trying to lose weight but have hypoglycemia?



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    I'm not a doctor but as far as I'm aware hypoglycaemia is a symptom rather than an illness on its own. Your sugar can fall for some reason but not be low in general unless you are diabetic or have other conditions which can cause it to fall on certain occasions.

    Are you sure you got hypoglycaemic attack and not an anxiety attack?

    You are exactly correct! Hypoglycemia is a step toward diabetes. It occurs when one eats too many carbs and their blood sugar goes out of whack. When my doctor told me I was borderline hypoglycemic, I thought that was a good thing. I said, "cool, isn't that the opposite of diabetes?" He said, no, it's a step towards diabetes, GET OFF THE CARBS! Needless to say, I took his advice. Days I wake up and feel like I am going to throw up if I don't eat something quick, I know that the previous day I had too many carbs or too much aspartame. Aspartame causes hypoglycemia and worsens diabetes.

    No, chronic hypoglycemia is a real medical concern that some non-diabetics have. Most commonly, it is reactive hypoglycemia - these people have over-production of insulin in response to BG spikes. It is not a cause of diabetes, nor is it an indicator that one is developing diabetes. In fact, there is more than one "type" of diabetes (they are different diseases entirely) and chronic hypoglycemia is not a symptom of any of them.

    As to aspartame causing hypoglycemia and "worsening" diabetes, you must have been reading some of the junk pages. Neither is true. Again, it doesn't worsen any of the many types of diabetes. It also does not cause hypoglycemia. That is something you might see from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. Usually the explanation is that our pancreas releases insulin in response to taste buds, and so when we taste something sweet, we release insulin. That isn't true - insulin response does not take cues from taste buds, but from BG. If your BG is high, you release insulin regardless of what you ate. This is how it works for non-diabetics, of course.

    People can have an insulin response from seeing food or even thinking about food, so an insulin response to tasting something fake sweet isn't exactly a wild theory.


    No, your body does not create insulin because you see or think about food. If that were true, everyone would be hypoglycemic nearly all the time. The ambulances would never make it if they have to drive by restaurants or billboards for restaurants on the way because the paramedics would pass out and crash from hypoglycemia. Where do people get these ideas?

    Research in human nutrition.

    I'm fairly certain your supposition and scenario above is not a product of research.

    I've been eating for nearly 31 years and have been taking insulin for 21 years. I know how food and insulin affect BG. Can you cite studies as to how looking at food provides "human nutrition?"

    Edited for clarification: I literally watch how various things affect BG all day every day, and have been doing so for decades.

    Nope, can't. No one said that, no studies needed.

    Please explain exactly how you are suggesting that looking at food or thinking about food will cause an insulin release. So far, you're answer is this, which doesn't answer the question:
    umayster wrote: »

    Research in human nutrition.

    Research like this, swish and spit promotes a Cephalic phase insulin release -

    There is more - insulin can rise prior to BG contrary to statements above. Human nutrition is a big messy topic with very marginal and incomplete understanding.

    I refuse to pretend that I know everything about everybody just because I read a lot and have dealt with a problem for a long time but am very determined to keep an open mind and keep learning!

    This article only concludes that actually having sucrose or saccharin in one's oral cavity (mouth) causes an insulin response. It doesn't say that about aspartame, and did not study seeing or thinking about food.

    As far as the conclusions it did find regarding sucrose and saccharin:
    Sucrose - This is absorbed through capillaries that run along the cheeks. This is why us type 1 diabetics know that sucking on sugar-containing hard candy will raise BG. And as BG rises in non-diabetics, so does insulin.
    Saccharin - The reason for this is because of the metabolic effect, not the thought, sight, or even taste of it. Here is a citation for a peer-reviewed article that explains how that works (in APA format):

    Simon, B. R., Parlee, S. D., Learman, B. S., Hiroyuki, M., Scheller, E. L., Cawthorn, W. P., & ... MacDougald, O. A. (2013). Artificial Sweeteners Stimulate Adipogenesis and Suppress Lipolysis Independently of Sweet Taste Receptors. Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 288(45), 32475-32489. doi:10.1074/jbc.M113.514034
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    If you listen to what anyone has to say please let it be me. You know to talk to your doctor. Hypoglycemia is not normal and extremely dangerous. This is not something you want to mess around with. Please be careful
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,836 Member
    I get hypoglycaemic every now and then if I don't have a proper breakfast with lots of carbs. I just need them to get going. if I only have a high fat/protein breakfast or I delay my breakfast for too long I get what you describe. Then I can eat as much as I like I just feel terrible for the coming hours. Doesn't happen often though, and it got much better since I work out regularly.
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    I had hypoglycemia for years. The only way I got rid of it was by eating organic. Organic doesn't have msg or high fructose corn syrup, oh and artificial sweetners are the worst. Once I cut those 3 things out my hypoglycemia became a long distance memory. Now I'm a raw vegan so I only eat fruits, veggies, and nuts. I can go hours without eating and not get shaky, dizzy, panicky, etcs. My suggestion is stop eating grains. Rice, pasta, cereal, etcs causes me to have hypoglycemia. My advice is eat fruits, veggies, nuts, and meat. If you need bbq sauce on your meat then go for the certified organic sauces. This will ensure that you aren't ingesting high fructose corn syrup, msg, and artificial sweetners. Good luck.
  • linsey0689 wrote: »
    If you listen to what anyone has to say please let it be me. You know to talk to your doctor. Hypoglycemia is not normal and extremely dangerous. This is not something you want to mess around with. Please be careful

    Thank your for your concern, but my doctor knows about it, and it isn't harmful as I generally know how to handle it. :) But thank you :)
  • NotGnarly wrote: »
    I had hypoglycemia for years. The only way I got rid of it was by eating organic. Organic doesn't have msg or high fructose corn syrup, oh and artificial sweetners are the worst. Once I cut those 3 things out my hypoglycemia became a long distance memory. Now I'm a raw vegan so I only eat fruits, veggies, and nuts. I can go hours without eating and not get shaky, dizzy, panicky, etcs. My suggestion is stop eating grains. Rice, pasta, cereal, etcs causes me to have hypoglycemia. My advice is eat fruits, veggies, nuts, and meat. If you need bbq sauce on your meat then go for the certified organic sauces. This will ensure that you aren't ingesting high fructose corn syrup, msg, and artificial sweetners. Good luck.

    I too am vegan (not raw vegan though) and I think it's interesting that you mentioned non-GMO and organic. I'm sure that really does make a huge difference, and I'll make sure I don't eat anything that's not organic from now on. Thank you for your input :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    NotGnarly wrote: »
    I had hypoglycemia for years. The only way I got rid of it was by eating organic. Organic doesn't have msg or high fructose corn syrup, oh and artificial sweetners are the worst. Once I cut those 3 things out my hypoglycemia became a long distance memory. Now I'm a raw vegan so I only eat fruits, veggies, and nuts. I can go hours without eating and not get shaky, dizzy, panicky, etcs. My suggestion is stop eating grains. Rice, pasta, cereal, etcs causes me to have hypoglycemia. My advice is eat fruits, veggies, nuts, and meat. If you need bbq sauce on your meat then go for the certified organic sauces. This will ensure that you aren't ingesting high fructose corn syrup, msg, and artificial sweetners. Good luck.

    Whole grain pasta is fine, but yeah. I avoid rice, plain pasta, and definitely cereal when it hits.