Need to be reminded...

brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
I am trying to be all logical and smart about weight loss, but I showed a gain today (weighing weekly) and I'm disappointed.

I need to remember a few things:
1. Exercise is fairly new, I've been sore daily. Probably holding at least a little water from this cause.
2. Over eating weekend. I quick added calories because we got married and I didn't spend our wedding day or our one day honeymoon counting calories. I'm hoping I estimated way over, but I could be wrong! Up to 2lbs worth of wrong maybe...
3. I'm still playing with weight loss rate and how much to eat. I need to understand that I have my goal set to 1lb a week so I'm not going to be seeing big jumps, but I had previously seen a 1lbs loss the week before. Perhaps my calories are indeed correct I just need to keep sticking to that number to judge my plan appropriately. I did set my activity level back to sedentary in the past few days from being overly tired and getting many fewer steps each day. So that took away a few calories.

I'm writing in to say: I'm up on the scale but I'm not letting it derail my plans. I can still have pizza for dinner, in my home we've been doing really well at having veggies for at least half our plates at dinner and I'm proud of that change.
Im also proud of exercising my body more, weight loss or not that's a good habit to be building. I just have to keep going, keep coming in under my calories, and stay positive! It's a process that will be ever evolving for my whole life so I'm in no hurry and I know I will get it figured out.

Anyone else having little tests of faith in their process? Any plans to make adjustments or are you waiting it out like I am?


  • anne_driessen
    anne_driessen Posts: 55 Member
    I can relate :p but to be honest there are a number of factors that can contribute to random weight gain (did tou have a particularly large meal last week? Not drink as much water?drink a lot of water?) I do admire your determination not to give up though, but at the end of the day it is just a pound, its really nothing to worry about (maybe next week youll loose a pound and a half) I think you should definetly wait it out (at least a month) before making any changes.
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    Congrats on getting hitched!

    I had a pretty horrific week as far as calories went. I went to Austin to meet up with my two best girlfriends from high school, and then stayed for a work conference. Did you know that Austin has some of the best damned food in the history of the world?! No joke. And we ate ALL of the food. And we drank gallons of alcohol. And OF COURSE I gained weight, because you can't behave that way for a few days and expect not to.

    I'm trying to recognize it for what it was - a very rare occurrence. One that I hope to have again because my friends are fantastic and we like to eat and laugh and yell and drink and cuss and we would like to do those things together more often. You had a one-off converging of events leading to a perfect storm for weight gain. Just keep going, because that pound will come off, and then more will come off, and soon enough, you will be in reach of your goal.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    edited April 2016
    I can relate :p but to be honest there are a number of factors that can contribute to random weight gain (did tou have a particularly large meal last week? Not drink as much water?drink a lot of water?) I do admire your determination not to give up though, but at the end of the day it is just a pound, its really nothing to worry about (maybe next week youll loose a pound and a half) I think you should definetly wait it out (at least a month) before making any changes.

    I went back and added up all I could remember from the weekend, it was pretty carb and calorie heavy for sure. I'm positive that's hanging around, plus the exercise being so new still. I am going to stick with my 1900 goal for at least two more weeks, hope for no more majorly calorie rich weekends, and see if it goes down again. I use to see the overall pattern, definitely need to give it more time and data.

    You know actually decided given my recent pattern my "trend" weight is actually only up by 0.3lbs. I'm feeling better already!
  • VeloRat1969
    VeloRat1969 Posts: 18 Member
    Congratulations! - for staying level-headed, not letting it derail your plans, and being proud of some really good changes!

    Oh, and congratulations on getting married, too. :-)
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Congratulations on getting married! How exciting. I'm just glad that you actually enjoyed it instead of hanging onto your phone the entire time. :) Weight fluctuates so I wouldn't get so stressed about 1-2 pounds, especially during a weekend that you were celebrating a new chapter of your life. You're home now and ready to get back on track! Remember to keep drinking all your water, working out, and making good food choices. :) I still eat pizza and have dessert. The only difference now, is that I'm not eating 4 slices of pizza and I save part of the dessert for later. :) Good Luck! and Congratulations again!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Can I be proud of a total stranger? Cuz I am totally proud of you! Thinking and reasoning through, rather than freaking out and quitting. I love it!

    I agree it's probably water weight. Keep doing the right things! You got this!

    Congratulations on your wedding!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,712 Member
    Congrats on the wedding and also for being so level-headed! Your thinking and reasoning will surely bring you success.

    I hope you found a dress you liked! I may have you mixed up with someone else but I think you posted something about having to shop for a dress quickly. If not, I apologize.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Congrats on the wedding and also for being so level-headed! Your thinking and reasoning will surely bring you success.

    I hope you found a dress you liked! I may have you mixed up with someone else but I think you posted something about having to shop for a dress quickly. If not, I apologize.

    Nope, probably me! We found a corset that fit and looked great over the top of a cheaper dress, worked out great! Thanks :)
  • stephanie20314
    stephanie20314 Posts: 81 Member
    Congratulations on your marriage! Trying to log at all on a honeymoon is very commendable. You're doing great just by owning what you indulged in and moving on from it.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I wanted to check in, I haven't been weighing daily but given my worry about yesterday I wanted to see what was up today. Turns out all the water is gone and I am showing a consistent 1lb loss for the week, so I'd put on enough water to show a gain when there was a true loss. I'm confident in my plan now!