I aint getting any younger

At the point now where I actually have to do something with all this extra weight. Worked out my goal weight and I have 84lbs to lose! I am going to take it pound by pound.

I am starting tomorrow. I have everything prepared. My plan is to eat correctly and move more. Up until now I would have maybe one or two meals a day but they would be large portions and late in afternoon or evening. If you want to jump on board, then please add me! If not, I am sure I will see you around the boards!



  • rayfjr06
    rayfjr06 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome aboard. I just joined myself. It sucks to get old.
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    62, and staying in shape as best I can. Add me if you like
  • Tualla
    Tualla Posts: 559 Member
    I ain't getting no younger either, 48. It gets harder as we age, but it is never too later to start living a healthy lifestyle. Wish you the best!