Calorie Count

Sorry if this already been said, im new to the website so hvnt had a proper look around yet, anyways whats the maximum calories a day you allow yourself? mine is 1200 however sometimes i can go over to 1300 but rarely anymore :smile: x


  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    My goal is 1200 but I don't go over that unless I exercise (which I do at least once a day). I have one day a week where I allow myself to splurge and that's usually the day that I go over a little even with exercise...
  • mikedraper
    mikedraper Posts: 18 Member
    Hello and welcome. I try to stay around1700-1800 total cal. per day. Just remember the more you work out the more you get to eat. :)...I work out alot. I try to average 800 to 1000 cal burn in exercise each day. Sundays are my rest day and Saturdays are my free eating day. Good luck in your goals. :)
  • kayseee
    kayseee Posts: 2
    Mine's 800 (without exercise).
    Although, to sadly say, I never reach that. The most I've reached so far is 699. :\
    Yes, I know it's bad. I'm trying.
  • chelita715
    I am a foodie...I need some tips as to how to keep within 1200 calories...that for me is a challenge.
  • twheelhouse
    twheelhouse Posts: 13 Member
    If you do the automatic goal setting on here it's quite good - mine was 1200 for ages as that's the minimum any adult should eat just to stay alive, but has recently gone up to 1370 as I'm closer to my goal. I also try not to eat back all my exercise calories because that way you're burning more cals than you're eating and it's much easier to lose weight

    T :)
  • MissSharkattack
    MissSharkattack Posts: 323 Member
    My goal is 1500, with or without exercise.
    However, I usually allow myself one day a week to splurge a bit.
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    I try to NET Between 1200 and 1600,most days :)
  • mikedraper
    mikedraper Posts: 18 Member
    I would agree with twheelhouse, while I do eat more when I work out. I don't eat all my workout cals.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Kaysee, I worry that your daily calorie intake is a little low: women need at least around 1000 min just to function, and one strawberry is hardly a healthy lunch! Are you being supervised on this very low intake, or is it for a particular reason?
  • twheelhouse
    twheelhouse Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry this one was for chelita715:

    I'm a foodie too!

    1. Get some weightwatchers microwave meals to have in the evening - they don't taste awful and are a maximum of 400 cals each.
    2. When you snack try to have stuff like carrot sticks rather than biscuits.
    3. Really count everything
    4. Only eat when you're hungry rather than just bored (that's my biggest problem).
    5. f you feel a little bit hungry drink some water cos sometimes you mistake thirst for hunger. Water is a natural appetite suppressant.
    6. Before you eat it, look at the calories in it, don't wait til after.

    Addiction to food is just as bad as any other addiction and I say that from personal experience! They say it takes 40 days to break a habit, so really try for at least a month and you'll find if you really truly want to lose weight you can do it :)

    Good luck!
    Tina :)
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Kaysee, I worry that your daily calorie intake is a little low: women need at least around 1000 min just to function, and one strawberry is hardly a healthy lunch! Are you being supervised on this very low intake, or is it for a particular reason?

    Kaysee, I completely agreed with Melanie -- looking at your diary is a little worrisome. I am by no means an expert, but you look like you're missing major nutrients. You seem to have coffee for breakfast/lunch most days and a very small dinner. Are you under the care of a doctor/dietician/nutritionist that is prescribing such a low-cal diet? If you eat more, you gain more. Your body will begin to hold on to fat because it doesn't know when adequate nutrition will be coming, thus making it harder to lose. Plus, you slow down your metabolism a lot when you eat such small meals.

    I don't want to sound like a jerk, just concerned about your health. Be healthy, be happy! :)
  • kirst8489
    kirst8489 Posts: 34 Member
    ah yes mine is 1200 cals but i usually have around 1,000 as i worry il eat too much & in my jobs as a carer & domestic assistant im constantly on my feet/running up and downstairs for most of my 7 hr shift in the care home. i also exercise i use the treadmill once a week i know its not alot but i think my jobs really help with my weightloss :0)

    i completly agree with u abbie017 about kaysee x