lot of reading, educate yourself. The stickied "Most helpful posts" in both this area and the "Getting Started" section of the forum are chock full of advice and information that truly is helpful.
    Use the search function for the forums - If you got a question, it's likely it's been asked (perhaps thousands of times) but if you don't find an answer, ask.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    First, veganism is not a weight loss plan. I found myself 50 pounds overweight after my daughter was born, and I'd been vegan for 20 years. You can easily gain weight on nut butters, coconut ice creams, breads, pastries, etc.
    Second, you can eat man n cheese and ribs, just log everything, and stop when you near your caloric limit for the day.
    And the best workout is the one you will do. For me, that means bingewatching whilst treadmilling.
  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    I love all that stuff. I eat all that stuff. I just eat less of it so it still fits into my calories - If I took it out of my life completely, I would end up binging because I want it a lot.
    Find lower calorie things that you can enjoy eating, and find alternatives to higher calorie items that you do enjoy eating. Start accepting that if you don't want to be the person you are, then you have to suck it up and make changes that include not always having everything you want.
    As far as exercising, just walk. Or lift weights, or whatever you enjoy - just move more.
    Enter your information into MFP, and be realistic about the amount of weight you should be losing a week, and your normal activity level, and stick to the calories MFP gives you, not the ones you 'think' you should have.
    Do a lot of reading, educate yourself. The stickied "Most helpful posts" in both this area and the "Getting Started" section of the forum are chock full of advice and information that truly is helpful.
    Use the search function for the forums - If you got a question, it's likely it's been asked (perhaps thousands of times) but if you don't find an answer, ask.

  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much Afura...I really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.. I will definitely check out those forums for some tips.. Actually saw a few recipes I liked as well.. <3
  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    Why not just make it the way you like it and eat less of it? =/ Its just about moderation, i dont know why people think they still need to eat a pyramid sized plate of food anyway lol if youre planning your day right and eating properly youre not going to want to sit down to a massive helping

  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    Krisstatic.. Your too funny but your right! Good deal.. Thanks a bunch
  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    JenD1066 wrote: »
    First, veganism is not a weight loss plan. I found myself 50 pounds overweight after my daughter was born, and I'd been vegan for 20 years. You can easily gain weight on nut butters, coconut ice creams, breads, pastries, etc.
    Second, you can eat man n cheese and ribs, just log everything, and stop when you near your caloric limit for the day.
    And the best workout is the one you will do. For me, that means bingewatching whilst treadmilling.

  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    JenD1066 wrote: »
    First, veganism is not a weight loss plan. I found myself 50 pounds overweight after my daughter was born, and I'd been vegan for 20 years. You can easily gain weight on nut butters, coconut ice creams, breads, pastries, etc.
    Second, you can eat man n cheese and ribs, just log everything, and stop when you near your caloric limit for the day.
    And the best workout is the one you will do. For me, that means bingewatching whilst treadmilling.

  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    JenD1066.. thank you so much for that I truly didnt kno u could gain that much being a vegan..
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited April 2016
    Each of my friends that tried a vegetarian way of eating for any length of time eventually gave it up because of more weight gain than they were willing to accept. If your goal is dropping a few pounds, don't assume vegan or vegetarian eating is the best way to get there. Many people find animal protein very filling, so they eat more of it--not less-- in a caloric deficit.

    Ditto re: "most helpful posts" are truly helpful.
  • msmckeithan01
    msmckeithan01 Posts: 11 Member
    @ahoy_m8 thank u for your input.. i really appreciate that
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Hello Everyone
    So here is the deal, Im not entirely new to working out.. I have worked out previously but never stuck with it.. I have wrestled with becominh a vegan just to drop a few lbs but I think my biggest issue is going to be what it has always been....FOOD...I love food like real food..We talking baked mac n cheese..ribs..pork chops..Well you get the point.. So i guess Im looking for healthy ways to make that stuff without packing on the lbs ANNNDDD if anyone has any work out tips that would b great too.. Look forward to the feedback

    Check out for recipes. :)
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    edited April 2016
    You can easily find ways to eat stuff like that and lose weight.. you don't have to go Vegan.. I also have a couple of Vegan friends - one is quite overweight, someone else I know is Vegetarian and she is very there are obviously ways to get fat without eating meat too!

    Like others said.. you could eat what you want but limit the portions so you are only having a small amount and count the calories.. you could try alternative ways of cooking them.. dry fry, roasting without oil or fat..low fat cheese.. etc Or you can go the low carb way where you can eat lots of ribs burgers and cheese, but you'd have to do without the bun and ketchup! lol I'm sure one of the 3 is the lesser evil for you! :)
  • laura_c628
    laura_c628 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd try going paleo, I just did recently and have lost a few pounds already! Plus you can still eat most meats :)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,843 Member
    laura_c628 wrote: »
    I'd try going paleo, I just did recently and have lost a few pounds already! Plus you can still eat most meats :)

    How is TO going to lose weight by upping her intake on cheese, ribs and chops prepared the traditional way? If you eat Paleo then CICO still is true. yes, when you start out you might lose some water at first from emptying your glycogen stores, but that's not weight loss.
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Healthy food and 'real food' don't have to be mutually exclusive.
    Find your calorie goal with not too aggressive a defict so it is attainable in the long term and weigh and log.
    Get to grips in the kitchen with making some of your fav meals lower in calorie , but if at times you have the original version it doesn't matter just log a correct portion for you and fill up with veggies.
    This doesn't have to be punishment and and you may find new meals that you prefer.
    I love Mac and cheese , love cheese in fact and there's always cheese in my diary. Feel free to add me
    I make a lower cal version with extra cauliflower and broccoli, sharp cheddar and low fat soft cheese even bacon bits on top
    Pinterest is great for recipe ideas too. X
  • SFBMCBuck
    SFBMCBuck Posts: 63 Member
    If your serious you have to change your lifestyle. Start counting your macros (protein, fat, carbs), weigh your food, figure out your BRM and stay under that number (if you want to eat mac and cheese - eat it as long as your under your macros), and start doing low impact cardio (elliptical) for at least 400 - 500 cals a day. If you do this for a week you will see the numbers start to move. if you do it for a month you will see your reflection in the mirror change.
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    I eat macaroni and cheese and have lost 13lbs in 13 weeks by using MFP. You can do this, just log everything and stick with it.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited April 2016
    Just eat the portions that fit your calorie goal. Pair smaller portions of higher calorie foods with lots of lower calorie vegetables.
    Make lower calorie versions. Use milk instead of cream, use less barbeque sauce, use less oil, use less cheese, grill meats instead of frying.
    Get a food scale and weigh your food for more accurate logging.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    I ate a huge bowl of homemade mac and cheese last night. I kept my calories lower during the day so that I could make that meal last night and enjoy a decent sized portion. It was delicious and I have no regrets. I do this regularly with higher calorie foods that I really enjoy, it's all about balance and keeping yourself accountable in your logging so that you stay within your calorie goals. Good luck and enjoy your food (in moderation)! :)