150+ lbs to lose and need motivation



  • nikkigarland79
    nikkigarland79 Posts: 104 Member
    I added you. I need motivators as well. I have 120/130 to loose and it's hella scary to think about how easy it was to get here!
  • WinkyGOW
    WinkyGOW Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 370 with heart problems and a bad knee. I did this to myself but I want to change. Let's motivate each other!
  • WithGodICanDoThis
    WithGodICanDoThis Posts: 22 Member
    I have over 150 to lose and need like minded people, please consider adding me!!! B)
  • MrsHuffmanNC
    MrsHuffmanNC Posts: 43 Member
    edited April 2016
    I have a lot more to lose, about 170ish. I started at 450 and I am down 92 pounds use MFP everyday. I would love for any of you to add me.
  • PrincessK90210
    PrincessK90210 Posts: 17 Member
    I was 335.4 now i am 267 lbs :) I have a long way to go though but I have lost a lot so far :) you can add me if you want.
  • Tamijennelle
    Tamijennelle Posts: 36 Member
    I find my motivation on instagram

    I added tons of women who have lost a lot of weight. They share their photos and routines and it keeps me going

    And remember...time is gonna go by whether you lose weight or not so, you wanna be sitting here next summer obese still? I sure dont.
  • hidi343
    hidi343 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all. I am looking for friends with similar goals as myself. I have over 150 lbs to lose and any little help is much appreciated. I started for the new year and have lost 12.6 lbs far. I currently weigh 326.2 lbs. I am a 36 year old mother of 3 and have been obese my entire life. Ive done so many different fads and diets but the only one that has worked for me in the past is healthy eating and exercising. In 2013 I was able to lose over 70 lbs but fell of the horse when my mother passed away. Since that I had my 3rd child and I managed to eat myself back to my highest weight. I am now ready to start again. I've done it before and I WILL do it again.

    please feel free to add me.

    Hi thanks for sharing. I'm 300 lbs (what I last checked) , I also have a goal of -150lbs. I have 3 kids all under 6 yrs of age and lost 32 lbs about 2 yrs ago but fell back after I had my 3rd child. And this is also the heaviest I've ever been. Add me