Forgot what to do to get smileys on form

auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat
Do you have the site I can go to , or tell me how to get something on my forum? I see some of yous have some really cute action emotions. Thank You:flowerforyou:


  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Do you have the site I can go to , or tell me how to get something on my forum? I see some of yous have some really cute action emotions. Thank You:flowerforyou:
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    It's like a secret club. I have asked that question over and over and no one has responded! :grumble:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey Gang,
    Well I can sure help you out, there are a number of methods MFP users use, here's one a number of folks use that's pretty darn simple once you've done it a couple of times. :wink:

    Well here's a good way to start a fun collection..... if you see one you like save it to a file (click quote on the message you see it on and paste it into a file to save..that's another method and then it will be in the correct img code...lower case)

    You can then also start an account on then place all the smilies you've collected from Internet smiley sites (careful for spyware, it's everywhere, I don't allow ANY cookies/adware,spyware etc. from any smiley sites and trust me there are MANY out there, many that want to take over your computer, some that won't..chose those!:laugh: ) and continue to collect in your PhotoBucket albumn. Then when you want to add something click open PhotoBucket (I keep my icon on a shorcut on my desktop...keeps it simple) and you will see various codes under the smiley, picture you've stored there. The one you want to always use will be labeled 'message boards'.... that has a certain code that will work on any message board.:happy: If you want to use something on you'll need to click on that particular code:wink:

    You'll know you have the correct one if you see an upper case IMG with brackets on either side of it. Now all you have to do is click it, it will automatically paste onto your computer clipboard. You are now ready to paste it in the message you'd like to use it in.

    One thing very important is to change the capital IMG to lower case and make sure you keep all the code the same ...brackets etc need to stay in place, when you are done, make the IMG's lower case and it should work out perfectly. :drinker:

    I believe someone above just shared a practice thread you can play around in to get the feel of doing this before trying it out on a current thread. That is an EXCELLENT thread for understanding how it works and a fun place to practice to get the hang of doing this, trust me you'll have FUN there:bigsmile:

    When ever you wonder if you have placed it correctly, click quote on a post and you will see how it's set up.

    I'll toss in a few here and you will how they look (click quote to view the code I used).... many folks get them from sites, Cheryl/Kell shared she gets them from Shannon and saves them to a Word file, that works as well.

    Ok, sorry this got long and I sure hope I haven't confused you by to much info to fast....please feel free to post any questions on here or better yet the practice thread Marla began called Photo Help...I'll bump it so you can find it easily:flowerforyou: :happy:

    Clear as mud?:laugh: :wink: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    86440203_vqaYRVDe_zz.gif11_2_104.gif ok here's some fun examples to play around with...:bigsmile:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Do you have the site I can go to , or tell me how to get something on my forum? I see some of yous have some really cute action emotions. Thank You:flowerforyou:

    if you search the web for .gifs you shall find many many sites:drinker:

    Have fun! Before long you'll be teaching someone else!:wink:

  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    OMG..:noway: I have bubble in my brain. That sounds difficult.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    OMG..:noway: I have bubble in my brain. That sounds difficult.
    :huh: lol doing the smilies? nah, not difficult...easy peasy once you get the feel for it, and it's loads of fun and really adds spark to your posts ...the smilies here on MFP are great but well, ya need a 'shrug' once in awhile...and tons of other ones to express yourself uniquely:laugh:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    Ok just follow the 'photo help' thread I just bumped and you'll see the chip guy there waiting for you!!:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    It's like a secret club. I have asked that question over and over and no one has responded! :grumble:
    ah I'm sorry, no secret clubs here...I hadn't seen a post where you had asked...sorry I missed it..but now you can play!! You can add .gifs to your signature ticker line as well!:bigsmile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Can one of you come over and help me?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Can one of you come over and help me?
    Hey you're doing GREAT....all you need to do is place brackets [ img ] (close space and place this in front of the link you have) then at the tail end [ /img ] (close spaces)
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    try it again only this time lower case img :)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Two that I use...

    Copy the text to the right of the smiley and paste it in the post reply box and you are done.


    Copy the properties text where its says URL under the smiley and then paste it here between the bracketed img command.
    You will have to type those in manually.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    It's like a secret club. I have asked that question over and over and no one has responded! :grumble:

    :frown: :embarassed:

    I was kidding when I said it was a secret. :laugh: Sorry :flowerforyou:

    I thought I also included that I stole them from Shannon and saved the links to a word document. But I really don't know the actual link. Carl put it up not too long after you asked for it too. Maybe you didn't go back to look. But I couldn't tell you the actual site even if I wanted to. I just do the quote thing and then copy the link from the person that had the smilie. Then I save the link to a word document or some are actually saved to my blog. I made my blog private though because I didn't think anyone would want to go in and read that. :ohwell: :laugh: When I post I just copy and paste the link in between the [ img] and [ /img] (remember not to put a space between the [ and the img like I did here...I just did that so it shows you these words instead of a big red x because the computer will see my words in between the [ img] and [ /img] and not recognize it as a link, therefore inserting the asdf:bigsmile: .....Did I confuse you? I just confused myself.

    Good thing FC is around her version made more sense. :laugh: looks like she explained it pretty well. :smokin: I'm sorry I get goofy sometimes. But need to take me seriously. I like to keep the mood light and make people smile:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
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