Low belly fat

So I hear as you lose a lot of weight you stomach sags but I have always had lower belly fat:/

If I continue to do cardio until I hit my goal weight then tone will that work ?

What should I do to get rid of the low belly fat?

Please help bc I was told u can't w out surgery I don't want that


  • msanitaml
    msanitaml Posts: 6 Member
    I have it as well and depending on how much you are speaking of you might not be able to get it flat like you see on others. I have lost 100 lbs and still had it just kept up the cardio and Ab strength I know there is no hope for me because of two c- sections
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    So I can lose it if I keep cardio and ab workouts? I don't want muscle I just want thin and I don't want surgery. I had two kids, I just hope it goes away as I keep losing?
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    The bad news:
    • The type of exercise you do will have no effect on belly fat other than create a greater calorific deficit.
    • "Toning" will not remove belly fat.
    • To a large extent, genetics determines where you lose weight from and, for many, this means the belly goes last.

    The good news:
    • With sufficiently low enough body fat the tummy fat will have gone.
    • "Toning" type exercises will improve muscle tone under that layer of fat and will both improve appearance, posture and health - there is no reason to wait, add in strength exercises now alongside your cardio.

    In short - carry on and eventually the tummy fat will go.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    Thank u so much bc I don't want surgery I want to lose it by eating calorie deficit and working out! :)
  • senennieves
    senennieves Posts: 106 Member
    Im 5-9 inches and 320, according to bmi charts, etc, etc, normal weight is 154 - 169 lbs, i dont think 169 lbs is enough for me, i like s more stronger 180-200, i am concerned with loose skin and will not have any surgery for it im 53 years old, its more of being healthy, being fit and looking decent, i was told to lift weight and build muscle, that by building muscle this will aiding helping fill in the areas with loose skin to make the appearance not look so bad,plus i am trying to get off my blood pressure medication, my doctor told me to loose alot of weight, exercise and clean up my diet, any advice from anyone would be appreicated.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Im 5-9 inches and 320, according to bmi charts, etc, etc, normal weight is 154 - 169 lbs, i dont think 169 lbs is enough for me, i like s more stronger 180-200, i am concerned with loose skin and will not have any surgery for it im 53 years old, its more of being healthy, being fit and looking decent, i was told to lift weight and build muscle, that by building muscle this will aiding helping fill in the areas with loose skin to make the appearance not look so bad,plus i am trying to get off my blood pressure medication, my doctor told me to loose alot of weight, exercise and clean up my diet, any advice from anyone would be appreicated.

    You need to follow a progressive weight programme to preserve your existing muscle from being overweight as you lose weight

    Programmes like


    You need to eat at a calorie defecit to lose weight...put in your stats and eat to MFP's numbers by logging accurately

    Don't worry about your skin....you need to lose the excess weight as instructed by your doctor and you can determine your end goal weight once you get closer ...
  • Stefan_Bogdan
    Stefan_Bogdan Posts: 19 Member
    So I hear as you lose a lot of weight you stomach sags but I have always had lower belly fat:/

    If I continue to do cardio until I hit my goal weight then tone will that work ?

    What should I do to get rid of the low belly fat?

    Please help bc I was told u can't w out surgery I don't want that

    If you have only a bit of belly fat , that will go away very very slowly :P
    The best exercise would be jump rope because it has a small benefit of telling the body that your belly fat is moving and it might try to burn it . It is not a warranty but it does help. Jump rope is the best cardio that you could do anyway so try it :p
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    @rabbitjb nice to see you back on the forums. Top quality information as per usual.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    Check out this thread in the success stories forum and follow the advice of @rabbitjb for a smaller stomach. Most of the women with results I admire lift heavy and eat a lot of food.

    The people that look "too muscular" to me, personally, are working their *kitten* off to be stronger and achieve an aesthetic that appeals to them. Some are on an intentional cut for a competition and have what I think of as to die for sexy results in the off season. They have to work really, really hard for a result that they love. "Muscly" doesn't happen accidentally overnight.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    The best exercise would be jump rope because it has a small benefit of telling the body that your belly fat is moving and it might try to burn it . It is not a warranty but it does help. Jump rope is the best cardio that you could do anyway so try it :p

    I'm pretty sure that this is total, utter, and complete rubbish but if you have some further information to back this statement up, I'd be really interested to see it.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Thanks @StealthHealth :)

    Jumo rope :bigsmile: