34 - 5'8 - 100lbs to lose - need friends and support

I've lost 21lbs already but I'm finding it really hard. I need some help / support. Someone to talk to who understands


  • squishypartsruley
    squishypartsruley Posts: 5 Member
    Losing 21lbs already speaks volumes about what you're capable of. Dust yourself off, draw a line under what's happened and keep going. And keep your head up !! S.
  • JoshuaJarrett
    JoshuaJarrett Posts: 21 Member
    Hey man we are close to the height and weight I have already lost nearly 80 lbs myself..I'm not a dietitian but I can easily be supportive.
  • kriskrossness
    kriskrossness Posts: 152 Member
    Heya! Congrats on the 21 already lost. That's amazing. You are already doing so well. It is so difficult. I'm just starting over again.
  • MissWonderWoman81
    MissWonderWoman81 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for you messages :):):):)
  • xxxglaxxx
    xxxglaxxx Posts: 327 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was 209lbs when i decided that it's time to lose weight. Im about 160lbs now. Still have a long way to go but would love for us to help and support each other :)
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    21lbs is awesome. We all have ups and downs in this journey. Take it one day at a time. If you have to...one meal at a time. You got this.
  • tostuermann
    tostuermann Posts: 12 Member

    Definitely add me! I'm always on MFP so I'm always here to talk things through!
  • bobbydunx
    bobbydunx Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats on your 21lbs! That is fantastic. Find a reason why you want to lose, a reason that drives you every day, and then just keep thinking about the next 5 lbs and you'll get there.
  • fontes830
    fontes830 Posts: 58 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)
  • macm40
    macm40 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Always looking for new friends and support along the way. Anybody else please add me too.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. Have lost almost 72 lbs. Have 22 lbs to go.
  • jessmks
    jessmks Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to the community. I have 150 lbs to lose. I just found out last week I am prediabetic and am allergic to wheat, gluten, and dairy. Time for me to kick it up many notches. I am 38 and 5'7".
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I'm your height and on the same journey. Friend request on the way!