HCG DIET -Fact or Fiction?!?!



  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Just wondering what would happen if you ate more than the 500 calories? Would you get sick? I personally would be worried about using hormones. But then I had to quit BC pills because of migraines from the tiny amount of hormones in those (I was on the lowest dose possible).

    I think in the long run, learning correct amounts of food to eat and exercise are the only foolproof, real deal ways to lose weight and keep it off.
  • ldgarcia
    ldgarcia Posts: 6
    I wouldn't risk it. On the HCG diet you are limited to only 500 calories a day with a short list of foods you can have. You lose the weight quickly but feel irritable, have a headache and seem to be tired a lot. Once you stop eating only the foods listed, you gain the weight back fairly quickly.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Has anyone here heard or done this HCG Diet? It kinda sounds too good to be true. I want to try it, Im willing to do anything to help lose this weight, but Im skeptical. I saw all the youtube videos and watch Dr. Oz's Review but I would like to hear from "REAL" people.

    It is REAL I have done it, and lost an everage of 1.5 pounds A DAY. yes, a day. I gained it all back when I went off of it because I am a full time student and it was finals week, and well, I'm a stress eater, BIG TIME. It really does work and it is amazing, you just have to be disciplined. Unlike I was. If I would have stuck with it for as long as I should have, I would have lost at least 25+ pounds. It is the coolest thing since sliced bread I would say ;) lol

    But clearly you couldn't sustain it, so wasn't the money wasted? If you had lost that weight over a slower period of time, learned how to eat healthily for the rest of your life, you'd still be enjoying the benefits of that loss instead of having gained it all back. You can eat normal amounts of foods and exercise reasonable (read: not excessive) and lose weight gradually over time that will STAY off. For life. And it won't cost you a dime.
  • cntrysngr7
    I have been on the HCG diet for almost a week now. Down almost 10lbs. I am doing the injections. Being followed by a physician. I am not hungry!!!!! I am also doing 800 cal/day. I eat breakfest (usually eggbeaters), morning snack (veggie), lunch (3oz lean protein with many options, small salad, walden farms dressing), afternoon snack (2oz lean protein, veggie), dinner (4-5oz lean protein, 3 veggies), and if i need snack at night either 2 sugar free jello or sugar free popsicles. So far so good!
  • GraceOnAMission
    GraceOnAMission Posts: 19 Member
    I too was skeptical and freaked out about the 500 calories. However, if you've researched the health benefits of fasting (which is NOT the same as starvation), it allows time for your body to heal itself from toxins. Typically in a fast, the first three days you feel like crap because you're detoxing--jitters, headaches, queasiness. After those three days, you actually don't feel hungry because that is when your body is starting to burn energy from your fat stores. This is temporary and the length of time of feeling this "euphoria" varies by person, but it's averaged to be about 28 to 40 days (right around the length of the first phase of hCG). When your body has naturally finished "detoxing", your hunger will return. When you ignore your hunger at this point, that's when it's considered starvation/anorexia because you're no longer burning your fat stores; you're burning nutrients for your vital organs. (source: Fast Your Way To Health - Bueno)

    I've been on this program for six days and I've lost four pounds. I thought I was hurting myself during that detox period, but I'm so glad I made it through. By the fourth day, I felt lighter, my mind is clearer, my sleep has been very restful and I feel much calmer. It has surprised me. Even the amount of food I eat has been satisfying and delicious. Who knew broccoli could taste good with just a little salt and NO BUTTER? When I come off of this phase, I don't intend to go back and eat crap. As with any diet, if you think you can go back to your previous eating habits, of course you'll gain your weight back. The health and fitness industry depend on it! This is for lifestyle change so don't waste your efforts. If you're interested in doing hCG drops, then do your research. Even the research states that 60% of the participants in their studies were successful--not 100%. Human behavior is still a factor so you have to decide for yourself if this is a path you want to explore. I don't feel like I'm putting myself in any danger. I think I have enough fat stores to keep myself from starving to death. My disclaimer is that I have never had an eating disorder so I feel I've made a healthy choice. Just like anything else, it's not for everyone, but until you really look at the research, you won't understand the health benefits.

    Good luck to everyone on your weight loss journey!
  • AshCol25
    AshCol25 Posts: 2 Member
    I have actually done the drops. Don't waste your time. Although I did lose about 10 lbs within the first 10 days, I didn't feel like it was worth it. My hair had started falling out and it I felt horrible. For those people that say they aren't hungry they are lying. If you really want to try it though go through a doctor where they can actualyl prescribe injections or any other kind of method that you know for sure has the HCG hormone in it. If it is easily available to you such as online or buying it from someone, it probably is just a mixture of alcohol and water. I was desperate to get the weight off too but I wasn't smart about it. I should have done a ton of more research on it before I started. Plus there is no evidence you aren't losing weight drastically due to the low caloric intake (500 calories a day). Anyone can lose weight fast doing that. You want your body to be heathly and I don't feel like that diet was healthy at all. I haven't gained any of that weight back however. So after this whole essay lol, if you want to try it talk to your doctor. That is the healthiest way. I got it from a lady whole sales it and there was nothing in it. I even took a pregnancy test which came out negative that proved there was no HGC hormone in the drops I got. Hope this helps!
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    You can't just go back to the "old" foods. It's a 6 week process after that of slowly re-introducing certain foods.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Ooooo a 6 week progress. That some lengthy and definitely will make significant behavioral changes.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    It all sounds a bit scary- injections? Who administers these if not a doctor do people have to do ut themselves??
  • Rhondast
    Rhondast Posts: 93
    I'm doing a second time. It took me from size 16 to size 11 last year. I maintained the size 11, and since I started last week, I've lost 7 pounds.. I'm on a higher dose, and I feel great, no hunger. It costs me 95.00 a round, which is 43 days for me. i average about 400 to 500 cals a day. I do the 30 Day Shred and Hot Yoga. I feel great! All I do is cut my sugar, and fats down. If I followed protocol exactly, I'd have lost over 12 pounds by now. I intend to maintain my loss by continuing my exercise protocol.I have no problems cutting cals, that's a ritual for me...when I am conscious and mindful of my calories and the scales, i loose. my energy is up...I also get reiki drumming, which somehow motivated me to keep going. I never consider anything a struggle, and effort, yes. once things become struggle, then you fail, cause the universe sees it as struggle. This is joyous for me.

    I have been a nurse for over 18 years. I do my own injections, painlessly.
    I have been "stuck" since Feb so I bought the HCG that was recommended by Dr Oz. I have lost 9# in 5 days. I have more energy, I am not weak and I continue to exercise. I also am a Registered Nurse
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I am happy for the people that have found success with it but it seems too extreme for me. I am firmly in the camp that says if you have to go that extreme it is unlikely that you are going to be able to keep the weight off long term (although some obviously do...I am talking about the majority of people). You need to change your lifestyle...there is no permanent quick fix.

    Besides, I had to do HCG injections when I was undergoing fertility treatments. I am not going there again...
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    Another diet that is popular because it drops scale weight when that shouldn't matter in the first place. Of course you're going to lose weight when you're eating 500 calories a day. That doesn't mean it's healthy. I also doubt that most people keep the weight off either. Use some common sense people.

    1) Eat less calories then you use during the day
    2) Exercise
    3) If you still can't lose weight, get blood work done to see if you have a metabolic issue
    4) If blood work turns out ok, you're doing something wrong so refer to professional help to lose weight

    Follow that. You don't need some starvation diet.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm sorry, but if you gained back all the weight as soon as you went off of it, then the diet didn't "work." I am a firm believer in a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    HCG is excreted during pregnancy and flushed out of the body as a WASTE PRODUCT in peoples wee.

    You want to put WASTE product in your body in order to be healthier?

  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    It actually does. The whole process is reseting your metabolism. I've lost 40lbs. My blood pressure is normal after 11yrs of b.p meds. I have more energy. I no longer eat just to eat. I eat "clean" and don't have carbs or sugar cravings like I use to. After the six weeks you can slowly intro carbs/sugar back into your diet. But, as with ANY diet, if it's not a LIFESTYLE change, you will gain the weight back!
    I weighed 198 # 1 year ago, I have lost down to the 160"s but I have been stuck since Feb despite my efforts. I bought the homeopathic drops from a site suggested in an article by Dr Oz. I have lost 9 # in 4 days and I feel great !!!
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    That's great, Beeveryhealthy!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I bought the HCG that was recommended by Dr Oz.

    Do you have the article where he recommended that? the one time I saw him speak of this diet, he called it crazy! I can't imagine that he changed his mind...