Gaining weight 700 cal below TDEE



  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Your TDEE is not a guarantee. Your actual TDEE may be a few hundred calories below what the calculator says. Even if you do find out you have a thyroid condition, the fact if the matter is that whatever your body is burning on a daily basis, you're eating more than whatever that amount is. It's the only way to gain weight. However, people have pointed out the inaccuracies of your food log and that's usually the first place to look. In any case, decrease your calorie intake.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you're gaining then you are eating more than you think. Why not follow MFP's number instead of TDEE at least for now, track your food as accurately as possible. If you are eating at true deficit you will lose.
  • MN_HGirl
    MN_HGirl Posts: 15 Member
    The first time I tried calorie counting without a scale and just eyeing everything I was not successful in losing much weight. I started using a scale a little about a week and half ago and have dropped just over a pound. I have been really surprised to see what 4oz of chicken really looks like or a serving of cooked rice. It made it evident quickly that I have been overeating. It does take a few more minutes to food prep but I think the more I use it the quicker it will be come for me. I would definitely suggest weighing everything.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Cook at home. Ditch the sugar water. Eat more vegetables.
  • buffyjustme29
    buffyjustme29 Posts: 5 Member
    If your food amounts are correct and you genuinely cannot lose weight then maybe a doctors appointment is warranted. I struggled for a long time with meal replacements, clubs, low carb, low cal doing all diets desperately following them correctly and could still gain. Eventually I became so ill I went to the doctors even though I have medical anxiety and it turned out my thyroid was being destroyed by hashimotos. I'm now being medicated and if I put all my input into mfp I lose 2 pounds week.
  • Shrinking_Erin
    Shrinking_Erin Posts: 125 Member
    Stop eating out for one month. Weigh EVERYTHING. I weigh my Mayo .. My ketchup .. Butter.. Anything I use in my meal goes on the scale. You might be surprised what you are really eating. And drop the soda for that month too. See what happens.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Your first mistake is trusting a scale that tells body fat. They lie.

    Second... yeah, you're either underestimating your food, or using entries that are incorrect (which is VERY easy to do). What entry do you use for your 6oz steak, for example? I'm asking because entries for that are all over the place and if your steak has more fat, it will be completely off.

    Third, if you're really convinced that you're a special snowflake, go see a doctor to make sure that nothing is wrong with you... but it's guaranteed that the problem is your logging.

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,563 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Disregard everything you've read in this thread, here's the answer you're looking for:

    You are a special snowflake. Your body's biological functions are so unlike any other that no matter what you do, you can't lose weight. In fact, your body is so uniquely efficient that it can produce extra energy to store when it takes in less energy than it needs. You will soon be contacted by physicists to be studied as you break the basic laws of energy.

    I would like to hire this guy and connect him to my energy network at home. Give him tiny chunks of food and I get masses of free energy back. Hey, this could solve the world's energy problems if we find more people like him and find a way to harness this energy created out of nothing.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    adavis539 wrote: »
    I know there's a lot of attitude in my posts, but the point I'm trying to make is that I can't be overeating my calorie goal by double and not realizing it. That's what I would have to be doing to gain the amount of weight I have gained in a month's time.

    I was going to post this, but someone beat me to it. Yes you could be eating double. See the video below. A food scale can be very eye opening about actual amounts eaten.
    brower47 wrote: »

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Disregard everything you've read in this thread, here's the answer you're looking for:

    You are a special snowflake. Your body's biological functions are so unlike any other that no matter what you do, you can't lose weight. In fact, your body is so uniquely efficient that it can produce extra energy to store when it takes in less energy than it needs. You will soon be contacted by physicists to be studied as you break the basic laws of energy.

  • Soultwist
    Soultwist Posts: 19 Member
    Do I think you can be accurate enough without weighing your food with your daily calorie burn? Yes
    Do I think you're doing it successfully? No

    As others have said you're either eating way more or have a medical issue. I hate to nitpick your diary because I know how it goes sometimes you do the best you but if you're guessing you better make damn sure you're accurate. An example is that sub from yesterday, I don't know how much of it you ate or how you ordered it but if you ate the whole 8" sub on bread the bread is going to be damn near the 340 cal alone. Some of the entries for that sub are double that.

    I see a lot of bread in general that look like guesses. I say that cause I've logged the same. You should really spot weigh a few things here and there to "prove" to yourself you can be accurate, as others have said you might be surprised.

    There is also a strong possibility not everything is getting in there and that could be the problem. There is not much anyone else here can do for you it's either medical or you need to eat less.

    Also, don't weigh yourself multiple times a day. Wake up, use the bathroom then weigh naked or wearing the same amount of clothes if you're going to do it every day. If you're not comparing apples to apples just wasting your time.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Not to be redundant but you need to get a scale. It's hard to help when there isn't any accuracy with your intake.

    This. And don't use tablespoons for foods like butter, peanut butter, oils and butters...weigh them. Tablespoons for oils and butters are highly inaccurate. Place the container on the scale, zero or tare it, then take out the required amount, for example, 10 grams is '-10 grams' n a zero'ed out scale.
    Weigh pasta, rice and grains raw.
    Weigh meats and fish raw.
    Only use spoons and cups for liquids (broth, juices, alcohol).
    Weigh all fruits and vegetables.
    Weigh pre-packaged foods with a set weight. The packaged weights are merely close estimates. It may not matter in a day, but over the month these calories add up.

    Weigh and log everything you eat or taste. Tasting is not 'free'. Measure and log milks. Weigh and log bread slices. Weigh and log peeled boiled eggs.

    Log. Everything. Weighing foods, especially if you've seen no progress, isn't pointless. That video posted above is fantastic. Weigh with a digital scale in grams.

    Make sure you're choosing accurate non-generic database entries. Many database entries (even scanned ones) are user generated and can be rather inaccurate. Double check the weight and nutrition information against the packaging.

    If a serving size of food states a count and weight, choose the weight and weigh it. Don't go by the serving sizes.

    Everything should be recorded by weight unless it is a liquid.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    adavis539 wrote: »
    Hello. Brand new to the forums, but I've been using MFP for a while now.

    I'll get right to the point. I should be losing weight, and I'm gaining. Something is wrong, and I wanted some opinions on what it could be.

    My TDEE is around 2550 according to various online calculators. My diary is open, but I'm not sure exactly what stats you can see. Male, 31, 5'11" 220 pounds, "lightly" active at work (I guess).

    I have punched the (surely very popular) 2 pound per week loss goal into MFP, and it calculates 1700 to acheive this. Sure, not a bad place to start. 20% off my TDEE is 2040 so an extra 340 below that would be great.

    I'm doing "OK" at sticking to the calorie goals. It's hard, and honestly most days I end up closer to 1800. So, according to that, I should be losing *some* weight. I am gaining 1-2 pounds, steadily, every week. According to MFP, I would have to be eating 3240 calories, daily, to get a 1 pound gain per week. I weigh myself daily (sometimes 2-3 times daily, hoping it was some kind of hydration level fluke or something). Body fat % on the scale (it's one of those that shoots an eletric signal through your feet) has gone up by about 1%, reading 25.5% currently.

    I can't be eating double what I think I am. A good deal of the food I eat is scanned by barcode, and it's pretty easy to tell if you're eating a 6oz steak or 2 tablespoons of salad dressing. It's not like I'm absentmindedly chewing on whole sticks of butter here and logging them as 1 tablespoon servings. I have significantly reduced my soda intake (a serious hardship for me, and I can't stand diet soda at all) - almost every meal is with water. Alcoholic beverages are down to about once a year.

    I am alternating between being depressed about this and being outright furious. What the heck, body?! What are we doing here?!

    I am by no means an expert, but I decided to lose weight in Jan using low carb eating. The good thing about it is you dont feel hungry. look into it. I was a 355 and am down under 315 now. I am also eating about 1200 to 1550 cals. My carbs are between 10 and 50 g per day. None or little of the following ...potatoes, bread, rice, pasta ,cookies, soda
  • drpsamin
    drpsamin Posts: 265 Member
    Get a food scale! Don't eat out. Don't drink soda. Limit carbs.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2016
    billglitch wrote: »
    adavis539 wrote: »
    Hello. Brand new to the forums, but I've been using MFP for a while now.

    I'll get right to the point. I should be losing weight, and I'm gaining. Something is wrong, and I wanted some opinions on what it could be.

    My TDEE is around 2550 according to various online calculators. My diary is open, but I'm not sure exactly what stats you can see. Male, 31, 5'11" 220 pounds, "lightly" active at work (I guess).

    I have punched the (surely very popular) 2 pound per week loss goal into MFP, and it calculates 1700 to acheive this. Sure, not a bad place to start. 20% off my TDEE is 2040 so an extra 340 below that would be great.

    I'm doing "OK" at sticking to the calorie goals. It's hard, and honestly most days I end up closer to 1800. So, according to that, I should be losing *some* weight. I am gaining 1-2 pounds, steadily, every week. According to MFP, I would have to be eating 3240 calories, daily, to get a 1 pound gain per week. I weigh myself daily (sometimes 2-3 times daily, hoping it was some kind of hydration level fluke or something). Body fat % on the scale (it's one of those that shoots an eletric signal through your feet) has gone up by about 1%, reading 25.5% currently.

    I can't be eating double what I think I am. A good deal of the food I eat is scanned by barcode, and it's pretty easy to tell if you're eating a 6oz steak or 2 tablespoons of salad dressing. It's not like I'm absentmindedly chewing on whole sticks of butter here and logging them as 1 tablespoon servings. I have significantly reduced my soda intake (a serious hardship for me, and I can't stand diet soda at all) - almost every meal is with water. Alcoholic beverages are down to about once a year.

    I am alternating between being depressed about this and being outright furious. What the heck, body?! What are we doing here?!

    I am by no means an expert, but I decided to lose weight in Jan using low carb eating. The good thing about it is you dont feel hungry. look into it. I was a 355 and am down under 315 now. I am also eating about 1200 to 1550 cals. My carbs are between 10 and 50 g per day. None or little of the following ...potatoes, bread, rice, pasta ,cookies, soda
    drpsamin wrote: »
    Get a food scale! Don't eat out. Don't drink soda. Limit carbs.

    There is no need to cut out foods for weight loss, unless for medical reasons.

    Agreed on the food scale, though.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    billglitch wrote: »
    adavis539 wrote: »
    Hello. Brand new to the forums, but I've been using MFP for a while now.

    I'll get right to the point. I should be losing weight, and I'm gaining. Something is wrong, and I wanted some opinions on what it could be.

    My TDEE is around 2550 according to various online calculators. My diary is open, but I'm not sure exactly what stats you can see. Male, 31, 5'11" 220 pounds, "lightly" active at work (I guess).

    I have punched the (surely very popular) 2 pound per week loss goal into MFP, and it calculates 1700 to acheive this. Sure, not a bad place to start. 20% off my TDEE is 2040 so an extra 340 below that would be great.

    I'm doing "OK" at sticking to the calorie goals. It's hard, and honestly most days I end up closer to 1800. So, according to that, I should be losing *some* weight. I am gaining 1-2 pounds, steadily, every week. According to MFP, I would have to be eating 3240 calories, daily, to get a 1 pound gain per week. I weigh myself daily (sometimes 2-3 times daily, hoping it was some kind of hydration level fluke or something). Body fat % on the scale (it's one of those that shoots an eletric signal through your feet) has gone up by about 1%, reading 25.5% currently.

    I can't be eating double what I think I am. A good deal of the food I eat is scanned by barcode, and it's pretty easy to tell if you're eating a 6oz steak or 2 tablespoons of salad dressing. It's not like I'm absentmindedly chewing on whole sticks of butter here and logging them as 1 tablespoon servings. I have significantly reduced my soda intake (a serious hardship for me, and I can't stand diet soda at all) - almost every meal is with water. Alcoholic beverages are down to about once a year.

    I am alternating between being depressed about this and being outright furious. What the heck, body?! What are we doing here?!

    I am by no means an expert, but I decided to lose weight in Jan using low carb eating. The good thing about it is you dont feel hungry. look into it. I was a 355 and am down under 315 now. I am also eating about 1200 to 1550 cals. My carbs are between 10 and 50 g per day. None or little of the following ...potatoes, bread, rice, pasta ,cookies, soda

    low carb=low calories by default.

    I did low carb and always felt "empty" I would never suggest that for someone who is lifting either.
  • April_Chicken
    April_Chicken Posts: 19 Member
    Some calorie creepers are the oils you may be using when you cook. Olive oil, vegetable oil, etc. Also, exercise calculators are a bit off on MFP. I do 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer every day and MFP gives me more credit than I burn. These are only a few of the things you may not be factoring (from my experience).
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    eringurl33 wrote: »
    Stop eating out for one month. Weigh EVERYTHING. I weigh my Mayo .. My ketchup .. Butter.. Anything I use in my meal goes on the scale. You might be surprised what you are really eating. And drop the soda for that month too. See what happens.

    I agree weigh everything.

    I eat a lot of fast food (and still lose weight at the expected rate). I count a lot of my fast food items as 1.1 or 1.2. The calories given for that Big Mac were a Big Mac created in a lab, who knows if the one I am eating is the same. Oftentimes they are bigger. Sometimes they give you grams online and then I will weigh the item (i.e., coldstone ice cream will list grams for the calories for their ice cream flavors, so I can weigh my container of ice cream before I eat it and after (to subtract the container) and get an idea how much it really was, generally a lot more than the "serving size" listed online).

    Giving up fast food and soda completely would probably help you if you refuse to weigh everything. Or you can just weigh everything, slightly overestimate on fast food portions, and you'll be fine. We're all saying this because we've all been there. We've all wondered why we weren't losing weight, or weren't losing weight fast enough. Then we got food scales, and the math started working again. That's what you want, right? It's absolutely painless. At first you think "what a pain, I gotta weigh everything" but then you realize it takes 2 seconds and is almost quicker than logging the food is.

    Had mayo on my chicken a couple nights ago. Put the empty plate down on the scale and tare'd it to 0. Then added my chicken and got how many ounces it was. Then tare'd it again and put my mayo on the plate. Got how many grams of mayo I added. Didn't have to waste any extra utensils.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    eringurl33 wrote: »
    Stop eating out for one month. Weigh EVERYTHING. I weigh my Mayo .. My ketchup .. Butter.. Anything I use in my meal goes on the scale. You might be surprised what you are really eating. And drop the soda for that month too. See what happens.

    I agree weigh everything.

    I eat a lot of fast food (and still lose weight at the expected rate). I count a lot of my fast food items as 1.1 or 1.2. The calories given for that Big Mac were a Big Mac created in a lab, who knows if the one I am eating is the same. Oftentimes they are bigger. Sometimes they give you grams online and then I will weigh the item (i.e., coldstone ice cream will list grams for the calories for their ice cream flavors, so I can weigh my container of ice cream before I eat it and after (to subtract the container) and get an idea how much it really was, generally a lot more than the "serving size" listed online).

    Giving up fast food and soda completely would probably help you if you refuse to weigh everything. Or you can just weigh everything, slightly overestimate on fast food portions, and you'll be fine. We're all saying this because we've all been there. We've all wondered why we weren't losing weight, or weren't losing weight fast enough. Then we got food scales, and the math started working again. That's what you want, right? It's absolutely painless. At first you think "what a pain, I gotta weigh everything" but then you realize it takes 2 seconds and is almost quicker than logging the food is.

    Had mayo on my chicken a couple nights ago. Put the empty plate down on the scale and tare'd it to 0. Then added my chicken and got how many ounces it was. Then tare'd it again and put my mayo on the plate. Got how many grams of mayo I added. Didn't have to waste any extra utensils.

    Fast food, at least from the big names that run on small margins, tends to test out in independent labs very close to the stated calories, probably because there is very little freedom give to those who prepare it to modify things. Everything is measured out. The same can not be said for most other restaurants, there the cook will often add more oil, more salt, more sauce, and what is added is not measured carefully at all. If I eat Mcdonald's or A&W just counting the stated calories I lose at the expected rate. If I go out to other restaurants, not so much.