Working Moms trying to fit it all in and lose 50+ pounds

I've been on and off here and need to get serious. I've got a sedentary job, a 15, 13 and 5 year old, spend most of my free time driving them to activities and attempting to get my masters degree. Trying to lose about 80 pounds and be a good role model for my kids on healthy living. Looking for support!


  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Add me if you like :) my kids are 11, 7, and 7 months. I'm down 42 pounds since the little one was born with 23-28 left to go. I'm on maternity leave right now but go back to work full time in july.
  • EqualsInfinity
    EqualsInfinity Posts: 3 Member
    Our weight loss goals are different but the rest is similar. I run a business so I'm never off the clock. I work from home on my laptop every evening. I'm single so I manage every aspect of my household, run my kids around, etc. I get it. I knew I needed to eat better for my health and as an example for my kids. I knew I needed to be more active because I felt completely exhausted all the time. Extremely so. I used to think I didn't have time to cook more often. Honestly, I didn't want to. Work out? Yeah, right! Ain't nobody got time for that! But those were my excuses. I started out by finding the easiest changes I could make to what we already eat. Whole grain pasta and 95% ground beef. Wraps instead of bread. Chicken soups and casseroles with better ingredients. Oven baked chicken strips. Oven baked anything that's traditionally deep fried (I've never fried much). Bolthouse ranch has replaced Hidden Valley as a staple in our house. Fiber/protein bars -especially pre-sports- instead of snack cakes. Finding healthy recipes we like has been so much more fun than I thought! It takes my focus off everything else for a little while and it's enjoyable to me. I'm not a planner so I never used to know what I'd eat at any meal until it got close to meal time. I plan all meals in advance now, even if it's only for one day. No stress over what's for dinner, zero chance of grabbing take out. I spend less on food now and I was convinced eating healthier would cost more. I invested in a food processor, a spiralizer, food scale, a good cast iron skillet. I still don't spend much time cooking. It wouldn't work for my schedule. Google never fails to find me meals that are delicious, healthy and quick. The recipe section here at MFP is my favorite!

    I started exercising at home doing body weight exercises along with YouTube videos. I started with the 7 minute videos. I could find 7 minutes! I set a timer to get up and move at work. I bought a kettle bell and switched to kettle bell videos. I added my YouTube workouts to nights. I walk when my kids are at practice. I am starting 5x5 lifts next. If I can't fit the gym in my schedule I won't hesitate to buy a home gym rack, bar, etc. piece by piece as I can afford it because lifting for the rest of my life is a major goal for me. I used to be good at it.

    Through this long message I guess the take away is I had to figure out what works for me and it had to work permanently. I decided I'd rather be thinking of other things than how badly I felt every day about poor eating and a sedentary lifestyle. I set little goals for myself but I have no "finish" date. I don't beat myself up if I miss a workout or have to adjust my meal plan. Life happens. But I don't stay in a pattern of inactivity or eating differently than I want.

    From one busy mom to another, jump all the way in. You can do this.
  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    Wow! What a motivating post. I'm trying to break it down into tiny goals and not beat myself for a bad day. I'm trying to make healthy in every inch of time I can find. Thank you!
  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    I am a mom of two and I work a desk job as well. I wake up at 4:30 am to get my 1 hour of cardio. During lunch, I walk and I get at least 5,000 steps in during my lunch hour alone.

    Both of my parents passed away at a young age and it is my main motivation to get to a healthy weight (and maintain it). This is actually the first time I've reached a "normal" weight during my adult life. I weighed 240 pounds when I turned 18. I am now at 145 pounds, which is the upper threshold for normal weight for my height.I still have 15-20 pounds left to lose, but I am confident that I'll get there.

    The point is, you can do it. It might be a longer timeline. It might be more difficult than where you were 18 and single. But it can be done.
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    Mom of one kid, age five, and a total desk jockey 8-10 hours a day here. I've managed to lose a little over 50 so far, but I still have around 50 left to go. I'll send you a friend request. :smile:
  • mrslcadams
    mrslcadams Posts: 1 Member
    Hi fellow Moms, I have 4 children from 3 to 13 and am struggling to keep up. I have a sedentary job but very demanding (10-14 hour days). My meal planning and exercise struggle as I feel like I run out of time in the day to get it all done. As you can likely imagine, I don't get much sleep and my weight is out of control. I would appreciate joining a group that gets it. I'm starting the journey to healthy.
  • EqualsInfinity
    EqualsInfinity Posts: 3 Member
    jlvgriffin wrote: »
    Wow! What a motivating post. I'm trying to break it down into tiny goals and not beat myself for a bad day. I'm trying to make healthy in every inch of time I can find. Thank you!

    I didn't get a notification that there were any replies, I'm sorry! I had to start small or it would've overwhelmed me. I'm rooting for all of us! :)
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm on my way to lose 100, currently down 56. I have a traveling husband, work full time in a town 45 minutes away, have a 2 year old son, and 7 &11 year old stepchildren. My job is also sedentary (so sedentary that I developed a slipped disc!) but I still make it to the gym three times a week and consistently lose 2 pounds each week. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • EatPrayLove37
    EatPrayLove37 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I sent everyone here a friend request, just because as a 35 year old working single mum of 3 children (7/4/2 years) I need all the help and support I can get! Its interesting to read your stories. Meal planning is so important to me as a busy mum, but its really difficult to find meals that are quick, easy and kid friendly without eating the same thing all of the time. Feel free to add me and keep me accountable.
  • mauimarie
    mauimarie Posts: 14 Member
    Great thread and shares. I have an 18 month old who goes non stop. Took time off to be with her and now returning to work. Like EatPrayLove 37-meal planning is crucial-quick and easy-but not the same thing every day. I seriously think I've reached my broccoli-threshold!
    Three weeks ago I cut out sugar, caffeine, flour and eating after dinner. Feel like I'm white-knuckling it some days.
    I've made my food diary public.
    Feel free to add me !
  • chrystenfo
    chrystenfo Posts: 35 Member
    On my way down- lost 20 of the 50 I want to lose. My boys are 6 and 3 and I work full time. The biggest change for me is changing what is convenient. I always have a can of soup or lean cuisine around. I stock healthy snacks, like a cheesestick or almonds. I mostly eat poorly because I don't have the energy left to think about food, so I grab something easy on the way home. Now, it is actually easier to eat at my desk than go out (plus I have time to get a workout in at lunch), or go home and make the boys sandwiches instead of having to waste the time going out to get something. Making sure that healthy food is convenient made a huge difference. Sometimes, I forget or run out of time to grab my lunches for the week at work. So, on my lunch break on Monday, I will go to the store and buy stuff I can have for the week. I would much rather use my lunch break for that than sitting at the drive through. Just remember, your biggest changes in weight come from diet. I exercise 3 days a week, which is all I can fit my head around right now.