question for shorter ladies

So I have a few questions, but I think I should start off with my background. I am a 5'2, 23 year old female. When I started this process I was 190 lbs wearing a size 14 pant (well, i mostly wore leggings because I would get disgusted trying on pants) and a large/x large in tops. At that time my closet consisted of mostly leggings in the winter and tiny cotton babydoll dresses in the summer. Forward to today....

I am now 155lbs. I wear a size 12 in pants and a large in tops. I have lost 35lbs and feel much fatter than I use too. I hate going shopping because it appears that I haven't lost any weight. Yes, I went down one dresses size but it is really not that dramatic. So shorter ladies, I want to know when did your weight loss become noticeable? How many pounds did you have to lose to go down a few pant sizes?

Also if anyone is 5'2, I would love to know what you feel is your ideal weight....


  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Thats me!5'2",I noticed fter i had dropped about 40 then I was loosing like crazy.Im now in a size6 medium and large will see it just give it time
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I am 5 3 . Sounds like you have done wonderful at weight loss. I would say the reason you aren't feeling it is because you havn't been doing enough strength training to tone up? Strength training will help you lose inches faster then just cardio/weight loss alone. Thus helping you drop some sizes.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I am just 3/4 of an inch shorter than you and my highest was 135 and my original goal when I started on MFP just over two months ago was 125 but today I adjusted it to 120. I was skeptical at first of being able to lose the weight b/c I had been working out hard at the gym and losing nothing, and just turned 40 and my racing metabolism came to a halt. But now that I've lost a few pounds, I am hoping I can keep losing a few more. I haven't really gone down in size too much but definitely feel more toned. Still got that muffin top after three kids so I need to keep working on that. And to answer your question, somehow I haven't gone done in pants sizes at all with my 7.5 lb loss so far, but they are loser than they used to be. My bigger bum and hips keep my pants size bigger than I'd like.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    definitely the toning. I can drop 10 lbs with no obvious change. I can drop 5 with the toning and people will ask if I've lost weight. I'm 5'3 btw.
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm 5' and I know exactly how you feel. I've gone down one size in jeans and these ones are just starting to get loose now too. Just stick with it and we will get there. As for my goal weight I would like to get back down to around 110
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Hello fellow shortie! I'm 5'1/2" and presently 151 pounds. I went up to about 207 at my peak of pregnancy in Feb of 09 and about 6-8 months after giving birth I started REALLY seeing myself in pictures and was appalled. That's when I REALLY started taking care of myself, eating right, exercising and changing my way of life. To date I've lost just over 50 pounds and recently "zeroed out" my scale here on mfp.

    I would LOVE to be back to 115 (what I was when hubs and I first met) however I know that after having a baby it's harder to get that exact body back so I would be very happy to be between 120-125!

    Much luck!
  • flutterby6973
    i have not lost that much yet ... but almost 10lbs. i am 5' even and when i was thinner a 10lb weight loss was noticeable but now i think i look and feel the same. i am sure with the amount you lost that it is probably noticeable to others that know you. i do agree with ambie35 that maybe try toning up a bit and that you will notice it more yourself. great job on losing 34lbs! be proud and keep going :smile:
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I'm 4'11" and stared out at 170 pounds and a size 16. My weight loss got noticeable at around 15 pounds lost. I am now down 31 pounds. I weigh 138.7 and my size is anywhere between an 8 and a 12 depending on the brand and style. Most typically I am a 10 though. My goal weight is 115. I think for 5'2" a good goal weight would be between 120 and 125. Don't get discouraged by the size thing, though... we're all different and we all lose at different rates from different part of our bodies. Keep going the way your going and you'll get there.... If you haven't tried it yet, you should consider buying and doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I didn't lose a lot of WEIGHT on it, but I lost a total of 9 inches between my underbust, waist, and hips. It was like 2 sizes in that 30 days. It's an amazing video (hard, but good) that gets amazing results. Good luck!
  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70
    Okay...I'm not 5'2...I'm 5' the upper end of petites.

    But I know JUST how you feel...

    It took 50 pounds for people to start saying: "Hey...have you done something different with your hair?" And in that 50 pounds, I was STILL wearing a size 22. I remember everyone saying 10 pounds is a size...but I had lost 50 and didn't change sizes AT ALL.

    I know it sounds like a lot to lose, and you probably won't have as much to lose to get to a happy point as I did because you're not as heavy as I was...but it does take time. I noticed weird parts of me getting my wrists, and feet, and, ummm, decolletage (exactly where I DIDN'T want to lose) before my belly and butt and arms and yes...eventually FACE...started to show progress.

    I am now down about 85 pounds...with a lot more to go...but there is a definite difference. I'm in the high end of a size 14. I don't know EXACTLY when it kicked in...but it did. The important thing is to NOT GIVE UP!!!

    Everyone has fat days...and fat weeks...our minds play TERRIBLE tricks on us. Just keep going...try really hard to let go of the negativity (because believe it or not, stressing about your weight makes you hold on to it or even gain), and congratulate yourself daily!!

    Girl, you've lost 35 pounds!! That's HUGE!! Be proud!!

    I'm sure you'll see those results you're looking for soon. We're our own worse critics. Good luck!!!
  • nitashagarcia
    hi! im 5'1, 23 years old and when i started MFP i was 191. [before i started i was 196] i was a 17 in jeans. i was an xl to xxl in shirts [i have a bigger chest, was a 44dd and now im a 42dd] im now 159 and im a size 13 in jeans that stretch more and 15 in just regular jeans. it took me until i hit the 160's to fully notice my weightloss actually! maybe you just dont realize yet that you've lost weight...or maybe you are losing inches more than actual weight right now? ill add you since we have the same weight goals :)
  • dannidoc
    dannidoc Posts: 19
    im 5ft 2 and am currently 11st i want to get down to 10st then hopfullyget to 9!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I'm an inch taller than you (and quite a bit older) and dropped around 30 pounds a couple of years ago - I was wearing 16 and 18s (hard to find in petites) now 12s fit loosly but 10s still a smidge tight - our weights are similar. I did figure out though that with tops, I was still buying too big. I was wearing larges because I thought the loosness helped camaflouge the rolls I still have in the middle. When I tired on a medium, I was shocked that, not only did it fit, but it looked a lot better! I never used to like clothes shopping but I'm starting too now. YOu may still be thinking larger than you really are - try some smaller stuff and see how it looks! It takes our brain a while to catch up to our accomplishments sometimes. I'm now shooting for another 30 - 35 pounds - want to look like Valerie Bertinneli.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Hi there, Im 5'2.5 and I started at 223 lbs so even after losing a few pant sizes down I still felt big. I didnt really start noticing that I looked smaller until I lost about 42lbs which was just recently. I think its because my arms/shoulders were always so huge and now that I've toned up there alot I feel smaller now and look smaller when I see myself in the mirror. I agree that if you arent doing any ST then that may be why. You can lose 0 but still lose the inches.
  • clancie518
    clancie518 Posts: 40
    First off... congratulations on 34 pounds... way to go!!!.. I like to say I am 5'3, but I am 5'2 1/2. I am a yo-yo. I have been up and down in weight all of my life, so I can tell you.. you will feel better about the clothes you wear when you go down one more size. It took me 2 sizes to feel like I wasn't so fat. be patient and give yourself credit for how much you have already lost. you are making yourself healthy and looking good is a plus... so good luck and hang in there..
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140

    I know the feeling. When I was at 150, I was still a size 12. Once, I reached my weight now (238lbs), I am still only a size 16. I think it depends on your body type. Are you small, medium, or large. I have a large frame, so even at my smallest (139lbs) I was still in 10's and 12's bigger sizes. I don't know if you have been toning. It might help. But, sizing is much more difficult when you are shorter.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You're doing great! I would suggest trying on different styles of clothes at different places. I have lost 55 pounds. It was around 46 when people started asking me if I've lost weight (people that didn't know I was). I had lost over 40 pounds and only dropped 1 size, it was discouraging! Then around 50 pounds I tried on some jeans I had that were 3 sizes smaller thinking they wouldn't fit, but they did!

    Oh I am also 5'2 but still have a lot more to lose. Good luck and hang in there. I have also noticed I have days when I feel great about how I look and days when I feel like a heffer