What 'food rules' or 'life rules' do you live by to maintain your weight?



  • rishywest
    rishywest Posts: 11 Member
    1. Weigh every day
    2. Log everything I eat
    3. Get at least 30 minutes of sweaty exercise 4-5 days a week (running, weight training, etc)
    4. Have a piece of dark chocolate every night :)
    5. Meal prep every evening for the next day so I make good choices while at work
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    get a food scale and weigh everything you eat
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    weigh self every morning
    drink lots of water
    exercise regularly
    log calories 90% of the time
    stick to 80% whole plant foods most of the time, while moderately eating vegan processed stuff
    never restrict "junk foods" i can have some if i want to
    make sure there is room for late night snacking since i love that
    prelog most days then change it up as it goes
    do not drink calories
    if i have a unplanned overindulgence move on from it and try not to beat myself up
    always have holidays & birthdays off from even thinking about calories
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    - don't drink calories
    - don't eat while watching TV
    - agreed on skipping things I don't really want that much at the time (like burger buns)
    - hit my protein goal every day
    - log it all
    - keep a deficit whenever possible to make up for the bad days (set to 400 currently, but I want to shed some 'creep' pounds - typically end up with a 1000ish deficit a week).
    - try to do at least 60 minutes of exercise a day, even if it's just a walk
    - weigh myself every other day the week after my period (only time I don't have a ton of water weight, so it's easier to spot the trend)

    That's pretty much it...
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I don't eat anything I don't want or don't like, no matter what.

    I weigh myself every morning.

    I don't drink my calories either.

    I try to sleep well. If I don't, I water retain.

    I forego starches for veg and eat Greek yogurt and steel cut oats every day.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited April 2016
    Pretty consistent across the board :)
    Nobody has mentioned "always eat breakfast" or "eat a low fat diet" yet :D
    Why aren't those scientists interested in us? :s
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    My guidelines (not hard rules):

    - Weigh in most every day. Don't sweat the daily fluctuations unless I get outside my weight range.
    - Log everything I eat. The exceptions to this are when I'm away from home on vacation/business, in which case I eat sensibly and pick back up when I get back.
    - Don't sweat missing a daily calorie goal as long as I'm close to my weekly calorie goal. 5% off in either direction (for me, that's ~780 calories) in a week is a success.
    - Don't keep 'junk food' in the house. For me, that's things like chips, cookies, candy, etc. I buy fruit to snack on whenever possible.
    - Exercise for body composition. That means lifting to keep the muscle mass I want.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I weigh daily in the mornings before shower and before eating.
    weigh and measure all foods
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited April 2016
    1. I either weigh myself OR log daily. Sometimes both.
    2. Dinner time is my weakness. I have a lower carb main then after doing the dishes a big juicy bowl of full fat greek yoghurt with golden syrup, granola and berries and a decaff coffee. Every night! thats my signal to stop. it's a daily struggle.
    3. I snack on green things while I cook dinner only.
    4. I carb up breakfast time and lunch around my workouts.
    5. I have some litmus test jeans that I've had for years. No stretch.
  • lizzy_satellite
    lizzy_satellite Posts: 112 Member
    Weigh daily
    Log daily
    Wear a fitness tracker to keep my mind on being active
    Eat some chocolate every day
    Eat a snack on the way home so I don't dive into the fridge before dinner
    Try on something unforgiving on a regular basis
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Pretty consistent across the board :)
    Nobody has mentioned "always eat breakfast" or "eat a low fat diet" yet :D
    Why aren't those scientists interested in us? :s

    I always eat breakfast because I'm starving by 8am, typically. But I don't think it has anything to do with maintaining my weight - if anything, I do much better overall when I have a 8am breakfast instead of a 6am one...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    AceofIvies wrote: »
    It seems to me that everyone has sort of a food philosophy when it comes to the way they approach their lives and I was curious what personal standbys some of you may have to continue having success in weight maintenance. Some examples I've heard in the past are:

    1) I count my calories every day, my limit is XXXX per day/wk
    2) I make sure to walk 60 minutes every day, rain or shine!
    3) I try on a tight pair of jeans every week - if it's too tight, I begin dieting
    4) I weigh myself every day/wk/month and once I hit a scream weight I start dieting
    5) I only eat sweets when I'm out of the house: never free, never alone, never at home

    What are your keys to success? I am about 10-20 lbs from my goal weight after having lost 85 lbs but I did it in a way that I didn't really enjoy or find particularly sustainable (eating too little and didn't really like the workouts). As such I'm searching for a new sustainable way of life. :) and I'm particularly interested in those maintaining a healthy BMI since apparently so far for me that has been incredibly hard to do :/

    FWIW I loosely adhere to a simple philosophy and it seems to be working for me.
    Eat smaller 6-7 times a day. Walk 1.5 hours a day.

    Breakfast is a banana followed by a 1.5 hour walk, then the rest of my breakfast, Example today will be 30 grams of Multigrain Cheerios or Kelloggs All bran Wheat Flakes and 4 ounces of 1% UHT Milk from the dollar store since it can keep in the pantry for over 11 months until opened, followed with a Protein Shake, in this case a Atkins shake as I ran out of the powdered protein shakes flavors I use and they have not been delivered yet so a run to the store and Atkins.

    2.5 hours later I will have some sort of protein and carbs, then 2.5 hours later lunch, A protein, Fruit, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, and 170 grams of frozen vegetables, 2.5 hours later a healthy snack and 2.5 hours later a slightly larger version of lunch and then at 9PM a Dessert of come kind. Possibly a Skinny Cow Cone or a lower calorie pastry. This regimen has been working for me.

    Good Luck
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Pretty consistent across the board :)
    Nobody has mentioned "always eat breakfast" or "eat a low fat diet" yet :D
    Why aren't those scientists interested in us? :s

    I always eat breakfast because I'm starving by 8am, typically. But I don't think it has anything to do with maintaining my weight - if anything, I do much better overall when I have a 8am breakfast instead of a 6am one...

    Me too. I do love a good breakfast, although I'm well aware that the timing of meals has very little to do with weight loss.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Hello Op! Here is my list: Log everyday. Weigh twice a week. Stay in my calorie range daily. Use maintenance calorie range for vacations. Use a food scale. Check restaurant menus in advance when eating out. Bring my lunch to work. Exercise 4/5 times a week.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my only hard fast rules are these

    log/weight accurately and consistently.
    do my workouts

    the rest falls into place if I do those things.

    I can stay in my maintenance range 95% of the time I am up over it currently due to vacation and a business trip right after so I do what I need...log/workout...which I couldn't do on vacation and during trip...