Couch to 5k...start today?



  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I messed up my calf muscle and after some Googling it looks like I should stay off it for a week or three. After I fell on my butt my first thought was 'Damnit! How am I going to run tomorrow?' What I'd like to do is run through the pain but I'm afraid that will just mess it up more. So it looks like I have a couple weeks to sit around a dream up a good excuse for why I'm limping, since jumping off my two step porch is not very interesting and being chased by ninjas is overdone.
    Also, my husband has expressed interest in improving his health!!! So I'm going to see if I can get him to start with me. If it works I'll probably drop out of here completely and start week 1 with him.
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    I did it!!! Doing happy dance (if only I weren't so tired) LOL! I did Week 5 day 3 without stopping! I didn't sleep well last night because I was worried about it, but got up and did it today!!!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    HELP - I can't seem to motivate myself ot start W5D1 ... I don't know...I guess I thought the short intervals were more fun than 5 minute runes? What should I do to snap out of it!?!?
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    HELP - I can't seem to motivate myself ot start W5D1 ... I don't know...I guess I thought the short intervals were more fun than 5 minute runes? What should I do to snap out of it!?!?

    You might surprise yourself! I forgot to look up what the intervals were ahead of (I listen to a podcast of the runs, which indicates when to run and walk) and before i knew It I had done it. I do have to say, however, that 20 min one freaked me out....but I pulled it off. In the iconic words of Nike - "Just do it".
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    HELP - I can't seem to motivate myself ot start W5D1 ... I don't know...I guess I thought the short intervals were more fun than 5 minute runes? What should I do to snap out of it!?!?

    You might surprise yourself! I forgot to look up what the intervals were ahead of (I listen to a podcast of the runs, which indicates when to run and walk) and before i knew It I had done it. I do have to say, however, that 20 min one freaked me out....but I pulled it off. In the iconic words of Nike - "Just do it".

    I'm being a wuss, huh?
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    Not at all. I was dreading W5D2 last night, but I did it and I felt great afterwards. And that is a total shock because I felt like crap after D1. Even with all of this rejoicing and excitement, I am still dreading D3. 8 minute runs? Sure. A 20 minute run? What. The. Heck???
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Did w5d2 yesterday. Now approaching D3 tomorrow...ok so worried about it!! But heck i gotta do it so no point stressing over it.
    Tbh im looking back and thinking, at one point i didnt think i could run 60 seconds, but i did, so im gonna try my hardest. i cant believe, and i know i keep saying this, but i am in utter shock that i can actually run for 8 minutes, and it doesnt sound a lot, but thats quite far, even at my slow jogging pace lol!! :D
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    I'm being a wuss, huh?

    Defnitely not. It can be so easy to play mind games with yourself. Once I got through day 1, I knew I could do day 2....but day 3..YIkes!

    I talked to DH just before I left and mentioned to him my trepidation, and he just said, that he knew I could do it. So off I went and did it.

    Sooooo...I know you can do it too!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Ok, I am resolving now to go home, let me dog out, change, and go back to the gym and do W5D1 today. You all heard please expect a report back abuot how I didn't die.
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, I am resolving now to go home, let me dog out, change, and go back to the gym and do W5D1 today. You all heard please expect a report back abuot how I didn't die.

    You can do it. We shall hold you to it!!!!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Wahoooo, got my new trainers today along with new running trousers and new socks lol! let the running re-commence!! My legs are only a little sore today so all is good! i'm shattered though, so hopefully i get through it and catch up with everyone! it was so hard getting back in to it this week after taking a week off!

    Well done everyone on W5!!! :tongue: :laugh: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member

    Even all through high school/middle school I could never even run a mile! EVER. HOW DID I JUST RUN TWO MILES!? HOLY CRAP. THIS IS AWESOME. CAPS LOCK SEEMS APPROPRIATE.

    I've gotten into the habit of icing both my knees after each run. Just for safety sake.

    And Kate, you can do it.. I know you can! Just don't think about it, and like it was said, "just do it". Best thing to do is let your mind wander, and concentrate on deep breathing (from your stomach not your chest) and then just think about things that make you happy. I also have one good song that I set up to have play towards the end of each run to give me the extra push.. It's actually lady gaga's "born this way" because it makes me giggle. Find a song you find particularly amusing and look forward to it as you run :)
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Did W4D2 yesterday, sort of? I only did half of day 1 and have to do the other half today, maybe I will just do another full day instead! I'm really enjoying this being able to run for 5 minutes without being completely winded thing even if I had to knock it back down to 4.0 from 4.5 to do it :)
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    DARN IT!! I've been so busy this week I haven't had a chance to do C2K5 at all. I think I'm going to have to start week 3 over again and get back in the groove Sunday evening.
  • smcguirt
    smcguirt Posts: 11
    Slayed W5D3 this morning! I was so damn pumped I ran 3 more minutes after a 2 minute cool down walk! I am going to run again in the morning and I am going to shoot for 30 minutes! I felt like I could do it today. Running a 5k on Sunday! Don't give up people!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Slayed W5D3 this morning! I was so damn pumped I ran 3 more minutes after a 2 minute cool down walk! I am going to run again in the morning and I am going to shoot for 30 minutes! I felt like I could do it today. Running a 5k on Sunday! Don't give up people!

    High five!!!!!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    I did it too! W5D3 is part of my past!

    The first eight minutes were fine no problem at all. The halfway announcement at 10 was encouraging, and before I
    realized there was just five minutes left...i started getting giddy at 2 to go..

    I was grinning and wanting to fist pump with one to go. It felt so amazing!

    I didn't track my warm up and cool down so now I know that I am running just under 4 mph. I have never ran so far
    In my life! I'm signing up for a5k the saturday of week 9, after today I am without doubt.

    I got this. :)
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    W5D3 was completed this morning !!

    I managed to run pretty much the entire time, but on the way back I walked for about 30 seconds as i tackled a hill.

    I think if i can crack that i can crack anything!! haha yeh right, dont know what i have to do for day 6 yet actually...
  • NZhogiebear
    W5D3 done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippeeeeeeee cant belive that i did it and like you " ping_A1C2U " i was pumping my fist and i yelled "I DID IT" I think my family thought i was mad, but there is no way this smile is being wiped off my face :D:D

    Congrats to everyone, we have come so far in such a short time, you are all so inspirational :D:D
  • smcguirt
    smcguirt Posts: 11
    I did it too! W5D3 is part of my past!

    The first eight minutes were fine no problem at all. The halfway announcement at 10 was encouraging, and before I
    realized there was just five minutes left...i started getting giddy at 2 to go..

    I was grinning and wanting to fist pump with one to go. It felt so amazing!

    I didn't track my warm up and cool down so now I know that I am running just under 4 mph. I have never ran so far
    In my life! I'm signing up for a5k the saturday of week 9, after today I am without doubt.

    I got this. :)