Any of you need to lose no more than 10 pounds??


I am in a little bit of a dilemma or so I think... I only need to lose 10 pounds right now. I have lost 7 pounds since the beginning of the year before I signed up for this program. My dilemma is that I don't get the support from anyone who finds out I am on a "diet". I say "diet" because all I am trying to do is make better food choices, try to not overeat and stick to my exercise program until I reach my weight goal (130lbs) and then maintain... People only say smart remarks such as "why are you on a diet?" "You don't need to lose any weight?" etc etc. Does anyone of you get the same reaction? Any of your spouses not being supportive?



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    I am in a little bit of a dilemma or so I think... I only need to lose 10 pounds right now. I have lost 7 pounds since the beginning of the year before I signed up for this program. My dilemma is that I don't get the support from anyone who finds out I am on a "diet". I say "diet" because all I am trying to do is make better food choices, try to not overeat and stick to my exercise program until I reach my weight goal (130lbs) and then maintain... People only say smart remarks such as "why are you on a diet?" "You don't need to lose any weight?" etc etc. Does anyone of you get the same reaction? Any of your spouses not being supportive?

    I get the same response.. i am 130 and wanna be 125.. i have lost 30 pounds so dar and everyone is convincing me to stop where i am BUT wen u have a goal in mind it is very difficult to just disregard it!! I know wat u are going through and the last pounds are the hardest and most stubborn dont u think!!!?? i am here ot support u all the way!!! U CAN DO IT
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I have 20 minimum to lose, and it's getting much harder - I knew it would. I don't get smart remarks like that, but I do get my sister-in-law providing foods that I know I can't resist, and which are fattening. I tried to stay away from the chips and salsa, for example, but her look was so hurt.... I did eat quite a few of them, but didn't eat as much of the other stuff.

    I don't mind the "smart remarks" - wish I got more of them, because I know there's a difference in what I looked like before. I just want people around me to not try to sabotage my efforts, if you know what I mean. :frown:
  • dawnmsimpson
    I'm also going through the same thing. My goal was to get under 124 for Army weight standards so that I wouldn't be crash dieting the month before weigh-ins. My goal is to be at the minimum weight for my height (117 lbs) so that I wouldn't have to worry that I just gained a couple of pounds. So many people ask me why I'm "dieting" because I'm "thin enough". However, it's not simply just a "diet". Like you, I'm trying to change the way I'm eating so that I'm making healthier decisions and maintaining a certain weight. We are all here to support you! Good luck!
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    I get that reaction all of the time, I have found very little support amongst my family or friends or colleagues, but I am not doing this for them and I tell them so. So as they stuff their faces and complain they are unhappy with their weight ,I snicker inside at the hipocracy of their comments and continue with my journey. As for the husband, I have told him I will eat on my plan and he can have the modified version I cook, he knows not to make comments anymore. I have noticed fewer comments now then in the beginning though from people, I guess they are getting used to seeing me slimmer now.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    No I don't actually, what a bummer :laugh: Well my workout partner says it, he swears up and down that I'm at 15% body fat, but I know I'm up near 20%. But he'd never ask why I was 'dieting' (which we call cutting) because he and I both want to be competitive bodybuilders, and that's what you do until you can bulk/maintain. My family doesn't ask about it much, and other non-lifting friends, of whom I just have a couple, know that I'm not just 'on a diet'.
  • erkuhns79
    I'm in the same boat. I only need to lose 8 pounds to get to my goal of 135. Problem is, all my friends and family already think I'm there (or even below that) they give me a hard time and tell me I'm getting too skinny. I hardly think a size 8 is too skinny. I even had one friend ask me if I had an eating disorder!! Is he nuts?!? I love to eat...question me about an eating disorder when I drop down to 100 pounds and still think I'm fat.

    I was at a holiday party where I told a group of family members that I decided to become a vegetarian. Of course, that started a discussion. When I mentioned that I do 'walk away the pounds' someone said "and what pounds are you walking away?" Don't people understand that exercise for some is more then just losing weight?

    I'm right there with ya sister!
  • mdcroft
    mdcroft Posts: 37 Member
    I have experienced a similar reaction from people, I've so far managed to lose about 35 lbs and would like to lose 10-15 more which would give me a bmi of about obviously I know I'm healthy. It helps to keep in mind that a lot of times people are just trying to be supportive, letting you know that you look good already, and probably don't actually mean that you are so thin you shouldn't lose more. It's just something you say ya know? I'm sure i'm guilty of telling someone that :)

    I sometimes respond to remarks by informing people I'm not dieting, I'm choosing a healthy diet and way of life. It's the truth, right?
  • alaskagal
    Right there with you!

    While my spouse has learned not to give me hard time in the beginning it was a rough transition.
    I'm hoping to lose 6 pounds to reach my goal of 125. I find this particularly difficult right now as I'm in the midst of 'hormone hell' (aka the CHANGE) Since I'm not technically overweight I've wondered if it's even reasonable to try to lose weight at this point in my life. Is it possible to be going through the 'change', lose weight, and still maintain your sanity? I'd certainly welcome any advice or insight.

    Meanwhile, I support you all the way. :happy:
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    Yeah. I actually want to lose about 10 more pounds. It seems harder to lose the weight now. Even though I exercise and eat around 1200-1500 calories a day I still dont lose. Is that normal? Or is my metabolism just really slow?
  • dianabarron127
    dianabarron127 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with you! 13 pounds to loose! Everyone is at least 40 plus pounds overweight in my family so yeah 140 pounds (the heaviest i've ever been!) on a 50 year old women sounds morbid to them!!! But I'd rather eat healthy all the time with an occasional splurge, instead of having to live on pills for diabetes, and high blood pressure etc...So I've started excersing and because I've never really excersied consistantly I hope my body goes into some sort of shock and I don't have to deal with the slump that a lot of dieters go through! I know it's harder as you get older! Anyway, keep your head up and focus on living a long time because you are putting good stuff in your body!!
  • healthychic
    I get the same reactions from everybody!! I hate that. I mean, we know we aren't overweight, we just want to look the way WE want to look. I don't get why people don't understand that, but anyways, I hope you reach your goals! I have the same goal, i want to lose 15 pounds
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thank you so much to all of you!!!! I feel soooooo much better now... Oh heck, they are just jealous right???? Hee hee :laugh: Have a great day!!!!!
  • sundaygirl85
    I mean, we know we aren't overweight, we just want to look the way WE want to look.

    This is exactly it. I just want to feel comfortable and confident with my own body, and to do that I'd like to be nearer the bottom end of the 'healthy weight for height' range than the top. So I've lost about 14lbs already (my original goal), but now I'm here I'd like to lose 5lb more. I'm single, so my main problems come from my mum - "But you don't need to lose any weight" etc etc... It's all part of the challenge, I guess!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Right there with you!

    While my spouse has learned not to give me hard time in the beginning it was a rough transition.
    I'm hoping to lose 6 pounds to reach my goal of 125. I find this particularly difficult right now as I'm in the midst of 'hormone hell' (aka the CHANGE) Since I'm not technically overweight I've wondered if it's even reasonable to try to lose weight at this point in my life. Is it possible to be going through the 'change', lose weight, and still maintain your sanity? I'd certainly welcome any advice or insight.

    Meanwhile, I support you all the way. :happy:

    And i thought this was just me....I have about 10 pounds to lose to get to 125 and have been here about a month with only a pound lost. I don't know what is going on with my body lately...I agree with the "hormone hell" part!........Maintain sanity?...i guess time will tell
    Since we are all experiencing the same thing.. I wanted to ask do u find it harder to lose these last few pounds.. OR is it just me???
  • filergirl
    Since we are all experiencing the same thing.. I wanted to ask do u find it harder to lose these last few pounds.. OR is it just me???

    It's hard!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I"m at my goal weight from last year (I lost the 7 I gained starting the school year again). But, now I want to lose 5 more (to get to 130). As it gets closer, I think I might be able to hit 125 - big maybe. I almost have the opposite problem. He doesn't see any reason for me not to get to 125 (i'm 5'6"). I also am lucky enough to have a friend that is in the same boat as me so we can help encourage each other :bigsmile:

    I found this and posted it last week, but this might be a good thread to post it for too. IT's a happy weight thing from

    It told me that my happy weight is only 2 pounds a way :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cosbykids3
    Thank you for the Happy Weight calculator! Even though my goal is 122 lbs, (wedding day weight, 10 yrs ago!) My happy weight is 139 ( I'm 5'7")! I feel SOOO much better! I started w/ my sister-in-law on January 11th and I've lost from 136 to 128! She and I have the same goals, so it's really nice to have each other to call and say "Put down the Oreo and get on the tredmill!" Good luck!